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Has Panasonic Killed Off Cinema Lenses?


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34 minutes ago, Jon Jacobs said:

Sigh. Another clickbait thread started by a bored expat retiree with clearly nothing to do but worry about things pros long ago consigned to the "crap amateurs obsess about in order to have an excuse to not actually, you know, do work" file.

Sorry folks but is this really what this site has become? A bored retiree starts clickbait threads and the rest of you auto-respond? 

Andrew, time to let the domain reg expire and do something with your life. You're still a young man, you have time to become something more vital than this. 


I’m sure @Andrew Reid and the rest of us could profit from your sage advice.


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1 hour ago, Jon Jacobs said:

Sorry folks but is this really what this site has become? A bored retiree blah, blah...

What a shitty thing to think. The need to write it publicly is something you'll have to work out with whatever dark god you worship.

In the meantime, go take an exuberantly youthful selfie with your latte and shut the fuck up.

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Heck a GH5s has way better Pro specs now than a 1DC had then. With a Speedbooster on one, why not a Pro movie? Not much I can see holding it back, other than Raw, and some handy external controls. I mean damn in the last few years cameras have jumped light years ahead in ability that we can afford to buy now.

And who knows what this NAB is bringing all yet? Heck maybe the GH5s will have ProRes Raw added to it! I have no clue what it would take to do it?

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Shot on What alone lists dozens features and shorts shot with the BMPCC, which at one time sold for as little as $500. 


4 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

Cinema lenses are ultra expensive for many more reasons than just doing a focus pull 

If you read my post, you would have seen that I wrote that already. Geez...

But $750 for true cinema lenses that compare favorably to the Zeiss CPs is not expensive by any stretch of the imagination.

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19 minutes ago, jonpais said:


Shot on What alone lists dozens features and shorts shot with the BMPCC, which at one time sold for as little as $500. 


Astonishingly they'e still selling secondhand for more than that!


Hopefully the new BMPCC4K will push down hard prices of the secondhand  original BMPCC

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37 minutes ago, jonpais said:

Shot on What alone lists dozens features and shorts shot with the BMPCC, which at one time sold for as little as $500. 


If you read my post, you would have seen that I wrote that already. Geez...

But $750 for true cinema lenses that compare favorably to the Zeiss CPs is not expensive by any stretch of the imagination.

Zeiss CP.2's are getting pretty long in the tooth in this day and age. They came out in 2010. They are HD lenses , not really 4k ready at the time. But they are still a damn nice lens. Now the CP.3's just came out last year, 2017.  But they are a lot better made Cine lens than a Veydra, but for the money they  hard to beat for people like most of us. They probably would be hard to tell the difference if you didn't know which was what. But the Zeiss lenses will just about last forever. But for the price they Ought too.

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16 minutes ago, jonpais said:

hmmm $750 vs. $4,500.... ?

Nobody Ever said shooting video was cheap! :grimace: Heck some of the new 4k B4 lenses are 50,000 bucks!!

Just found this. The bottom video shot in London is damn impressive with it.


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@jonpais Interesting thread.  My (little) experience on film sets is more than enough to understand the benefits of being able to prepare a focus pull in advance.

In order to add to the completeness of this thread for those lurking out there, in addition to the benefits of cinema lenses already mentioned, IIRC they are also designed so that all the lenses in a set are the same weight (which means not having to re-balance gimbals or adjust steadicam rig counterweights when changing lenses), will also share the same filter size (to enable one set of filters) and will have the same spacing of gears so that remote controllers for focus pulls or zoom lenses don't have to be adjusted.

The total hourly rate of a film set is absolutely huge, and these lenses are designed so that they are quick to change and use.  

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12 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

Guy has 6 posts on here and 5 of them are Totally Retarded! Good way to start off.

It’s patently offensive to use the term “retarded” as an insult. Even in hillbilly states like Ohio. 

And I’ll put my 5 posts of criticsm up against your 1,903 posts of rambling nonsense any day. Another bored retiree, clogging the site with incoherent Fox level rants when the rest of us just want to learn how to get the most out of prosumer video cameras. 

I’ll say it again. Andrew, it’s time to put this site down and get on with your life. It was once a thriving source of GH hacking info but as Panasonic cameras have become so good that hacking is no longer needed, the brain drain has left you wth these two bored retirees shaking their fists at clouds and talking uninformed nonsense about motion cadence and cinema lenses. Because when you’re just a hobbyist shooting furtive 20 second videos of Vietnamese women in grocery stores, you need clickless aperture. 

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2 hours ago, Jon Jacobs said:

It’s patently offensive to use the term “retarded” as an insult. Even in hillbilly states like Ohio. 


Gee I thought calling you Retarded was a compliment! Why don't you go back to DPR where you belong, the kids table has been missing you. There have been plenty of stupid bastards like you come and go on here, we will get to laugh at your name off and on for years to come. You ought to be proud of making a total stupid ass of yourself on here.


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3 hours ago, Jon Jacobs said:

Because when you’re just a hobbyist shooting furtive 20 second videos of Vietnamese women in grocery stores, you need clickless aperture. 

You're absolutely right: I'm just a bored retiree shooting beautiful young Vietnamese women in grocery stores. I wouldn't wish this life on anyone. :) 

Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 11.36.39 PM.png

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14 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

Nobody Ever said shooting video was cheap! :grimace: Heck some of the new 4k B4 lenses are 50,000 bucks!!

Just found this. The bottom video shot in London is damn impressive with it.


Well it just got worse! How about 78,000.00 bucks.

https://***URL removed***/videos/4308961045/video-the-story-behind-canon-s-crazy-50-1000mm-cine-servo-lens

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19 hours ago, Jon Jacobs said:

Sigh. Another clickbait thread started by a bored expat retiree with clearly nothing to do but worry about things pros long ago consigned to the "crap amateurs obsess about in order to have an excuse to not actually, you know, do work" file.

Sorry folks but is this really what this site has become? A bored retiree starts clickbait threads and the rest of you auto-respond? 

Andrew, time to let the domain reg expire and do something with your life. You're still a young man, you have time to become something more vital than this. 


I don’t know this guy, but for some reason, he’s offended that I’m retired and living in Vietnam. He ridicules my work and contributions behind a veil of anonymity. He belittles a dozen or more other forum members for adding useful comments to the subject. He has the audacity to instruct the founder of the website how to run his business. And rather than sharing information, he has spent most of his time since joining EOSHD attacking other members, either for their age, their level of expertise, or because of their interest in still photography. 

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