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Hollywood Reporter - "In firing James Gunn, Disney hurts all of Hollywood"

Andrew Reid

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Really, I don`t understand why so much drama because of James Gunn was fired, he was working for a private corporation (Disney), not a public entity, if a private company you are working now realizes your past actions could damage the company future products, then they have the right to fire you, we are all under the same rules when you work for a private company, I am for sure, like many others. For sure James Gunn can continues doing his work somewhere else, it is not the end of the world, sad it happens to him, but those are the rules.....calm down people, not the end of the world, I am really more interested in the indie film market than holywood anyway, and Disney movies are total crap today, whoever is the director.....

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It’s not the end of the world, and James Gunn will be fine, as well as the cast. They’re wealthy enough to never have to work again. However, I feel audiences suffer with this shit. It’s going to get to the point where financers are not going to risk putting money into a potential ticking time bomb, or studios will water down everything to appeal (and not offend) to EVERYONE. 

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2 hours ago, AaronChicago said:

It’s not the end of the world, and James Gunn will be fine, as well as the cast. They’re wealthy enough to never have to work again. However, I feel audiences suffer with this shit. It’s going to get to the point where financers are not going to risk putting money into a potential ticking time bomb, or studios will water down everything to appeal (and not offend) to EVERYONE. 

I think a lot of this stuff here in the US is just a backlash against Trump. Seems mostly every women in America is pissed off about something, and young people are always pissed off but they have no clue why LoL.

You can almost bet the farm a Democrat will win the White House and things will swing back the other way for 4 to 8 years, maybe longer, and then the other half will be pissed off, but I doubt to the extent that the Hollywood Crazies are now. It is like a Hornets Nest has been stirred up now. But we are not alone, seems like the whole world is crazy. ?

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It does look like the knee-jerk reactionary "House of Mouse" execs will have to eat their words.

He has broad public support as well.

Pretty much 90% of the internet seems to want Gunn reinstated, with a lot of high profile sites running positive articles about him and the vast majority of the Reddit comments being along the lines of positive support, not of his tasteless jokes, but of the man himself.

Which makes the vastly more angry and negative response on the EOSHD forums even more hard to comprehend.

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16 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

It does look like the knee-jerk reactionary "House of Mouse" execs will have to eat their words.

He has broad public support as well.

Pretty much 90% of the internet seems to want Gunn reinstated, with a lot of high profile sites running positive articles about him and the vast majority of the Reddit comments being along the lines of positive support, not of his tasteless jokes, but of the man himself.

Which makes the vastly more angry and negative response on the EOSHD forums even more hard to comprehend.

Honestly, I have quite a lot of qualms with the whole concept of reinstating him.

This has nothing to do with the rights and wrongs in this case - he shouldnt have been sacked in the first place (from what I can see.)

It is more to do with whether 'everything should be judged by who can shout loudest in the internet court of public opinion'

It just seems an incredibly crappy way about going about things....

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3 hours ago, mercer said:

90% of this forum probably want Kidz, Squig, Axel, JCS and Damphouse reinstated, doesn’t mean it will happen. 

Go off and make your own forum, then you can ban or re-admit whoever you like.

3 hours ago, Robert Collins said:

It is more to do with whether 'everything should be judged by who can shout loudest in the internet court of public opinion'

It just seems an incredibly crappy way about going about things....

I wouldn't really call the entire cast signing a letter calling for his re-instatement, the court of internet opinion.

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1 hour ago, Andrew Reid said:

Go off and make your own forum, then you can ban or re-admit whoever you like.

I wouldn't really call the entire cast signing a letter calling for his re-instatement, the court of internet opinion.

Hey, I am the first person to agree with you. Your house, your rules... I’m just a guest here. But I cannot imagine the irony of the bans stemming from the original article is lost on you?

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There's no link. One is somebody with his own blog, who gets to choose who he reads daily on the forum, and if it's bullshit he reads daily, he gets bored and fed up of it and then chooses to delete said bullshit and the person responsible :)

The other is a film director with free-speech, who made appalling jokes on Twitter 10 years ago, in the guise of an Troma-style provocative act, then is witch-hunted 10 years later by a right-wing conspiracy theorist who raped his wife, and whom gets a man of good character and great talent sacked unfairly.

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Honestly, I didn’t even know who James Gunn was prior to this. I saw the first Guardians of the Galaxy and thought it was a fun movie. I don’t know if I would call Gunn a great talent, but he seemed to be a competent writer/director.

For me, this is clearly about Disney’s rights as a private corporation to hire/fire anybody they please based upon their brand.

Look at your brand, when Cantsin posted a video that intentionally tried to make you look bad and inflict harm on your reputation, both publicly and privately, you did the only thing you could, ban him. What he insinuated was despicable, not only to you but also to actual Holocaust survivors. You were actually a lot more cordial, and mature, about it than I would have been in that instance.

Either way, interesting discussion and crazy times we are living in. 

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Context is everything.

Here's an interesting article illuminating how the alt-right (in this case) have selectively use past internet comments to sucker-punch their enemies, including Gunn's employer.

It's worth being very familiar with the tactic, so that it's more easy to identify and to see when your own viewpoint is being manipulated. It's a subset of general propaganda, given additional potency by the reach of the internet.

The mock outrage is systematically deployed in a way that will co-opt (infect) the target -  i.e. the general population, and vulnerable/fearful administrators and managers, to result in additional leverage against opponents.

The 2016 US election was rife with it.

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Actually, Disney is fascist.

Anyone remember  the Scorsese film Kundun (1997)? At the time of release, China told Disney to limit the release to small Western art house theatres or be denied access to their market. Disney dropped to its knees and did exactly that. So something like Gunn's firing shouldn't come as such a surprise and outrage. Though the vehicle is mildly interesting.

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I find this entire topic laughable. If you make questionable statements then you should be prepared to deal with the potential consequences when they come back and bite you. Doesn't mater if they come back 5 days or 5 decades later. No one should be exempt from the consequences of their action, period end of story.

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36 minutes ago, Dan Sherman said:

I find this entire topic laughable. If you make questionable statements then you should be prepared to deal with the potential consequences when they come back and bite you. Doesn't mater if they come back 5 days or 5 decades later. No one should be exempt from the consequences of their action, period end of story.

That's the thing... A joke is not a statement. It's not even real.

It's not an actionable intent.

It's an act. Said it time again. Learn to tell the difference between fiction and reality.

Or you'll be stoning comedians on stage at this rate.

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