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Is the 1DX2 still worth getting?


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Especially with all the upcoming cameras, it looks like an incredible camera, I need a secondary camera. Should I wait for the A7S3 or the new FF Panasonic, or bite the bullet and grab the 1DX2? I’m not bothered about buying new lenses or body as I’m not really invested in any ecosystem at this stage.


4K 60 is absolutely essential, weight isn’t an issue and needs good low light performance which leads me to believe the 1DX2 is perfect.

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The 1DXMK2 is an epic camera. It’s so good it feels like cheating. I had the GH5... and currently own the GH5S... have the X-T3 arriving today. Also own the Canon C200. Will be getting the P4k... but non of those cameras will replace my 1DXMK2. Certainty the Eos R will not. And while some will argue that the new R lenses are sharper, I will ask, are sharper lenses really the answer? Outside of scientific work I think the answer is probably “no”.

The 1DXMK2 has been with me since launch and I have never thought it’s 4K output or stills IQ lacked anything. I regularly cut its footage with the C200 without issue.

No regrets?

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Absolutely not. In a few days Panasonic will announce 2 4k60p FF camera. 
A7S III will have 4K60p too. 

I would not spend 6K on an 1.5Kg 2 years old camera with 1.3 crop when better lighter and cheaper is coming. 

AT LEAST wait for the announcements and rent a camera if you need until then. 

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I'm making an assumption here... given that you are in this forum and not some other forum, you are more inclined towards video.

And, given that you are not invested in any ecosystem, I recommend that you stay that way... if you are going to invest in lenses look at PL lenses. May be get 1 kit lens with whatever camera you want... this is the advice I give anyone, this way you are not disappointed with a particular brand/system for not bringing out the latest/finest. 

My current recommendation is get the X-T3.

If you want to wait for the Panasonic FF or A7S3... then wait... but you could be waiting and waiting and waiting for something better to come along all the time... if you need something now... well look at the options you have now.


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@wolf33d The Panasonic will not be out anytime soon... if ever with those specs. Keep in mind these are rumors and they are rumors about a prototype. Remember seven years ago when Panasonic showed that prototype organic sensor? Well we are still waiting on that one. So I would take any rumors with a grain of salt if looking to buy into a system in the near term. Also, a GH camera with those specs would render the EVA1 obsolete.

@mkabi Comparing the X-T3 to the 1DXMk2 is a bit strange to me. The Fuji is a great camera with great build, but I would never consider it to be a replacement for the 1DXMk2. For me it is a wonderful little travel camera, whereas the 1DXMk2 is a workhorse. I just got in the Fuji today, so who knows my opinion could change, but I really doubt it's going to. If you are planning on getting into a system, there is nothing at all wrong with Canon's flagship DSLR. 
As for the A7S3... is there not a rumor that Sony is planning to kill that camera? For myself, I don't buy rumors... unless we are talking stocks. When it comes to cameras I buy what is actually available... because, there will always be something better rumored... that's the point.



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  On 9/21/2018 at 2:15 PM, wolf33d said:

Absolutely not. In a few days Panasonic will announce 2 4k60p FF camera. 
A7S III will have 4K60p too. 

I would not spend 6K on an 1.5Kg 2 years old camera with 1.3 crop when better lighter and cheaper is coming. 

AT LEAST wait for the announcements and rent a camera if you need until then. 


Yeah but as someone else mentioned theres always something just around the corner. I might wait to hear what the A7SIII has to offer but if it takes more than 2 months i'll probably pick up the 1dx2. 


  On 9/21/2018 at 2:22 PM, mkabi said:

I'm making an assumption here... given that you are in this forum and not some other forum, you are more inclined towards video.

And, given that you are not invested in any ecosystem, I recommend that you stay that way... if you are going to invest in lenses look at PL lenses. May be get 1 kit lens with whatever camera you want... this is the advice I give anyone, this way you are not disappointed with a particular brand/system for not bringing out the latest/finest. 

My current recommendation is get the X-T3.

If you want to wait for the Panasonic FF or A7S3... then wait... but you could be waiting and waiting and waiting for something better to come along all the time... if you need something now... well look at the options you have now.


the X-T3 is definitely something that i'm intersted in, but after using my first full frame camera i don't think i'll ever be able to go back to a smaller sensor.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 3:09 PM, joshhr said:

Yeah but as someone else mentioned theres always something just around the corner. I might wait to hear what the A7SIII has to offer but if it takes more than 2 months i'll probably pick up the 1dx2. 


the X-T3 is definitely something that i'm intersted in, but after using my first full frame camera i don't think i'll ever be able to go back to a smaller sensor.


@joshhr FF is great for stills, but in my experiance not so much for vidoe, where context is important to telling the story. The 1DXMk2 shoots a little wider than S35 in video mode. It's more than enough. If you shoot FF with crazy dof, you will be hard pressed to keep anything in focus. There is a reason S35 is the standard for movies.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 3:15 PM, DBounce said:

@joshhr FF is great for stills, but in my experiance not so much for vidoe, where context is important to telling the story. The 1DXMk2 shoots a little wider than S35 in video mode. It's more than enough. If you shoot FF with crazy dof, you will be hard pressed to keep anything in focus. There is a reason S35 is the standard for movies.


I tend to do a bit of both, more so video but occasionally i'll take some photos for couples etc, the 1DX2 seems like a great option but i have my fingers crossed the A7SIII will blow my mind.

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I sold mine a few months ago and have no regrets. Yes, it has Canon color but the dynamic range is not as good as other current cameras on the market. (I compared the DR to the GH5, G9, A7III and a7RIII. In all cases, it was about 1 stop less.) I found that if you controlled your highlights in outdoor conditions, typically the shadows would get crushed.

Working in a controlled lighting condition? Great camera. Working out-of-doors in bright conditions? Never liked it.

Just as an FYI, I primarily do wildlife/nature filming and although the heavy AA filter is pleasing for skin blemishes, I'd rather use a less robust AA filtered sensor for wildlife. (Canon has robust AA filters for almost all of their cameras, which is great for skin but not so great for fur/feathers.)

What burned me more than anything else with this camera was the stupid decision by Canon NOT to include C-LOG. If it had C-LOG like the 5DM4, I will still be using this camera, but having only 10-11 stops of usable DR was a killer for me for what I do.

Still contemplating the C200 which for my needs would be great except for the price and heavy-handed AA filter.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 3:18 PM, joshhr said:

I tend to do a bit of both, more so video but occasionally i'll take some photos for couples etc, the 1DX2 seems like a great option but i have my fingers crossed the A7SIII will blow my mind.


If you are looking for a hybrid, the A7SIII will likely not be the best choice. The low resolution stills are not optimal. This is one of the reasons I picked up the Fuji for travel. It's small, takes good video, and shoots 26.1MP stills. It's a good allrounder. The 1DXMk2 looks like the "Pro" camera it is... it attracts attention. It's just a different beast altogether. I do enjoy my Sony cameras, but they are not what I would consider "Pro" bodies. The lack of weather-sealing is a disappointment.  But acceptable in a consumer camera. Ergonomically speaking, they do not handle as well as my other cameras. Colors from the Sonys always need to be massaged in post. But with consideration they can capture some great imagery. 

Many are expecting the A7SIII to have killer specs, but given Sony's pro line of camcorders, I wonder if they will really cram these specs into any Alpha series body? I have my doubts. I actually wonder if Sony will continues to make the A7S series. With it's low resolution, it is very much a niche camera... much like the GH5S is. Given these limitations on the stills side,  I think the A7S series, as well as the GH5S series and new P4k are actually Video cameras... not hybrids. When you look at them with this revised understanding, how do they compare to traditional video cameras? Food for thought. 

In the end only you can decide what is best for your needs. 

  On 9/21/2018 at 3:27 PM, ajay said:

Still contemplating the C200 which for my needs would be great except for the price and heavy-handed AA filter.


The C200 is awesome. RawLite is very flexible and the cameras produces lovely footage.

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Actually, super 35  has taken off since the ‘90s mainly because the lenses are smaller, faster, and cheaper to rent; there is a crazy abundance of glass to choose from; and it allows for high quality theatrical releases in practically any aspect ratio. Some directors find the look of LF cameras more immersive, but owing to their cost, they will likely be restricted to big budget productions for the foreseeable future. 

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Yeah Super 35 has taken off from the 90s... the 1890s.

Honestly, I kinda find all of this irrelevant anyway. The only difference it makes for me is FOV for my lenses. But since I prefer 2:35 or 2:39, I end up cropping even more out of the frame. Anything between FF and M4/3 is pretty much acceptable. And if I am looking for a really different aesthetic, FF with no letterbox gives that vista vision look, or a one inch sensor will give that S16 look. None of it is exact and most people who watch movies would even notice the difference or even care. But there really is something cool about FF... I just wouldn’t make a purchase decision on that alone. 

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You don’t give viewers enough credit. 

  On 9/21/2018 at 5:11 PM, mercer said:

Yeah Super 35 has taken off from the 90s... the 1890s.

Honestly, I kinda find all of this irrelevant anyway. The only difference it makes for me is FOV for my lenses. But since I prefer 2:35 or 2:39, I end up cropping even more out of the frame. Anything between FF and M4/3 is pretty much acceptable. And if I am looking for a really different aesthetic, FF with no letterbox gives that vista vision look, or a one inch sensor will give that S16 look. None of it is exact and most people who watch movies would even notice the difference or even care. But there really is something cool about FF... I just wouldn’t make a purchase decision on that alone. 



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@jonpais Maybe, or I just don’t care enough. There are so many other things to worry about with the one man band films I am working on that if a m4/3 camera has a feature that could help me, I’ll use that camera, or if a FF camera has a feature I need, I’ll use that camera. I think the story will trump the format used.

But that works for me, others have different needs and different intentions. But a lot of times it is also project specific. This winter I’m shooting a short that will benefit from the features of the FZ2500 and I’ll utilize the S16mm aesthetic when I plan my shots.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 3:01 PM, DBounce said:


@mkabi Comparing the X-T3 to the 1DXMk2 is a bit strange to me. The Fuji is a great camera with great build, but I would never consider it to be a replacement for the 1DXMk2. For me it is a wonderful little travel camera, whereas the 1DXMk2 is a workhorse. I just got in the Fuji today, so who knows my opinion could change, but I really doubt it's going to. If you are planning on getting into a system, there is nothing at all wrong with Canon's flagship DSLR. 



It’s just a personal recommendation... I’m not really comparing...

Im sure if we are pixel peeping, etc... we should be able to discern one camera from another and I’m talking specifically about the output (or end-product) of the cameras; and I’m not just talking about the 1dx2 vs XT3... you can include the GH5/S, A73, etc in this conversation... by the way... did you do that black and white Image Quality test between the 1dx2 versus the GH5S??? What were your findings?

My recommendation was based on small, simple, comparable IQ, relatively cheap (non-commitment type cheap), all the high-end specs in almost a throw away type camera... I feel anything in the $2K+ automatically and immediately gets you in the committed zone. Then, your defending your purchase decisions etc. You can build this camera up to be almost like the 1dx2... 

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  On 9/21/2018 at 11:47 AM, joshhr said:

4K 60 is absolutely essential


Is it though? Is it really? Seriously? 

As most budgets when 4K 60fps is "essential" can afford whatever cameras they like 

  On 9/21/2018 at 2:15 PM, wolf33d said:

I would not spend 6K on an 1.5Kg 2 years old camera with 1.3 crop when better lighter and cheaper is coming. 



1.3x crop, for 4K 60fps might as well buy a Panasonic GH5S and a focal reducer!


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The 1dxmk2 is a great camera to have. 

I will snap one if not for the price. In terms of image straight out of the can. No DSLR can compete with the 4k imho.

The mjpeg is very robust. If you are not keen about grading and just want something edit cut ready, then it's the cam to get.  Canon colours, Dpaf, almost full frame at 4k. Great stills.

The Down side for me is the price. If it was sub 3k then it's worth it. But at £4000 you are better of investing in a proper video cam.


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  On 9/23/2018 at 10:08 AM, Dunjoye said:

The 1dxmk2 is a great camera to have. 

I will snap one if not for the price. In terms of image straight out of the can. No DSLR can compete with the 4k imho.

The mjpeg is very robust. If you are not keen about grading and just want something edit cut ready, then it's the cam to get.  Canon colours, Dpaf, almost full frame at 4k. Great stills.

The Down side for me is the price. If it was sub 3k then it's worth it. But at £4000 you are better of investing in a proper video cam.



I have both the 1DXMk2 and C200, and I can tell you the are places the 1DXMk2 can go that the C200 cannot.  So it really comes down to where you are shooting.

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