Daria91 Posted February 15, 2019 Share Posted February 15, 2019 What is the best microphone for Canon to choose? How expensive differ from inexpensive, and which is better not to buy? The main task - weddings, anniversaries and home videos. I'm not satisfied with the built-in microphone because it records mono and records "everything", and the noise and wind ... Would you choose RODE VideoMic? Acceptable price and quality speak for themselves. But I still doubt... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowbro Posted February 15, 2019 Share Posted February 15, 2019 The RODE VideoMicro worked really good on the eos r, but not on the 5D/1D cameras because of the bad preamps. If you are using a canon dslr, you will need a mic with its own preamps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members BTM_Pix Posted February 15, 2019 Super Members Share Posted February 15, 2019 A posting history of precisely two posts and both with the same link to some no doubt dubious site. Cinegain 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cinegain Posted February 15, 2019 Share Posted February 15, 2019 I actually ate SPAM again recently. Kind of out of nostalgia. It smells like dog food, but it still tastes bomb. Had cut it up in little blocks and made an omelet with it. Kisaha 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members BTM_Pix Posted February 16, 2019 Super Members Share Posted February 16, 2019 I'm actually quite partial to a spam sandwich myself. And also to its spiritual brother, Bacon Grill. A childhood of camping defined those sorts of sophisticated tastes! Good grounding for the post Brexit food shortages as well. Cinegain, kaylee and User 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kye Posted February 16, 2019 Share Posted February 16, 2019 2 hours ago, BTM_Pix said: I'm actually quite partial to a spam sandwich myself. And also to its spiritual brother, Bacon Grill. A childhood of camping defined those sorts of sophisticated tastes! Good grounding for the post Brexit food shortages as well. Are you stockpiling food and supplies? I've read your Brexit comments with interest as I'm following the whole situation but you're the only person I know in England. My sister is in Scotland so she's in the same situation, but considering that Scotland has a different leaning and Brexit might well trigger another referendum for them to leave the UK and re-join the EU, she's effectively in a different boat than you. I wasn't really clear from your posts if you would end up staying in England or if you would head over to the continent. Your situation seems like there were pros and cons to both ??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronFilm Posted February 16, 2019 Share Posted February 16, 2019 9 hours ago, BTM_Pix said: A posting history of precisely two posts and both with the same link to some no doubt dubious site. My gut feeling when I first saw the post was "SPAM", but yup, the account history confirms that!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kisaha Posted February 16, 2019 Share Posted February 16, 2019 6 hours ago, kye said: Are you stockpiling food and supplies? I've read your Brexit comments with interest as I'm following the whole situation but you're the only person I know in England. My sister is in Scotland so she's in the same situation, but considering that Scotland has a different leaning and Brexit might well trigger another referendum for them to leave the UK and re-join the EU, she's effectively in a different boat than you. I wasn't really clear from your posts if you would end up staying in England or if you would head over to the continent. Your situation seems like there were pros and cons to both ??? I know I am not @BTM_Pix but I used to study, work, live in UK and the last couple of weeks I have been talking to a lot of my friends there. In Scotland they choose UK already. Do not let that fool you. They choose to hide behind London, like they do for hundreds of years. Of course our friends and family (I have many people in Glasgow and Edinburgh!) feel terrible about that, but that is the case. The invetible and so human time for war is coming! The alliances are forming for the re-arrangement of resources and grab landing. There is already one axis taking form with Russia-Turkey and Iran (which are ranked at about 2nd ,6th and 12th at war power rankings!), with China and India as the undecided factors and the power to change the course of war on their own - countries where were non factors in the previous world wars, mind you. Already UK is deploying their new plane carrier, and the ministry of defence declared the new strategic role of the Kingdom (kings and queens, same as it was thousands of years ago!) that will be more energetic around the world. They are strategically positioned in the far west of Europe, on an "easily" defended island, with the friendly US (still #1 in military power and resources) on the other side of the sea. Imagine how Poland feels squeezed between Russia and Germany for the most part of their history! Or south east Balkans that are invaded since ever (even Homo Sapiens invaded from there!). Financialy, it will be difficult in the beginning but after a few years, and when the UK have trade agreements with everyone it will be just business as usual. Until that happened, UK will loose a significant percentage of its GDP, which it will go to, mainly, Germany and other EU countries. Benelux countries with their free trade tradition will be benefited as well. Immigration is the other main issue. The rise of nationalism and far right powers (with xenophobic and fascist parties being in the parliaments, or even the government s of nations) lead to isolation and even more tension between countries. Trump declared US in emergency because he wants to build a wall, and needs a half dozen billions to do so! and some EU countries consider Russia a better example of a form of government. Brexit is the beginning of the cancelation of EU, and when that happened, it will be certain war. France already called back their chief diplomat from Italy, an unheard reaction to a stupid action of the far right/xebophobic Italian government, from 2 countries that traditionally have nothing to fight for. Syria and the middle east/Ukrain vs Russia/Caucasus/China vs the rest in the archipelago/India vs Pakistan/India vs China/Turkish nationalism from China (Oygours) to Germany (millions of Turkish there)/extreme and violent religious acts are some of the sparks that can ignite a world war right now. In 5 years there will be more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members BTM_Pix Posted February 16, 2019 Super Members Share Posted February 16, 2019 2 hours ago, Kisaha said: In Scotland they choose UK already. Do not let that fool you. They choose to hide behind London, like they do for hundreds of years. Of course our friends and family (I have many people in Glasgow and Edinburgh!) feel terrible about that, but that is the case. I'll answer more fully to @kye question about Brexit in general when I'm back from this job later but I'm just going to chime in about Scotland. Prior to their independence vote in 2014, the people of Scotland were told that the only way they could stay in the EU was to remain in the Union with the rest of the UK. A year later, the Conservative party won an unexpected majority at the general election and instigated their manifesto pledge of calling the Brexit referendum. The referendum was only in the manifesto to placate the right wing elements who might defect to UKIP and Cameron never thought it would have to be called because he expected to have a coalition government with the Liberal party who he knew would veto it. So he took a massive gamble to keep the warring factions of his own party together and it blew up in his face when they won the election outright. Fast forward a year later to the Brexit referendum and the people of Scotland of course voted to stay in the EU as that was the factor that had swung the vote in their independence referrendum but of course they end up being out of the EU by virtue of the number of Leave voters in England. So they have ended up being railroaded into staying in one Union that they barely wanted to be in and then forced out of another union that they did want to be in. They have been shafted royally in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members BTM_Pix Posted February 16, 2019 Super Members Share Posted February 16, 2019 13 hours ago, kye said: Are you stockpiling food and supplies? I've read your Brexit comments with interest as I'm following the whole situation but you're the only person I know in England. My sister is in Scotland so she's in the same situation, but considering that Scotland has a different leaning and Brexit might well trigger another referendum for them to leave the UK and re-join the EU, she's effectively in a different boat than you. I wasn't really clear from your posts if you would end up staying in England or if you would head over to the continent. Your situation seems like there were pros and cons to both ??? I'm on a diet so I'm not stockpiling anything at the moment ! The current situation is that with 41 days left we absolutely still don't know what is going to happen so we can't decide on anything. All we know for certain is that the cliff edge is there in 41 days time and the UK will be careering over it but all that remains to be seen is how hard we hit the ground. The worst case scenario is the 'no deal' where we leave without any form of continuity or transition arrangement with the EU and even the best case scenario of where we do have some form of deal will be infinitely worse than the current deal that we have with them. Because the Prime Minister can't get her deal through, due in part to it being pretty poor but also in part because of the lunatics in her own party who want to capitalise on the chaos of just crashing out, then the default position in law is no deal. Its really hard to express just how bad that it is. But when your own government is issuing statements that they are stockpiling body bags and other essential medicines and can't rule out deaths and having to instigate martial law when you ARE NOT IN AN ACTUAL FUCKING WAR then you know its not exactly what people voted for. Although, bizarrely, under some mass delusion there are many, many people claiming that no deal is what they actually voted for. Whatever happens, things just will never be the same again and the fact is that we have sleep walked into this because for 20+ years our national newspapers have been conditioning people to be anti EU by splashing front page headlines of bare faced lies about EU laws. Here is a list of them https://tompride.wordpress.com/2017/12/05/see-20-years-of-fake-news-about-eu-by-uk-press-vote-for-your-favourite-here/ When you just pick a few out at random such as "Church bells silenced by fear of EU law", "EU forcing cows to wear nappies", "EU to ban zipper trousers" or "English Channel to be renamed Anglo French Pond" you'd be forgiven for thinking it was some kind of satire or published by conspiracy theory obsessed fringe publications. But they're real. All of them. And all from our national newspapers. Because no one actually got a grip of them and said "now come on lads, this is absolute shite and well you know it" it just carried on and carried on and when it goes unchallenged it must be true, right ? Which then brings us on to the anti-immigration agenda they were able to keep promoting. That is just ONE national tabloid. But if you think they were acting in isolation, you'd be mistaken because they were all at it, with varying degrees of success in trying to mask the inherent racism in the message. The official Leave campaign thought nothing of pushing an anti-immigration message based around a single country. You can fill in the blanks yourself about why they chose that particular country. The official Leave campaign has been fined by the Electoral Commission for illegal spending and reported to the Police for criminal charges which you would imagine would've been enough for the result of the referendum to be declared void yet for some unknown reason the Police have had the file for several months and not pursued it. Weird, eh? I just can't see how, as a country, you can come back from this sort of insidious shit and the divisions its created for many, many years. Currently, I can't foresee a reason for me to stick around on the Island to wait for that to happen. kye and Kisaha 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leslie Posted February 16, 2019 Share Posted February 16, 2019 1 hour ago, Kisaha said: I know I am not @BTM_Pix but I used to study, work, live in UK and the last couple of weeks I have been talking to a lot of my friends there. In Scotland they choose UK already. Do not let that fool you. They choose to hide behind London, like they do for hundreds of years. Of course our friends and family (I have many people in Glasgow and Edinburgh!) feel terrible about that, but that is the case. kisara your usually pretty knowledgeable in these forums and i wouldn't question you on most camera related things however concerning britex and other world stage stuff there's alot of background stuff happening its been going on for thousands of years and its about to reach a culmination point. most people will consider the following a religious rant. good for you, take it or leave it any way you like. i would prefer that most of you not remain completely ignorant of whats going on and why. plus it would be disingenuous for me not to speak of something i do know about. sorry to rock your boat, but i doubt that everyone feels terrible about it. if britain doesn't leave the eu it will get itself kicked out. have to jump up on my biblical high horse now, and subject you to a history lesson, there's a lot of scripture and evidence that points to the usa being the lost tribe of manassah and england being the lost tribe of efraim. long time ago the tribes of isreal were a bunch of naughty tribes, so God spanked their asses pretty severely and they got carried off into captivity, once that captivity period was over the tribes spread out and are pretty much got lost to history. what is isreal now, is at best one or perhaps two of the lost tribes of isreal and probably the poorest tribes that had either no other option or actually wanted to go back to jerusalem for the fun of it. the thing that interests us is a condition of a promise that God made with israel was that they would never too have a common union or ( trade Agreements ) with other nations as it shows a distinct lack of trust in God being able to provide for israel which is one of the things that really pisses God off. fast forward three or four thousand years and you have a lost tribe of israel (efraim) doing explicitly what they were told not to do. it doesn't even matter that england or the eu doesn't know the why or the how of why this thing is failing apart . it is a preexisting condition and its immutable, like gravity. for britain it was doomed to failure even before it was started. alot of people won't see that but they got blinkers on and think the world should work the way they think it should sadly their all about to be proved wrong. england should leave now own their terms or get kicked out later the only variable in this equation is what it will cost england the longer this goes on. now you may think this is all a bit hard and we should be able to all hold hands and sing kumbyah and you can... just the way people want to do is currently wrong. you have to include God in the equation otherwise it doesn't work. which is why pretty much everything is so totally screwed up at the moment as you have evidenced in your post The invetible and so human time for war is coming! The alliances are forming for the re-arrangement of resources and grab landing. There is already one axis taking form with Russia-Turkey and Iran (which are ranked at about 2nd ,6th and 12th at war power rankings!), with China and India as the undecided factors and the power to change the course of war on their own - countries where were non factors in the previous world wars, mind you. its not inevitable. it was however predicted which kinda makes it inevitable i guess, but not for the reasons you think. which is why i want my bmp4k to hurry up and arrive so i can use it before everything gets shot to hell quite literally not figuratively. as i'm not sure if tech is going to make it past what comes next maybe i will build a faraday cage( in a cave ) big enough for a 4k tv or monitor and the bmp4k, its all about priorities Already UK is deploying their new plane carrier, and the ministry of defence declared the new strategic role of the Kingdom (kings and queens, same as it was thousands of years ago!) that will be more energetic around the world. excellent i would love to see some of that aircraft carrier footage shot with the bmp4k and its about time those lazy kings and queens got off their asses and did something productive instead off just opening halls and malls all the time. They are strategically positioned in the far west of Europe, on an "easily" defended island, with the friendly US (still #1 in military power and resources) on the other side of the sea. Imagine how Poland feels squeezed between Russia and Germany for the most part of their history! Or south east Balkans that are invaded since ever (even Homo Sapiens invaded from there!). there is not a snowball's chance in hell that that england, the usa, isreal, australia and nz all being so buddy buddy is a happy accident. this should be as obvious as getting hit in the face with a wet fish. of course we will all stick together. you say we have all the strategic positions well thats another promise made by God to isreal, even the decendants of the lost tribes of isreal, that we would hold the gates of our enemies if i remember the terminology correctly been awhile since i looked it up Financialy, it will be difficult in the beginning but after a few years, and when the UK have trade agreements with everyone it will be just business as usual. Until that happened, UK will loose a significant percentage of its GDP, which it will go to, mainly, Germany and other EU countries. Benelux countries with their free trade tradition will be benefited as well. financially it will be less of a drain on england they wont have the eu sucking the life out of england any more and england keeps her sovereignty which is another good point but maybe not so obvious but yes it comes back to more promises made already Immigration is the other main issue. The rise of nationalism and far right powers (with xenophobic and fascist parties being in the parliaments, or even the government s of nations) lead to isolation and even more tension between countries. Trump declared US in emergency because he wants to build a wall, and needs a half dozen billions to do so! and some EU countries consider Russia a better example of a form of government. heck if you want a really short life go protest in a Saudi Arabian consulate, if you want to live a little longer go live in russia start up an anti russia campaign i wonder how low it will be before someone paints your door handle with nerve agent or you just simply disappear . at least in england you can protest even if you are wrong. not sure trumps the best thing to happen for the usa. what he has been is spoiled little brat stamping his feet till he gets what he wants, while he's not the traditional american politician we are used to, lets not forget trumps a billionaire capitalist. i suspect half his plan is to have some his companies build that wall for the 5 billion $$ the mexicans are not much more than a convenient excuse for trump to grab some of that emergency money thats stashed away. Brexit is the beginning of the cancelation of EU, and when that happened, it will be certain war. France already called back their chief diplomat from Italy, an unheard reaction to a stupid action of the far right/xebophobic Italian government, from 2 countries that traditionally have nothing to fight for. yep i agree. i'm also confident no more eu.. not sure that will start a war.... the only thing italy does well is build supercars and superbikes, thats all they should be allowed to do. there's always something to fight for just because it isn't obvious to you doesn't mean it isn't there. Syria and the middle east/Ukrain vs Russia/Caucasus/China vs the rest in the archipelago/India vs Pakistan/India vs China/Turkish nationalism from China (Oygours) to Germany (millions of Turkish there)/extreme and violent religious acts are some of the sparks that can ignite a world war right now. In 5 years there will be more. don't worry about syria (damascus) or iran (persia) they may or may not start the next war however both nations have ticked God off in the past and he's made several promises to utterly destroy both places so if you live in syria or iran and you love life get out now while you can, if on the other hand your a terrorist please remain seated and wait for the fireworks to begin i realize that Gods not a popular option at the moment. love my post, hate my post, block me, rant or rave its of little consequence.... just don't say i didn't try and enlighten you all Kisaha 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kisaha Posted February 16, 2019 Share Posted February 16, 2019 @leslie i am trying to take no side in this, just mentioned some moves I see worldwide! That ALL of my good friends and family in the UK (a few dozen people) are worrying and do not feel comfortable with Brexit is just an udisputed fact. There are 2 other facts, Everyone has a different God it seems, and they are willing to murder for their own beliefs and NZ is the best place to be! Going to watch The Orville, at least that is a better future that Star Trek Discovery! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members BTM_Pix Posted February 16, 2019 Super Members Share Posted February 16, 2019 Yeah but will God force cows to wear nappies though ? Kisaha 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leslie Posted February 16, 2019 Share Posted February 16, 2019 9 minutes ago, BTM_Pix said: Yeah but will God force cows to wear nappies though ? pretty sure their made that way to crap on the ground. i delivered a calf couple of years ago their heavier than you think. now if you do go putting nappies on a cow change em regularly otherwise that crap will back up and then you be in real trouble ? BTM_Pix 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members BTM_Pix Posted February 16, 2019 Super Members Share Posted February 16, 2019 2 minutes ago, leslie said: If you do go putting nappies on a cow change em regularly otherwise that crap will back up and then you be in real trouble ? Which is a perfect metaphor for precisely what those unchallenged newspaper headlines about them ended up causing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kye Posted February 17, 2019 Share Posted February 17, 2019 LOL, I guess going from SPAM to Brexit to cow nappies and the literal interpretation of scripture is logical in some sense, but... In terms of the overall situation, I agree with @BTM_Pix that had the potential futures been laid out so people could clearly choose between them there is no way that this one would have gotten the vote. In more general terms, globalisation is scary and people are resistant to it. Everyone resists change when it happens too fast for them, so this is a natural human tendency. The world is slowly unifying as it has done for thousands of years, and will continue to do so. The only history lesson that is really relevant here is that we have made the progression from tribes of nomads to villages to small kingdoms/states to empires, simultaneously we have made the progression from hunter-gatherer to farmer to self-contained societies with specialisations to formal trade agreements and to global organisations. These progressions are often difficult and there is huge resistance and often some backwards steps but inevitably the progression moves forward. Yes, there have been many examples of the failure of empires and unions, but any argument that we live in a steady state and that this trend is not absolutely overwhelming in the long-term would have to provide many examples of large countries splitting back into the dozens of small kingdoms or hundreds/thousands of tribes that existed before the country was unified. History only makes sense if you actually talk about all of it, talking about only a few hundred years or a book that isn't meant to be taken literally isn't that helpful. Do regional differences and old prejudices still exist, sure. But they fade very quickly over generations, and this is the future that will come to exist. We've managed to avoid global destruction for long enough that it's reasonable to assume we're capable of it indefinitely, at least from a warfare perspective. Globalisation is the future because it is in everyones interests. Any resource not spent on war is a resource that can be spent on education, health care, research, or making a camera with DPAF, Canon colour science, and global-shutter FF 4K Besides, cows don't need nappies. They need AI drones that will collect the dung and manage it for electricity production and composting purposes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronFilm Posted February 17, 2019 Share Posted February 17, 2019 On 2/17/2019 at 7:17 AM, BTM_Pix said: Because the Prime Minister can't get her deal through, due in part to it being pretty poor but also in part because of the lunatics in her own party who want to capitalise on the chaos of just crashing out, then the default position in law is no deal. A Pro-Brexit person would have a completely different interpretation though of what is happening. For instance, it is exactly zero surprise that if you hand over the process of leaving the EU to a bunch of people who are firmly Pro EU, that they'll completely muck up the process? Nope. On 2/17/2019 at 7:51 AM, Kisaha said: and NZ is the best place to be! Going to watch The Orville, at least that is a better future that Star Trek Discovery! On this though we can fully agree On 2/17/2019 at 7:54 AM, BTM_Pix said: Yeah but will God force cows to wear nappies though ? If the current Green Party in Government in New Zealand has their way... then yes, maybe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kye Posted February 18, 2019 Share Posted February 18, 2019 1 hour ago, IronFilm said: A Pro-Brexit person would have a completely different interpretation though of what is happening. I think this is the heart of the problem. Everyone has a different interpretation on what is going on. This has always been the case, but what has changed is that people have become disillusioned with authority and so have completely abandoned the idea of listening to experts. Instead we now have amateurs with completely no clue forming their own interpretations based upon ineptitude, fear, and outright lies from those with vested interests. Social media echo chambers reinforce delusional hearsay until it is commonly understood fact, and we are left with a global population that is making decisions that aren't in their best interests, but are too ill-informed to understand what will actually happen. It is very easy to look at the rise of nationalism and only think of them in terms of legitimate political debate and resist the idea that outright lunacy and lies might be part of such a trend. However when you see the steady stream of outright lies from Trump, newspapers and busses with outright lies written all over them, social media memes written in Russia to influence the US election, it raises a question mark about the decision-making process. But when you also look at the world and see the rise of the anti-vaxxer movement, the rise of the flat-earth movement, and the decline (at least in the US) of belief in evolution and science in general, you begin to understand that these political and social movements must have elements that completely abandon logic, evidence and common sense. As you say, people have a different interpretations, but these same people also have different interpretations of the shape of the planet, so don't confuse what is popular with what is true. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members BTM_Pix Posted February 18, 2019 Super Members Share Posted February 18, 2019 1 hour ago, IronFilm said: A Pro-Brexit person would have a completely different interpretation though of what is happening. For instance, it is exactly zero surprise that if you hand over the process of leaving the EU to a bunch of people who are firmly Pro EU, that they'll completely muck up the process? Nope. Its not an interpretation though. The default position in law is that the UK will exit the EU on 29th March so it is definitely going to happen. Any arrangement to agree a trade deal with the EU that kicks in on the 30th of March is incidental to that so the result of the referendum will be actioned irrespective of who is in charge. May cannot get her deal through Parliament because she can't persuade her own party to support it. She lost that vote by the biggest margin ever seen in Parliament due to large blocks of her own party not backing it and then promptly won a vote of no confidence in the government the next day because those self same people voted to back her. Putting party before country has never been more evident than that. Considering that what 'sort' of Brexit was originally voted for in the referendum can't be agreed upon by those who wanted it and has seen a constant shifting of goalposts by those who agitated and campaigned for it, there is scant evidence that the most rabid Leavers would have fared any differently. The appetite for the two lead Tories of the Leave campaign, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, to actually have any sort of leading role in delivering it once they won speaks volumes for what a poisoned chalice it is. There is also a shocking degree of inherent incompetence that has infested our politicians over the past 20 years that means the whole process has been pretty agnostic to the Leave/Remain leanings of those charged with implementing it. When the actual government minister for exiting the European Union (and rabid Brexiteer) haplessly and shamelessly admitted that he hadn't actually appreciated how important the Dover-Calais freight link was then you know you are in trouble. What was 'won' with Brexit was an idea or ideal but what was never there was any sort of detailed or cohesive plan to deliver that and what would happen when their ideal met some real hard facts. What we are seeing now that that reality presents itself is a blame game to try and shift responsibility on to Remainers in the government and the EU itself rather than accept that when you promise unicorns then you have to own that and actually deliver them. kye 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
webrunner5 Posted February 18, 2019 Share Posted February 18, 2019 Looks like an early Brexit casualty. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hundreds-stranded-british-airline-flybmi-collapses-094458110--finance.html Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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