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The EOSHD 5D Mark III Raw Shooter's Guide - available now!

Andrew Reid

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The EOSHD 5D Mark III Raw Shooter's Guide

Dispelling the myths - optimising performance - never read another endless forum post again!


Payment via PayPal, just $19.99 (usual price $29.99)

My third book launches today. It is available to download immediately and for the first week you can get 33% off the usual price making it just $19.99.

It is an enormous 12 chapters and 106 pages.

Read the full article here
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  On 6/17/2013 at 1:49 PM, Gábor Ember said:

I really appreciate that you make these guides although I missed the actual "shooting" tips from the anamorphic guide (mostly anamorphic composition). Don't get me wrong, the info that's there is very helpful, it aided me in getting into anamorphic.


Not sure I comprehend sir :) The shooting tips are in the 5D Mark III guide. Two chapters - first practical advice on shooting raw, then the cinematography and composition tips.


If you want to go deeper into the specifics of anamorphic composition on the other hand, that is in the anamorphic guide of course.

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Nice one Andrew - Just bought your RAW guide and downloaded it , I'm going to sit down and read it all tonight.


it looks very comprehensive at first glance - you have been busy!!!

I bought your other 2 guides last year they where great too!


Everyone on this Forum shuld support Andrew and buy this guide NOW !

he has done so much to push the ML RAW to the masses -

Im sure the EOSHD readership and membership has increased alot this past month because he was one of the first to use the ML RAW and share his info with the world!!

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Just bought it as well!


Question: As the 5D3 raw landscape inevitably changes as we move forward (we are still in the early stages of its development), will those of us who have already bought this first edition have access to future new editions without having to pay again?

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Hi Andrew.

I want to purchase this RAW guide even do i find it quite pricy.

I want to ask you this:

due to continuous update in the workflow for MAC/Windows  .. how often will you add update to your manual too?


I am looking for a state of the art workflow.. because i produce a lot of stock footages..

so i wonder if you keep the manual update with yours and your community latest discovery ..



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  On 6/17/2013 at 4:15 PM, matt2491 said:

Just bought it as well!


Question: As the 5D3 raw landscape inevitably changes as we move forward (we are still in the early stages of its development), will those of us who have already bought this first edition have access to future new editions without having to pay again?


Most the improvements to the workflows from now on come in the form of bug fixes with new beta versions, then final release versions of some software. All you need to do is to download the latest versions of the apps. The workflow itself doesn't dramatically change so the instructions remain relevant but I'm keeping a close eye on things and if there is a huge change in one the workflows I'll update the book. As it stands they are bang up to date and will give you pristine CineForm, lovely uncompressed DNG, and get you editing in Premiere, Resolve and Final Cut Pro X immediately.


The Ginger plugin for native raw editing is amazing!

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  On 6/17/2013 at 6:06 PM, Ken One Filmes said:

Will this guide be useful with my 5D Mark II as well?


80% of it will, but not the specific 5D Mark III stuff like maximum resolutions, performance, etc. Also make sure you choose the 5D Mark II version of Magic Lantern on the download page. Apart from that and a few other small bits, the rest all applies, and the workflows are the same.

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Yes, I believe the Mac CineForm side is being worked on by David Newman and co. At the moment, it helps to run Windows in VMWare Fusion. I love that software. VMWare Fusion that is, not Windows :)


Ginger Plugin for FCPX - Here's what John says...


To answer your question, FxPlug support is on the todo list.  The problem is that I just have too much to do and not enough time.  And I tend to get distracted by things like, you know, RAW support for canon cameras coming out of nowhere.  (-:  I'd like to support  FxPlug, as well as OpenFX, but I don't want to make any promises because there are a lot of things to do first.

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Ys Andrew i remember what John said on magic lantern forum.. croos finger.

So i'll put on a virtual machine for Neumann's plugin.

But i ve read the GOPRO cineform studio doesn't work on mountain lion.

we still have some time consuming workarounds.. :)

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