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Canon raw V BMD


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Exasperated by the lack of BMD cameras and their non communication I am again looking at the Canon 5DL Mark III

What I would like to know is What are the issues with the 5D like moire, anti aliasing etc and how it compares to the BMCPC. Is there a way to record the RAW to SSD cards and how easy is it to use and how easy to grade? Any test films? 


Also any fixes like special filters etc that can be bought.


Workflow - How easy is it to use Canon raw and how many hoops to jump through to edit in say Sony Vegas. Could you for example buy Cineraw or something like it to be a one stop solution.



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5D MKiii raw and H264 don't suffer any great degree of aliasing. You do not need a mosaic filter, this is for other cams like 5D ii, 7D, 6D, 600D, 550D etc.


They perform better than BMD cams in this respect, as far as I've seen.


Footage is recorded to CF card, you can store Magic Lantern on the SD card.


You'll need a 1000x speed CF card for raw at 1080p, it will need to benchmark well. Komputerbay 64GB 1000x regularly do so.


The resulting files must be converted. This can be done in one step with new Cineform software, which supports ML raw. Outside of Cineform it's a two-step process until Adobe Premiere CC updates to support DNG.


Storage is a major requirement, for editing I'd suggest proxy edit and conform for post to achieve real-time playback. Grade afterwards not before edit.


This is all I've gathered from not having done it yet, just watching, so others may correct some workflow aspects.


I have used 5D iii but only in H264, it was a good experience. Solid kit, low-light is great and the stills are gorgeous.


G6 I've not used but I'm also considering due to great sharp 1080p/60

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I have used 5D iii but only in H264



LOL! Say it isn't so JG! :)  


I've been thinking about this same subject today.  I have


a D600 + 85mm for Portraits

50D for ML RAw

2 EOS-Ms for H.264, ML RAW 720p PORTABILITY

A bunch of lenses


Naturally, I think by spending a few hundred every month I'm not spending money ;)


But at this point, I'm a fool not to just sell it all and get a 5D3.  The only thing I lose is portability.


So once answer for your question


If you have the money, you want a 5D3.  Even if you are a die-hard Nikon guy, you should have one.  With ML it does so much cool stuff.  For photography that is one hell of a camera, really the second best you can buy from Canon.  The BM is NO camera.


The RAW footage I see from the 5D3 (I look at everything I can) is simply MONSTER!  


Portability.  Face it, the BMPCC is the only game around, just have to wait for it to come to town.


The EOS-M RAW isn't bad, but if the workflow diff between BM and 5D3 have you concerned, it's not for you.


I'd love a G6 too, just to see what Andy keeps foaming at the mouth about ;)  


In short, Markm, I doubt you can go wrong with the 5D3.  It will definitely hold its value.  Not so certain how all these RAW video cameras will fare.  They only do one thing well.


JG I haven't forgotten you.  H.264!  Man up! :)

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Hahahaha! Hey it was a corporate shoot, so I can be forgiven ;)


Well it looks like I'm going for a MKiii soon, so when I do, I'll be sure get one of those crazy Komputer Bay cards at some point and try the raw!


I tried it on 600D. 


Man, the storage!


Yeah I think you should swap the lot for a MKiii, especially if you have manual Nikon glass.


So far, and this is really subtle, but side by side with Red (Scarlet) and BMD raw, the 5D iii raw is a tad more plastic. I can't put my finger on it. I think it's a motion thing, which is odd... but I can't pin it down. The colour pallete is a bit hyper, which is the Canon way, but there' a 'feel' that I think you can spot...


Probably only an issue side by side though...


EDIT: Watching a lot of videos I think it's the base colour interpretation. So it's fixable with raw. Motion does seem a little less distinct frame for frame to my deranged eyes. Can't explain that...

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EDIT: Watching a lot of videos I think it's the base colour interpretation. So it's fixable with raw. Motion does seem a little less distinct frame for frame to my deranged eyes. Can't explain that...


I would think, theoretically, there would be something going on.  Since the 5D3 is a full frame sensor, and it isn't line-skipping, but sampling pixels throughout the whole image, it has to be COLOR skipping.  I've been studying a lot of moire issues and it looks to me that most chromatic raw happens when color is separated by two lines, driving one to the blue pixels the other to the red.  Those other cameras should not have the issue.


Hopefully Andrew can look into at some point.  This is still one of my favorite videos.  It really shows the difference between RAW and H.264, to those who really want to see the truth ;)



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The low light on the Mark 3 raw is a step up from the BMCC, plus the highlights are really pleasant.  All of these cameras come with an armada of adjectives that can't really evoke what "exactly" they are doing & no one can put their finger on.... but in the Raw Mark 3 / ScarletX comparison video, I will say the Scarlet looks more like.....  film.  (There it is.  lol.)  -  (Though it is a miniscule and probably opinionated preference in the video)  It looks like it's more in the mid tones between the Mark 3 raw and everyone else. 


but man....  this looks incredibly sexy:




Mark 3 raw... 


The only gripe I'd say is the $700 Lexar 128gb 1000x card that's actually rated dependable, but gets you only about 30 minutes of footage.  To me, the Komputer Bay cards seem way too hit and miss with all of the horror stories I've heard...  Then again many people have them and they're fine... but I'd rather not be "crossing my fingers" when I spent my $$$$. 

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Is there now a quick way to get the 5d 3 footage ready to edit?

are you on a mac?  If so "Rawmagic" from the guys that made 5dtoRGB is really fast.  It's free in the app store now also I believe. 

converts the ML files to raw DNG's that drop right in Resolve or ACR.

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This looks good.




This video caught my attention. The last time that I worked with the ML raw module (about two months ago, I think), the recorded focus assist version only allowed for a 5x crop and a 10x crop, but this video makes several references to a 3x crop, which would be much more useful. Has this been changed? 


EDIT: Looking around a bit more, it appears that it is actually a 3x crop rather than a 5x crop. Not sure what the greater crop amounts to though...

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