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On Test - The Final Slr Magic Anamorphot 50 X 1.33

Andrew Reid

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SLR Magic Anamorphot 50 1.33

SLR Magic Anamorphot 50 1.33

View 10 frames from a rehearsal shoot with Bunny Suit, a Berlin based band I'm currently working with on a music video

Disclosure: I have worked closely with SLR Magic in refining the flare and have a close relationship with SLR Magic, but I am approaching the lens objectively in my articles.

It's here! The finished lens.

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Newbie question (I have never shoot anamorphic):


Is there any benefit using m4/3 SpeedBooster with this adapter?

For example:

- using native m4/3 lens, lets say we can use max. 35mm f2

- using APS-C lens + SB: max would be ~50mm f2.8 (=~35mm m4/3) ?


Maximum I can get from this adapter would be the same or do I get something by using SB combo? (1 stop of light or something..)

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It works on the 40mm f/2.8 pancake fullframe? That is SWEET!

I just wish Canon had a 50mm IS lens..


I used the Canon 35mm F2.0 with IS for the shoot (FS100). This is also a good prime to use with it, really nice feel to it.

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I used the Canon 35mm F2.0 with IS for the shoot (FS100). This is also a good prime to use with it, really nice feel to it.


Yeah, the 35mm f/2 IS is on my wishlist.. only thing that holds me back is that it won't be much good with anamorphics on fullframe :(


Sadly no one makes a 50/60/70mm IS... Tamron 90mm VC might be good with 2x anamorphics, but I wonder if this lens is any good with anamorphics.

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Looking forward to it!  It does look sharp as hell, and will definitely be more practical than a dual focus.  I'm curious as to how wide a prime you can go with this on the Pocket :)


Almost to 12mm. If you crop slightly you can get it working with SLR Magic 12mm T1.6.


I haven't tried it yet but might be interesting to see what it looks like on the 14mm F2.5.


I also have a Cinegon 16mm F1.4 c-mount lens that should be a good match because of the small elements.

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Looks great. Sorry if it's a dumb question but is it a true single focus system? Thanks.


Yes you focus on the prime. Can even do AF through it. When you go close, you toggle the ring from normal to near on the anamorphic. It also has a fine tuning adjustment in-between with a short travel.

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Almost to 12mm. If you crop slightly you can get it working with SLR Magic 12mm T1.6.


I haven't tried it yet but might be interesting to see what it looks like on the 14mm F2.5.


I also have a Cinegon 16mm F1.4 c-mount lens that should be a good match because of the small elements.



Yeah, I've got a few Switars & Som Berthiot lenses, my only concern is finding the proper step rings... if you've got any leads/ideas, I'd love to hear them!

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Hey Andrew - passed my GH2 around with the Voigtlander 25mm f0.95 wide open when Andrew Chan was in LA for a meet up. Guys were instantly shooting with it - no problem. You'll see there are moments of tack sharp focus in the video. Again - this was very informal shooting and the Anamorphot was a breeze to set up.

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Greg, I don't think this will change the market for isco's. To me (and many others) the 1.5x stretch is more desirable because of the more pronounced bokeh. That's still the biggest downside for me regarding this SLR Magic lens. The bokeh just isn't that special. Also I still think the flare is a bit harsh/extreme. It should send the price of Panasonic LA7200's and Optex/Century 1.33x anamorphics crashing down though.

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https:// vimeo.com/78386964


Strange that the flare in your footage is not blue like Andrew's. It's white or little green (ND filter?).

Andrew said "..it remains blue no matter what the light source is.". So maybe a different kind of prototype?

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Strange that the flare in your footage is not blue like Andrew's. It's white or little green (ND filter?).

Andrew said "..it remains blue no matter what the light source is.". So maybe a different kind of prototype?

Yeah - there was no ND but this may have been an earlier version - Andrew Chan mentioned they were still experimenting with coatings at the time.

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