Geoff_L Posted March 12, 2020 Share Posted March 12, 2020 2 hours ago, eleison said: But yet, Europe have more cases and deaths than the USA which proactively closed it's borders. Also, guess which country will come up with the vaccine first? If history is to be our guide, it will be the USA... while the Europeans once again wait in line hand in hat saying "can we have some of that?" once the hard work has been done. Yeah right ! Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Hiro & Tasaka, Von Behring, Shibasaburo Kitasato, Albert Calmette, Camille Guerin, Charles Nicolle, Vieusseux, Guy Henry Faget, Jules Bordet, Octave Gengou, Michiaki Takahashi... those good ol' Yankees from Merica ! tigerbengal, EphraimP, Kisaha and 1 other 2 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eleison Posted March 12, 2020 Share Posted March 12, 2020 14 minutes ago, Geoff_L said: Yeah right ! Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Hiro & Tasaka, Von Behring, Shibasaburo Kitasato, Albert Calmette, Camille Guerin, Charles Nicolle, Vieusseux, Guy Henry Faget, Jules Bordet, Octave Gengou, Michiaki Takahashi... those good ol' Yankees from Merica ! Sooooo, basically you guys don't want any of that sweet, sweet AMERICAN created vaccine for the virus??? Because there's very high chance, it will be created in an AMERICAN lab using capitalistic means and methods. Whatever........... basically the rest of the world has been sucking on the teet of the American people for so long and complaining, why change now, right??? 🙂 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Henry Ciullo Posted March 12, 2020 Share Posted March 12, 2020 here in italy everything is stopped. I film mainly sporting events and conventions.. so for at least 2 months (if all goes well) all my appointments are cancelled. no income . You can hardly move from home. Just some advice for those of you that aren't in lock down yet: - gather canned and long term foods so you have to go outside least possible. -try to get anti bacteria hand gel before they are sold out. - if you can manage to work from home, prepare for doing so for several weeks. - if you have a house in the middle of nowhere, gather your supplies and get there a.s.ap. anybody around you could be infected. rainbowmerlin, IronFilm and ntblowz 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ntblowz Posted March 12, 2020 Share Posted March 12, 2020 Just had two jobs canned due to coronavirus this morning.. so 10K gone just like that. I expect more cancellation be coming up.. Good that I havent bought anything from this year at all.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mercer Posted March 12, 2020 Share Posted March 12, 2020 As much as I don't want to discuss Covid-19 on a video site, I would like to ask my fellow forum members to not horde every single bit of soap and antibacterial hand sanitizer... Antibacterial soaps/hand sanitizer gel will not kill Covid-19 because it is a virus and not a bacteria. Hand washing with regular soap will have a more beneficial effect. With that said, when soap isn't available, hand sanitizer is an acceptable alternative but it will only have a lasting effect if everyone has access to it. So please don't be one of the assholes that are stocking up for the End of Days. Thpriest, heart0less and tigerbengal 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoodlum Posted March 12, 2020 Share Posted March 12, 2020 1 hour ago, mercer said: As much as I don't want to discuss Covid-19 on a video site, I would like to ask my fellow forum members to not horde every single bit of soap and antibacterial hand sanitizer... Antibacterial soaps/hand sanitizer gel will not kill Covid-19 because it is a virus and not a bacteria. Hand washing with regular soap will have a more beneficial effect. With that said, when soap isn't available, hand sanitizer is an acceptable alternative but it will only have a lasting effect if everyone has access to it. So please don't be one of the assholes that are stocking up for the End of Days. If you have Rubbing Alcohol lying around you can create your own sanitizer containing at least 2/3 rubbing alcohol and the rest with Aloe Vera Gel. tigerbengal 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mokara Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 Out here it is toilet paper for some reason. I saw some reports on TV about people cleaning out stores but thought it may have been just a made up joke story that perhaps happened at one location, but last night when I went down to the local supermarket and went past the isle that normally has toilet paper/tissue paper/paper towels and the toilet paper part was literally empty. Why? people think they are going to be crapping like crazy? 14 minutes ago, hoodlum said: If you have Rubbing Alcohol lying around you can create your own sanitizer containing at least 2/3 rubbing alcohol and the rest with Aloe Vera Gel. At work we have 20L drums of isopropanol, so we can make as much home made sanitizer as we want. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mercer Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 32 minutes ago, hoodlum said: If you have Rubbing Alcohol lying around you can create your own sanitizer containing at least 2/3 rubbing alcohol and the rest with Aloe Vera Gel. Well the Aloe Gel is sold out as well. Supposedly, you need 90% alcohol to make it but that hasn't stopped people from buying up everything. It sucks since I am a carpenter by trade and aloe gel heals my hands right up in the winter. So the good people who can't speak in full sentences are now chemists. Ugh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted March 13, 2020 Author Share Posted March 13, 2020 3 hours ago, Henry Ciullo said: get anti bacteria hand gel before they are sold out. If you're hanging out at home, you don't need hand gel. Soap is better anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted March 13, 2020 Author Share Posted March 13, 2020 3 hours ago, eleison said: You guys don't want any of that sweet, sweet AMERICAN created vaccine for the virus? The USA developed a vaccine already? EphraimP and tigerbengal 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RWR Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 There are a number of them..but have to get through trials. A universal flu vaccine also. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted March 13, 2020 Author Share Posted March 13, 2020 11 minutes ago, RWR said: There are a number of them. Not all American. I guess that means the teat doesn't need more suckling? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RWR Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 True. Teat sucked already by one Canuck Co. Others previously referenced: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Video Hummus Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 There is always some dumb mf that has to make a global calamity into some political shit throwing contest. So. Sick. Of. It. MrSMW, rainbowmerlin, newfoundmass and 3 others 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eleison Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 51 minutes ago, Video Hummus said: There is always some dumb mf that has to make a global calamity into some political shit throwing contest. So. Sick. Of. It. Aprox. 30 people have died in the USA from COVID19. However, thousands have already died from the common flu. I'm also sure thousands more have died from car accidents. SoooOOOooOOOoooOO. Is the common flu a global calamity? Are car accidents??? In my city, chicago; I think there have been more people shot than killed by COVID19. There is always some dumb mf that doesn't know math and likes to call other people "dumb mf".... So. Sick. Of. It. There is two paths. One is paved with good intentions.. the other is paved with rational thought. The one with good intention gives you the ability to think you are smarter than everyone else because it's a global calamity. The the path looks at the statistics and says, 30 people dead, while not good, it is not a global calamity. Perhaps in the future, it maybe... but it is not right now. Never mind with what I wrote above.. It's a global calamity!!!! EVeryone stay home!!! Don't go out. Buy TP, rice, beans and GUNS. It's crazy out there!!!!! The government is lying. TOM HANKS AND HIS WIFE IS DYING!!! God, save us.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronFilm Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 12 hours ago, Jimmy G said: ...696 Total cases with 7 deaths, 325 Recovered, 364 Active, 32 Serious/Critical (as of this posted image above). Worst-case scenario that all of the 32 Serious Cases turn fatal would bring the total deaths to 39 yielding a calculable Death Rate of 5.6% for that specific population (however, ages and health unknown). With a recovery rate of 50% for that group the total would be 23 Total Deaths, yielding a Mortality Rate of 3.3%. And if the recovery rate for that group is 75% the Total Deaths come in at 15 yielding a Rate of 2.1%, again, patient ages and health prior to infection would yield more-informative statistical analysis. Cruise ship passengers definitely skew a lot higher than the general population! We could treat that number as an upper bound. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronFilm Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 12 hours ago, odie said: Thank you to all the health care workers who are working tirelessly!!!!! ( my Dad and older brother are both doctors working )❤️🙏 I wonder what Ebrahim Saadawi is up to? 12 hours ago, fuzzynormal said: My understanding is that the various shut downs for COVID are basically an attempt to slow the inevitable spread so that hospitals do not get overwhelmed treating the frail and infirm that get hit with the virus. They're trying to avoid triage. Which is unfortunately what Italy is having to do now, giving up on really sick cases which seem more likely to die so they can focus on the (relatively) healthy ish cases instead who still can live. 10 hours ago, eleison said: But yet, Europe have more cases and deaths than the USA which proactively closed it's borders. Also, guess which country will come up with the vaccine first? If history is to be our guide, it will be the USA... while the Europeans once again wait in line hand in hat saying "can we have some of that?" once the hard work has been done. I'm betting on Israel being first? 7 hours ago, Henry Ciullo said: - gather canned and long term foods so you have to go outside least possible. I've got two weeks worth of canned food, just in case I need to go into quarantine. 6 hours ago, ntblowz said: Just had two jobs canned due to coronavirus this morning.. so 10K gone just like that. I expect more cancellation be coming up.. I just today had a fellow Sound Mixer here in Auckland get his upcoming 3 month long gig cancelled because BBC is cancelling all travel. 6 hours ago, ntblowz said: Good that I havent bought anything from this year at all.. On the 27th Feb I did my biggest purchase of the year: a new Lectrosonics LT Oops Going to try very hard not to do any more major purchases at all! Not until I get a better idea of how my finances will look this year, as the future is looking cloudy and uncertain. We're going to hit a coronavirus great recession for sure :-/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronFilm Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 5 hours ago, Mokara said: Out here it is toilet paper for some reason. I saw some reports on TV about people cleaning out stores but thought it may have been just a made up joke story that perhaps happened at one location, but last night when I went down to the local supermarket and went past the isle that normally has toilet paper/tissue paper/paper towels and the toilet paper part was literally empty. Why? people think they are going to be crapping like crazy? Welllllll...... diarrhea is one of the symptoms of the coronavirus! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 42 minutes ago, IronFilm said: I wonder what Ebrahim Saadawi is up to? LOL : ) 42 minutes ago, IronFilm said: Which is unfortunately what Italy is having to do now, giving up on really sick cases which seem more likely to die so they can focus on the (relatively) healthy ish cases instead who still can live. No, pretty shocking, isn't it? No life is a waste of our attempt and endless struggle! Human life is priceless. One sole life is worthy of everything and any Dunkirk spirit. The harder the more effort we must put on it. As Spielberg taught the world going along Saving Private Ryan but can be his Schindler's List, you save a life, you save the whole humankind... E : -) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RWR Posted March 13, 2020 Share Posted March 13, 2020 Hershey Squirts present in a minority of Covid cases..apparently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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