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Idolise Trump? Goodbye!

Andrew Reid

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  On 3/25/2020 at 4:47 AM, User said:

Hey man come on... the French are going to insulted if you don't reference them on this point as well.


I am not French but live in France...

A couple of weeks back, when we lived in a free sane world where we earned a living and toilet paper was not a topic of everyday discussion, I was at my chiro and he whilst he was twisting my neck at angles I would not myself, he said, “so what do you think of French men?”

Not sure what he was asking or why, I gave some kind of non-commital response.

”Zey are arrogant!” he said in his thickly accented English, “yes, Frenchmen are like pigs, we think we are ze best...and I can say zis because I am a Frenchman!”

So there you are, it is official.

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  On 3/24/2020 at 11:30 PM, IronFilm said:

It is especially embarrassing for certain Americans when even little ol' New Zealand handily beats them on their precious freedom rankings 😉 


Well, hasn't been New Zealand the first country on the planet to have universal suffrage, rights to indigenous populations and a total ban on any military ship of any country, allies included, having nuclear propulsion or capable of using nuclear weapons?

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As a US citizen, I can assure you that it is embarrassing when a fellow countryman ignorantly gloats about the US.  I don't encounter such folk very often in the wild, and I haven't noticed a lot of them here.


However, there were a couple of recent posts that made me (and likely others from the US) cringe every time the forum member capitalized "AMERICAN."


On the other hand, I must confess that I do idolise (BRITISH spelling) Trump:


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  On 3/25/2020 at 9:46 AM, Cinegain said:

Speaking of TRUMP, why don't we see Richard 'Mr Dogschidt' Gale here anymore, anyways? Or an Andy Lee? Or KidzRevil? Matthias Burling? Or Jonpais? Over quibbles or just staying away, better things to do?


This is bit like trying to remember the "divorced, beheaded, died" rhyme about the fate of Henry VIII's six wives !

I'll have a go at guessing in order with "absent, absent, banned, absent, banned".

Although "self isolated" is probably the more appropriate term than "absent" in the present crisis :) 

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  On 3/25/2020 at 12:35 PM, BTM_Pix said:

It was a guess but on second thoughts I think he might be in the "absent" category now.


Depending my work schedule, I am missing some things on the web, his disappearance was one of those!

Just can't remember what exactly he was doing last. Hope everyone is well though.

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  On 3/25/2020 at 12:40 PM, Kisaha said:

Depending my work schedule, I am missing some things on the web, his disappearance was one of those!

Just can't remember what exactly he was doing last. Hope everyone is well though.


If you click this link you can search user names and clicking on their profile will tell you when they last logged in.


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  On 3/25/2020 at 12:47 PM, BTM_Pix said:

If you click this link you can search user names and clicking on their profile will tell you when they last logged in.



Not missing them that much!


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Hum, which previous somewhat frequent visitors have not been here for a while, AaronChicago, JazzBox, Brother, DBounce, Ed_David, Liszon, John Brawley, jase, TheRenaissanceMan, webrunner5, Orangenz, Neumann Films, Jordan Drake, benymypony, Axel, Liam, aldolega, theSUBVERSIVE, bigfoot, Raafi Rivero, lucabutera, Snowbro, BrorSvensson, Julian, dahlfors, Justin Bacle, dhessel, Fredrik Lyhne, Zach Ashcraft, Michael Ma, j.f.r., Rudolf, Juxx989, Shell64, agolex, sudopera, Dean, SR, Policar, Shield3, johnnymossville, Kristoferman, Ivanhurba, jhnkng, leeys, bamigoreng, Volker Schmidt, TSV, John Emery, dafreaking, Dan Wake, Christina Ava, Luke Mason, sandro, tomekk, Brian Caldwell, jgharding... etc. Oh lol, and jcs, remember that guy? And maxotics. Dang that must've been like around the Ebrahim days. 😅 Well. That was some trip down memory lane. Back to more productive quarantine tasks. Well, productive... the weather is so nice, I'm head out for a 4hr walk down the beach!

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  On 3/25/2020 at 9:46 AM, Cinegain said:

Speaking of TRUMP, why don't we see Richard 'Mr Dogschidt' Gale here anymore, anyways? Or an Andy Lee? Or KidzRevil? Matthias Burling? Or Jonpais? Over quibbles or just staying away, better things to do?


Maybe you have better things to do Cinegain than make a list of my friends and imply everyone left because of a disagreement with me over politics.

Many of those you mention are close friends of mine and still are. Just because they haven't got time to engage with idiots like you, doesn't mean to say they no longer read the blog.

Ed David, Christina Ava, Volker, JB, Andy Lee, Neumann Films, JG Harding, Brian Caldwell, Luca Butera, all those are friends but they can't be around a forum every day for 5 years straight. Some of them will have other things going on in their lives.

I'd be more than happy to see Mattias post more but he has a busy YouTube channel now that takes a lot of his time.

The reason 99% of the good quality members leave is exactly because of the bullshit and Trump fanaticism.

If I could leave myself at the moment I would!


The exception was that Richard Gale was a massive Trump and Brexit fan.... tipping point for him was me being anti-Brexit on Facebook... Lost a friend there over Brexit.... He fell out with me and was never seen again here.

Politics has never been more toxic online.

But I can't help people when it comes to the bullshit they believe. It's up to them to overcome their delusions.

Oh and by the way, the creep Jon Pais, moderator from the very early days, turned into a lunatic you may remember and his behaviour as mod was a turn off to 90% of the members of this forum. So I had to ease him out of the role and then he turned into this crazy bitter guy, a Sony fanboy, you may remember, who polluted every thread he posted on and then started posting nasty lunatic comments on his own blog about EOSHD. So he showed his true face in the end.

I don't ban in a knee jerk way... This was a guy I trusted as a mod, for many years.

But if someone crosses me in my own home, they are a deadman walking.

You have to remember this is a community. If you want better people to join, and bigger names to engage, then we need to look at the quality of our own posts first. Is it useful? Is it interesting? Does it help people? If so, you get pros joining, talented artists joining, filmmakers and loyal people who stick around compelled to read what we say day in day out.

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Great post Fuzzy... thanks!

  On 3/25/2020 at 5:37 PM, fuzzynormal said:

However, Andrew's site has always been a place that is non-corporate and "unsterile," if you will.  He's not afraid to drop his opinion and that's why I stick around.


Same same but same.

And although I don't have a lot to contribute these last few years with regards to camera gak (I'm working through a massive edit on a doc film), I certainly appreciate keeping in the loop via those that do. Onward.

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  On 3/25/2020 at 6:12 PM, fuzzynormal said:

Ha!  Fair enough for pointing out the redundancies in that sentence.  Like I said, my English teacher was a jerk. 😉


That was just my offhanded way off saying that I also come here for the way Andrew flys and governs the site (more specifically the lack of governance) - the other moderator (Larry David's brother?) once red flagged me for using a semi colon before finally disappearing into the flesh pots of Asia uttering 'So tender, so tasty.'

I also agree and can totally relate to your academic experience. At the time, we can't possibly understand how we are being influenced and the perspective it can later bring. Not sure I can remember much of what was taught, but I certainly know which teachers I would now want to share a pint with.

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  On 3/25/2020 at 12:20 AM, dgbarar said:


You made the following statement in your last post: "The electoral college is a bit of a joke to me (and more so that not all states use the same method to allocate the college votes)."

This statement is incorrect.  Each state has an a number of electors equal to the number of members of the House of Representatives plus 2--the 2 represents the number of Senators.  If a presidential candidate wins the state then he is awarded that states electors.  It's that simple!  The states cannot allocate electors in any way other than how it is specified in the Constitution.  And Constitution says winner take all.




I knew I could bring this back around to cameras. :)




One last thing.

 Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

Under Article II, a state's electoral votes must be appointed "in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct"

When you make statements like this it important to get your facts correct.

 Regardless, I don't care. Just want to make sure that the history is correct.


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