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Jared Polin doesn't get it - EOS R5 overheating

Andrew Reid

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7 hours ago, Leon Postma said:

It is exactly this kind of attitude that normalizes and ultimately rewards the behaviour of these shills. By letting them get away with it. 


Sure things. But the reality is Polin channel has 1.23M subscribers. Tony and Chelsea 1.41M . McKinnon 4.86M subscribers.
Did you see a Panasonic or Fujifilm review on Polin channel ? No, because if your serious about photography it's either Canon or Nikon, right ? Leica, Hasselblad, Phase One, Alpa ??? What's that .... never heard of.
You want to educate people!!! Good luck with that. It's a job, and a difficult one.

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The topic is dishing out blatant disinformation, Wronzoff.  An influencer obfuscating information from the Canon mothership itself.  Calling this guy out is educational in itself. You are handed a new perspective by Andrew whether you like it or not. We need more of this - instead of chilling out which basically amounts to enabling bad actors and certainly does not move the needle in the right direction. 

I see unease with McKinnon who at least acknowledges the heating problems and clearly states up front he is a Canon ambassador. Such nuance or positioning is far less clear or basically absent with useful idiot Polin. Feel free to disagree - I don’t share your fatalism to which I reacted primarily  No offense I hope  



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31 minutes ago, Leon Postma said:

 I don’t share your fatalism to which I reacted primarily  No offense I hope  



No offense at all, because I agree with you. It's just...
Youtuber with 1M+ subscribers are running a business and they need to maintain their numbers of views. See the video title "The TRUTH About CANON’s EOS R5 OVERHEATING Controversy".
Disinformation, controversy, marketing are money maker for those channels. You can point out their ambiguity. Doesn't matter, because they have followers.
Personally, I am not interested with Polin verbal diarrhea.

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To be serious for a moment, the amount of abuse that @Andrew Reid took from the shills, bootlickers, click merchants, grudge bearers and other assorted snide gobshites portraying him as being some sort of deranged bitter outlier who "You can always count on to be negative" for basically reading Canon's own words out to them was pathetic but very informative. 

I wouldn't hold out much hope of most of those people organising  an apology pile on with the same gusto they organised an abuse one because, of course, thats not how they (t)roll but at least they've shown their hand about who they really are.

I do hope it represents some sort of tipping point for the wider world in terms of the scales falling from their eyes about this sort of marketing though.

In particular, I hope that if the R5 and R6 issues are improved or mitigated at launch or during its life cycle that people remember that the fire (ho ho) that was lit under Canon's arse to address this wasn't sparked by sycophancy.

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Dunno, Jared Polins´sound changed. He now sounds like a news anchor from a major TV station. I can hardly take this kinda sound of voice and intonation. No matter, if CNN, Fox, or Oprah- if one considers her news as well, all the same. 🙂 Andrew and hopefully otheres who follow his example in the camera game will find a new audience I am sure. Just like people get disgusted by the hyterical hyperbole of news anchor psychos. Jareds motto and credo was cool, now it´s too hot like an R5 with more than 1 mio hyperboled subs.

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Jarrod is right to say what's he said. There was WAY to much speculation at the start. 

Some people in their blog posts even said that 1080p was the ONLY way you could shoot long format video, which we now know is incorrect. 

So that's the kind of misinformation he was trying to avoid until canon made an official statement. 

But then again it is important to be first in this industry rather than right. 


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13 hours ago, Wronzoff said:

Did you see a Panasonic or Fujifilm review on Polin channel ? No, because if your serious about photography it's either Canon or Nikon, right ? Leica, Hasselblad, Phase One, Alpa ??? What's that .... never heard of.
You want to educate people!!! Good luck with that. It's a job, and a difficult one.

You don’t see them because Jared isn’t, from what I can tell, interested in educating peopling about photographic choice it has more to do about money and who pays the advertising dollars.

Jared made that video to make money and stir the controversy soup before he spat out another video about the topic. I mean its a full time job making content about the same damn shit Over and over again...because at the end of the day they are all scared a glitch in the YouTube master system will erase their controversy peddling business overnight.

I have no problem with them making videos and making money. It’s when they pander to their corporate overlords, in constant fear their mouths will be ripped from the marketing teet, with the pretense that they are “educating” their viewers. No, they are just advertising middlemen.

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The tight t-shirted one has released another of his 'reading things out he's found off the internet' videos where he acknowledges Canon published info on the overheating. Info that already existed before he made his previous 'stop speculating' video.

Jared is ALL over this.

I think he should change his now legendary sign off to 'Fro reads stuff off the internet dot com'.

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28 minutes ago, Nezza said:

The tight t-shirted one has released another of his 'reading things out he's found off the internet' videos where he acknowledges Canon published info on the overheating. Info that already existed before he made his previous 'stop speculating' video.

Jared is ALL over this.

I think he should change his now legendary sign off to 'Fro reads stuff off the internet dot com'.

The cheek of tagging it "Breaking news" in the thumbnail.

Can you imagine the BBC being 7 days late to a major news event and suddenly claiming a scoop!

It's that ridiculous.

But anything goes on the internet and people seem to fall for it hook line and sinker.

The last video was called "THE TRUTH about overheating" - where he called the facts speculation. Not much truth in that.

And now the latest one is the BREAKING NEWS. Not a single comment calling him out for his bullshit.

Why do I get so much agro but the idiots get off free?

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He is a joke, but he worked out that to keep the algorithms happy you need to be pumping out 'content' all day every day. 

This leads to a constant stream of click bait-y shite, repurposing others content and low quality 'comment' all wrapped up in a series of ill fitting t shirts. 

I think many people see him for what he is. I find him funny, but not in the way he intends.


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45 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

He's the kind of guy who if he walked into the local pub in Manchester, everyone would be thinking "who the fuck does he think he is"

Talking of Manchester - John Cooper-Clarke could pen a few lines about this whole YT nonsense...

The bloody codec’s bloody sad

The bloody heating’s bloody bad 

The bloody truth is bloody bought

The bloody cash is bloody sought

The bloody twat’s a bloody clown

Welcome to youtube town

(credit to Chickentown JCC)

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