Administrators Popular Post Andrew Reid Posted August 23, 2020 Administrators Popular Post Share Posted August 23, 2020 kaylee, sev7en, billdoubleu and 7 others 5 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gethin Posted August 23, 2020 Share Posted August 23, 2020 Someone asked what we were pissed off about. For me it's mega corporations screwing the little people. Originally I thought the record limits were ok: it's only physics - if the small size of the camera means the heat creates a natural segmentation to their cinema cameras: fair enough. But the level of douchbaggery to cynically scupper it's abilities. Urgh fuck you Canon and your little dog too. The reason it overheats in stills mode is presumably because it overheats when connected to an external recorder: in other words if someone can record without the camera knowing it's being recorded then the cripple timer must time at all times. Someone at canon is very paranoid that somebody will find a way to use it as a cinema camera. I'd they had just built in time limits like Nikon do, it would sit better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lloyd Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 Hey Andrew, I understand your rage at Canon and I have been following your posts a lot lately. But I think you should approach this differently. I am worried that because you and others are 'demanding' canon to respond, this might cause a retaliation from the company. The retaliation could be to fix any kind of hacks that we are finding out about or to simply not respond at all. I believe a more civil "babying" approach would be better for both parties. I would personally not want you to kiss Canon's ass, but the whole "f-- canon and the corporation" approach is a bit extreme in my opinion and would not inspire the company to change. Instead we would need to rally to the only thing that companies listen to. Money. A boycott, or delay in purchasing, or whatever is powerful. The best way to make them listen is if they are losing money. Of course that would be hard to organize, but it would be more effective than raging. Just my 2 cents. Not sure if you have the connections, but YouTubers are a powerful voice for camera reviews sales. If you could inspire them to bash the overheating limits on youtube then I'm sure it will shake up something. Just like how everyone bashed canon for removing 24p from the eosRP. Amazeballs 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted August 24, 2020 Author Administrators Share Posted August 24, 2020 Like I said in the article, I have approached everybody I know who works for Canon, and one of them is Michael Bravin, ex-ARRI, so we are not talking about the regional chinless wonder junior sales reps but people who have clout, who could make a difference and who I assume to be ethical people willing to help. Let me tell you... I have got nowhere fast. The same with Canon UK. I believe they are probably just sticking their heads in the sand or probably don't even understand the depth of customer anger there is about this. Or maybe we are a niche who don't make them the extra billions they are targeting so fuck us. Just one of the reason's we've a right to be very angry. Everybody who has spent $4000 on this camera (or even more in many regions) has a right to an honest explanation, and an apology, and most certainly a fix. I do agree that maybe a less harder, pro-corporate position would make for a more harmonious relationship between EOSHD and Canon. But I cannot sacrifice my principals - The right strategy at the moment is to simply carry on speaking the truth to bullshit, with factual evidence to back it up and as many deep technical discoveries as possible ideally with the help of Magic Lantern. We must pool our knowledge. Then Japan can do what the like to be quite honest. The ball has been in their court since day one and will continue to be. If we don't like what they have done, the onus is on us to stop being nice little easily-led consumers and to spend our money elsewhere! Perhaps even in the high end smartphone camera market instead. Juank, Leon Postma, Daai and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daai Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 keep pressure them. you doing good work ! i mean if they got nothing to hide. why not just answer us? even when lousy excuse. this was canon "debute" camera and all this shit? never seen so many creative way to use the camera as this one. If so then canon should made a manual for "other way to make it work". andrgl 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted August 24, 2020 Author Administrators Share Posted August 24, 2020 Exactly - if nothing to hide, come out and say it... I honestly think they fear the legal consequences of this. And are uncertain on how to proceed policy wise. Canon are a big committee and do not move quickly on important decisions. It seems obvious to us - Just apologise and fix the problem, give us the impressive camera hardware as the engineers intended it and not crippled version with a firmware timer. For $4000 we are within our rights to request it. But to Canon it is probably all out political nuclear war and all sorts of manager arguments, in multiple departments and even multiple regions. I am sure some in the company are absolutely ashamed of what has happened. But they are not going to go above the level of the CEO and come out and say it publicly. Hierarchies are VERY strict in corporations, especially Japanese ones. We should give them yet more time to respond. It may be that Canon choose to ignore all their customers for 1-2 months completely and then just spring a firmware update on us. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if we never get an apology or really any honest answers. Daai, andrgl and Juank 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wolf33d Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 Can’t believe already 5 assholes dislike the video. Please the whole EOSHD community go like and share the video. This needs to make noise. Imagine the face of those decision makers at Canon. Freaking ridiculous lol, those should resign and vow to never ever work again for any company. What do this clowned thought? That nobody would ever notice? How can you be dumb enough to implement such limitation and expect people to never find out? Lol. A big pros to the engineers who designed this camera though. Without software limitation decided by whoever it’s clearly the camera of the decade! Emanuel 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daai Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 i used to study and live in japan and yeah know the system etc how it work. just sad they choiced this way instead make it a super camera. they could like i would say steal the thunder with it. In a positive side. it seems they have a capable good sensor catching up on DR and the temp seems very impressive to be honest. Bad side is all this Cripple stuff and artificial blocks their way of doing stuff. i have a hard time buying anything from them because of this and what i read. I was in looking for camera and lens. r5 and canon was in sight. went with sony instead. I know sony also have shady stuff too, but the product "work". i need to know it work and not fail on me or play Russian roulette. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted August 24, 2020 Author Administrators Share Posted August 24, 2020 Just in case anyone missed it here is the hack methodology in full: Here’s what I did during the 50 minutes 8K test: 00:00 – Power on the EOS R5 normal from cold 01:00 – Remove battery card door, camera powers down but power switch remains in “on” position 01:30 – Insert small screw in the battery door sensor as pictured below. Camera turns back on. 02:00 – Set video mode to DCI 8K resolution (IPB codec) to SD card. 02:10 – Hit record 17:00 – Roll to approximately 17 minutes (“overheat” warning icon will be flashing) 17:05 – At this point pull battery during recording 17:15 – With battery disconnected remove SD card and put freshly formatted SD card in the slot instead 17:20 – Push battery back in and power will return, overheat warning is gone and timer is reset 35:00 – Record for another 17 minutes! 50:00 – End of test I could go until the battery died, basically. Emanuel, andrgl, hijodeibn and 2 others 3 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daai Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 the thing is if we knew and expect it overheat. then ok lets go with that and work with it. as sony camera was famous for. but then the recovery time... and then we find out how really warm it get and not to mention all this hack to bypass the "heat problem".. The "why, because and reason" of "overheat" just smell shady! would you guess this is pure based on to protect cine line? i also remember someone mention a firmware upgrade to extend the record time.. so "heat problem" can just be "mended/fix" with update like that. would also be interesting to see how much more they give us and you should also test out more when that firmware comes out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hijodeibn Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 Amazing job Andrew!!!, now we have a monster of a camera, shame on Canon, tricky bastards, now I am really thinking to get a R5, if I can shoot unlimited 8K that's paradise in my dictionary. A_Urquhart and Emanuel 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 Absolutely! Andrew has just entered in the camera history IMHO... Selling more camera units to them : X Sorry mate ; ) but this time you got the full front page ; )) You won't screw up this time TONEH... No original Velveeta in the hands of your 2nd half will save you this time, count on it! LOL :- D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 The difference is in the filmmakers community Andrew serves : ) EOSHD is not in the same category of ANY YT channel out there :- ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted August 24, 2020 Author Administrators Share Posted August 24, 2020 20 minutes ago, hijodeibn said: Amazing job Andrew!!!, now we have a monster of a camera, shame on Canon, tricky bastards, now I am really thinking to get a R5, if I can shoot unlimited 8K that's paradise in my dictionary. Hold on a minute and listen. We do not have a monster at all. It remains crippled. And in dire need of a firmware update. The actually reliable video modes are line skipped mush. But most of all think about your principals. It pisses me off to be honest when a company has been shown to cheat their customers, but then the customer just goes "ah what the heck" and rewards them anyway to the tune of 4 grand. If you really feel strongly about the fact that Canon have lied, or have even been "tricky bastards" - why would you then rush out to reward them for that with $4000 on a new camera? Santoso and cameraeye 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
exige24 Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 So this is basically everyone's supreme tier camera that they've artificially handicapped. I'm almost more amazed that they actually pulled non-overheating 8K camera off as I am that they were so slimy about its implementation. Lol Amazing!!! I'm seriously astonished by both aspects. Slimy miracle engineers. Hahahahaha I have two concerns about your method though. Are the video files usable removing them in this manner and if you are actually getting into overheating territory taking the recording time way past 15 min and not knowing about it because Canon obviously isn't basing their over heat warning on any thermometer. Hmmm.... Dangerous. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wolf33d Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 16 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said: Hold on a minute and listen. We do not have a monster at all. It remains crippled. And in dire need of a firmware update. The actually reliable video modes are line skipped mush. But most of all think about your principals. It pisses me off to be honest when a company has been shown to cheat their customers, but then the customer just goes "ah what the heck" and rewards them anyway to the tune of 4 grand. If you really feel strongly about the fact that Canon have lied, or have even been "tricky bastards" - why would you then rush out to reward them for that with $4000 on a new camera? Because as an hybrid photo/video shooter in wild/extreme sport environment, it’s the best tool (would be) for the job. It’s an extreme frustration to have to go through what Canon is doing right now, but I would shoot myself hard in the foot if I would use something else should they fix the issue. However I have done my part. Since the 5D3 I stopped shooting Canon and never gave them a cent because of their crippling. I have a dozen people around me who listen to my camera/tech advice (mostly for beginner camera stuff) over the last few years. I all made them buy Nikon for photography and Sony for video. Now for me the R5 is a million step above anything else just because it combines FF + no crop + 4K120 + 10 bit + best ergonomics + 45mpx + best colors + best AF + best in class IBIS. The AF on Panasonic is not usable for me, the Sony you have to carry 2 cameras to have both still and video which I cannot do, and so on. So I am ready to give again Canon my money, if they fix it of course. It sucks what they do, but it would suck more to use anything else. In the end, what matters most is if someone correct is fault or not. I will not forgive them, but I’ll buy the R5 if that software limitation goes away. Let’s be realistic though, I am afraid all they will give us is 50% more recording time and 50% faster recovery or some BS like that. I hope I am wrong. Emanuel, crevice, Digitgio and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
exige24 Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 23 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said: Hold on a minute and listen. We do not have a monster at all. It remains crippled. And in dire need of a firmware update. The actually reliable video modes are line skipped mush. But most of all think about your principals. It pisses me off to be honest when a company has been shown to cheat their customers, but then the customer just goes "ah what the heck" and rewards them anyway to the tune of 4 grand. If you really feel strongly about the fact that Canon have lied, or have even been "tricky bastards" - why would you then rush out to reward them for that with $4000 on a new camera? Because that means it's a damn miracle camera, slimy company execs or not. Haha They have literately leapfrogged any competition by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately looks like they did the same with ethics too. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
frankieboy Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 Good sleuthing Andrew. This whole episode has made all the youtubers look very silly. Canon is so confused about the professional video market. They're not going to lose C300mkiii sales to a little camera like the R5 with no timecode input (along with countless other professional features). There's no reason to cripple it like this. If they had a small form factor cinema camera on the market, I would at least understand their reasoning, but they don't! Why are they doing this????? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaulUsher Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 Petition to fix the R5: Emanuel 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wolf33d Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 30 minutes ago, PaulUsher said: Petition to fix the R5: Signed and shared. Considering putting money on advertising it as well. I don’t like the description though, it’s not strong enough. You should say there that It has now been demonstrated that the R5 limitations are based on a timer and that with simple tweeks the R5 can record 8K and any video mode for much longer than advertised. Those artificial limitations are an insult to us customers and we require a software fix and nothing else (not a press release or whatever pure BS from Canon as said in the petition). Juank and PaulUsher 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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