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Ready to Invest in Some Primes


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I began discussing this in another thread, but it was off-topic, so here it is: I'm ready to invest in some primes for my GH3 (I've got the 12-35 and 35-100mm zooms). I do mostly handheld street shooting, but I would like to branch out into short films one day.


Question 1: If I don't already own any legacy lenses, is there any advantage to buying full frame lenses + adaptors over u43 lenses like Voigt or SLR Magic (apart from cost?).


Question 2: Are cheap adaptors fine for video use? 


Question 3: How about the Samyang/Rokinon cine lenses?


Question 4: Also, right now, I'm already using a shoulder rig to keep my OIS lenses from jittering (initially, for the longer zoom, but now I use it with both lenses with great results); what is the longest lens I should realistically be able to use without having to do post stabilization? a 50mm? 

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YASHICA ML prime lenses are superb , Im shooting on them all the time now


Zeiss Distagon equivilants , superb contrast , very sharp and available on ebay


24mm 28mm 35mm 50mm 135mm all superb lenses made in same factory as the Zeiss Distagons in Japan (I cant tell the differance)


get a Contax Yashica (C/Y) to micro 4/3 adaptor off ebay and you are done


also the Carl Zeiss 80mm Biometar is a stunning lens get that aswell and you have a superb set of primes with out breaking the bank

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YASHICA ML prime lenses are superb , Im shooting on them all the time now


Zeiss Distagon equivilants , superb contrast , very sharp and available on ebay


24mm 28mm 35mm 50mm 135mm all superb lenses made in same factory as the Zeiss Distagons in Japan (I cant tell the differance)


get a Contax Yashica (C/Y) to micro 4/3 adaptor off ebay and you are done


also the Carl Zeiss 80mm Biometar is a stunning lens get that aswell and you have a superb set of primes with out breaking the bank

Wow, Andy. I think you've mentioned these before, but I only now looked them up on eBay. So inexpensive! Which is a plus, since customs here in Vietnam really socks it to you. I'm looking at one seller from the Ukraine charging around $35 USD for shipping, which isn't bad at all. Maybe a good place to get my feet wet before investing in expensive glass. Are there any examples of work done with these lenses you could point me to?

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If you want a consistant look across all of your primes I would go with Rokinon/Samyang. The 14mm isnt very good but all others are in my opinion. They all come in Cine versions too. I have 16, 24, 35, and 85. Use them with the Nikon Speedbooster.

I know it isn't a prime lens but I would seriously consider getting the Sigma 18-35 with a Speedbooster. I have been using that lens now for pretty much 75% of shooting. It can cover all of your ranges from 14-35 (with speedbooster of course).

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If you want a consistant look across all of your primes I would go with Rokinon/Samyang. The 14mm isnt very good but all others are in my opinion. They all come in Cine versions too. I have 16, 24, 35, and 85. Use them with the Nikon Speedbooster.

I know it isn't a prime lens but I would seriously consider getting the Sigma 18-35 with a Speedbooster. I have been using that lens now for pretty much 75% of shooting. It can cover all of your ranges from 14-35 (with speedbooster of course).

Good to hear about the Rokinon lenses, Aaron. I guess the 14mm would be out of the question, as it appears not to have filter threads. How's manual focusing with the Sigma? Ergonomics with a u43 camera? Any issues with stabilization? Or do you use it strictly with a tripod/monopod?

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

Samyang cine lenses are lovely. Get a set and be done with it. I use them everyday and love them more everytime I use them. They're just TOO cheap for what they are!

Get the Nikon versions and get a speedbooster.

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Samyang cine lenses are lovely. Get a set and be done with it. I use them everyday and love them more everytime I use them. They're just TOO cheap for what they are!

Get the Nikon versions and get a speedbooster.

@Ebrahim So you would discourage me from investing in the u43 mount?

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Wow, Andy. I think you've mentioned these before, but I only now looked them up on eBay. So inexpensive! Which is a plus, since customs here in Vietnam really socks it to you. I'm looking at one seller from the Ukraine charging around $35 USD for shipping, which isn't bad at all. Maybe a good place to get my feet wet before investing in expensive glass. Are there any examples of work done with these lenses you could point me to?


the Yashicas blow away everthing Ive used before . they know what they are doing in that factory ...they make all the Carl Zeiss Contax lenses there too , they are a hidden jem that people dont pick up on , why spend a fortune on over priced Korean lenses when you can buy superb Japanese lenses at a fraction of the price and I personally think they are optically superior . Im not a fan of the Rokinon Samyang lenses

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the Yashicas blow away everthing Ive used before . they know what they are doing in that factory ...they make all the Carl Zeiss Contax lenses there too , they are a hidden jem that people dont pick up on , why spend a fortune on over priced Korean lenses when you can buy superb Japanese lenses at a fraction of the price and I personally think they are optically superior . Im not a fan of the Rokinon Samyang lenses

You make me laugh, Andy! While everyone else is comparing the Samyang lenses to genuine cine lenses costing $20,000+, you say they are overpriced.. At the same time, I'm inclined to follow your advice, since the price is right (for the Yashicas), and I'm not a professional, just a hobbyist.

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If you're on a budget, you really really really can't go wrong with the Rokinon/Samyang lenses.

They sell nice cinekits with a nice case for cheaper. I got the 14/35/85 set. I've worked with everything from all priceranges CP2's, Cooke 4S's, Zeiss Ultra Primes, Red Primes, Hawk C-series anamorphics, Elite Anamorphics, Zeiss Super Speeds, ...

The Rokinons are just perfect for soms do it yourself/ low budget stuff. I wouldn't dare to take these lenses on a big budget set, but then there should be money for quality lenses.

My experience says the rokinon's are more on par with the CP2/Red Prime lenses, but even these cost ten times more than the rokinons.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

@Ebrahim So you would discourage me from investing in the u43 mount?

It's just what I would do. Simply because of compatability. There are amazing m43 lenses out there, but If I was on a budget I would definitely invest in a samyang set (full-frame) because they work wonderfully with the speedboosters on m43 AND also work beautifully on larger formats (APS-C to fullframe) if you upgrade to a bigger format someday for any reason. Manual fullframe nikon-mount glass work on everything!
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I have a bmc pocket camera and I have been collecting zeiss contax primes. I had so so luck with adapers so I'm converting c/y to nikon with the leitax mount and using the speedbooster. I only have the 28mm and the 60mm makro so far. I love the macro and want to find the 100mm makro. I sort of gave up on m43 mount. I started out with the panny lenses but you can tell the difference with the zeiss lenses. The only m43 lens I may add is the new 42.5mm panny lens.

There is a zeiss survival guide on reduser. We'll worth the read.


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I have a bmc pocket camera and I have been collecting zeiss contax primes. I had so so luck with adapers so I'm converting c/y to nikon with the leitax mount and using the speedbooster. I only have the 28mm and the 60mm makro so far. I love the macro and want to find the 100mm makro. I sort of gave up on m43 mount. I started out with the panny lenses but you can tell the difference with the zeiss lenses. The only m43 lens I may add is the new 42.5mm panny lens.

There is a zeiss survival guide on reduser. We'll worth the read.


@Jim Why have you given up on u43 lenses? And what do you mean by "you can tell the difference with the Zeiss lenses"? Exactly how are they different? Resolution? Color? Bokeh? 

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Most native MFT lenses don't send a good image to the camera but rely on heavy software corrections of geometrical distortion, corner blur and chromatic aberrations. This is why the resulting images look clinical - they're not the result of good optics but of in-camera photoshopping.

On top of that, MFT lenses can't be adapted to any other camera mount. It has the opposite strength of being a camera mount to which almost any other lens mount can be adapted.

MFT is an excellent mount and sensor format for video cameras. But I wouldn't put high bets on its long-term survival as a stills camera system. On the ultracompact end, it's being undercut by 1" cameras like the Sony RX100, on the enthusiast image quality-oriented end, it's being outclassed by APS-C mirrorless systems (like Sony's and Fuji's).

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YASHICA ML prime lenses are superb , Im shooting on them all the time now


Zeiss Distagon equivilants , superb contrast , very sharp and available on ebay


24mm 28mm 35mm 50mm 135mm all superb lenses made in same factory as the Zeiss Distagons in Japan (I cant tell the differance)


get a Contax Yashica (C/Y) to micro 4/3 adaptor off ebay and you are done


also the Carl Zeiss 80mm Biometar is a stunning lens get that aswell and you have a superb set of primes with out breaking the bank

Andy i am actualy thinking YASHICA ML prime since price is right but would there be any issue with full frame cameras i am wating to buy black magic 4k what adapter would i need micro 4/3 adaptor? and would same adapter work on canon body.



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yes that is the beauty of Yashica prines they work on full frame canon and on micro 4/3 Panasonic camera


so you only need one set of primes like me if you shoot panasonic and canon


just buy a Contax Yashica to Canon EF adaptor off ebay for your 5D etc



if you go done this route please do consider the superb Carl Zeiss 28-70mm vario sonar zoom

it is C/Y mount like the Yashicas and is a very very sharp lens with a 3d type pop to it !! aspheric elements and its small and light for a zoom

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@Jim Why have you given up on u43 lenses? And what do you mean by "you can tell the difference with the Zeiss lenses"? Exactly how are they different? Resolution? Color? Bokeh? 

Zeiss lenses are in a different league , they have character, and very sharp and have a 3d pop to them you image looks super detailed

and they have great colours - warm and great contrast


Zeiss contax primes and Zeiss Vario Sonar zooms

also try the Zeiss Contax N Mount lenses

the 24-85mm Vario Sonar is an insane lens so sharp with micro levels of detail


so this is why I bought the Yashicas as they are widly regarded as Zeiss Distagon equivilants as they are made in the same Factory as the Zeiss Contax lenses , when I A/B my Yashicas to the Zeiss lenses there is nothing in it!!! 


I can cut between Zeiss and Yashica lenses in an edit and they all have a the same look , I was not getting that with Samyang lenses when cut in with Zeiss lenses , they have a different look to them , so thats why I dont use them .

Im sold on Zeiss and Yashica they work well together (they should do they are made in the same Factory!)

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ps another tip for Yashicas is the 50mm f2 - yes f2 version is a great lens I prefer it to the f1.7 and f1.4 versions they make

why ? because on micro 4/3 it has superb contrast is very sharp and at f2 produces great bokeh and is usable on actors as the dof is enough to get a face all in focus , not just the nose or eyes like the f1.7 is very narrow dof and las less contrast at f1.7


the f2 50mm can be had for about $40 or less on ebay , its may fave nifty fifty ! I use it alot for head shots a close ups of people


do not get the 50mm f1.9 version as it is made by Cosina and re badged and not actually made by Yashica its not quite as good so avoid it .

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full frame lenses, cropped by a aps-c or m4/3 sensor will deliver far greater image quality over the entire frame than a lens specifically designed for the smaller sensors.  this is one of the advantages of using a smaller sensor.


for the same reason i've had to resort to using hasslebald and shcneider medium format lenses on the A7R (full frame sensor) since i find very few full frame lenses can deliver right to the edge when open any more than f8. using my 80mm planar hassleblad lens at f2.8 on the a7r is sharper at the edges than my 85mm sonnar (full frame lens) is at f8!  

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No one has mentioned Nikkor AI and AI-S primes yet. I have a set of five, cine-modded by Duclos, and I have been pleased with them; first on my GH2, then on my FS100, and finally on my 5D3. I've also had them on a RED Scarlet, and they looked great at 4K. They are compact but well-built, and the lens characteristics match closely across the set. The only downside that I can think of is that the focus ring goes the other way, making a reversible follow focus a necessity.  


Here's a nice rundown on them by Caleb Pike of DSLRVideoShooter:


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