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Ready to Invest in Some Primes


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buy the book 'New Cinematographers ' by Alexander Ballinger.




it is a gold mine of infomation on how to shoot films and what lenses and f stops are used , with drawings and breakdowns on big Hollywood films and how they did it .


you will see most Feature films very rarely shoot above f2.8 or f2 max in low light


mostly shoot lower f5.6 etc

Darius Khondji shot Alien Resurestion at f2.8 , he lit all the sets the whole moive for that stop.

the Great Freddie Young didn't like going over f3.5 - (read his autobiography its very good)


if you want bokeh - use a telephoto lens to isolate the subject from the background that way .

thats how these guys do it - have a read of the book!!


and dont forget Movie Cameras (Alexa, Epic, Super 35mm etc) are not full frame !

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I understand that most narrative work is shot at 5.6, etc.. I should have mentioned the fact that I was looking at it from a low light perspective and run and gun, where controlling lighting was really not an option. Would the  Canon FDn 35-105mm f/3.5 with a speed booster be a better option than the Contax Zeiss 28-70?

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I have quite a few FD lenses and I love them all. The only one I don't like is the 28mm f2.8, the image looks kinda flat and out of focus areas look blotchy. 


Have been thinking about getting the FD 35-105mm, worth it? 


I've been seeing a few Canon FD fit Carl Zeiss too, these are the East Germany type right? Any experience with those? 

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FD fit Zeiss are the cheap Sigmas made in Japan and branded Zeiss - these where sold in Jessops style camera shops 20 years ago

avoid -


they are called Carl Zeiss Jena II and have sky blue lettering on the lens caps and lens barrels


they are cheap and Ok but identical to their Sigma equivilants.....no way near as good as the Yashicas ML range and Zeiss C/Y range.



the Canon FD 35-105mm is the perfect partner for the Canon FD 24-35mm L Series they are very similar in look so work well together


Plus the 35-105mm is a great lens and cheap

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the best FD lenses are the L Series ones,

at the time these came out in 1979 - 1980 ish they where the Permier League of Canon's glass - the best they made


and they still are!!!


all have aspheric elements (Canon made all their hi end aspheric element lenses into the L Series in 1979)


the 24-35mm f3.5 Canon FD L Series is a lens that just has someting about it thats put it in a different league in my book.

They way Canon have grouped the elements has given it a very unique cinematic look , it looks like a very very expensive PL mount Cinema lens, they way it renders light , the way it flares , the great skin tones it gives , warm colours and good nice blacks too.

plus it gives you 3 great focal lengths in one lens






so carry one lens instead of 3 primes.


It has a nice bokeh too especially at 35mm.


I cannot recomend this lens enough.


Oh yes did I say its very sharp too!! ......sharper optically than most prime lenses I own ......


read this :




here is one cheap on ebay


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this lens is a hidden jem


Vivitar 35-105mm f3.5 Canon FD mount.


so this is the same spec as the Canon FD 35-105mm  f3.5 But is has warmer colours (The Canon has a cool blue tinge to it) and it is slightly sharper than the Canon version of this lens

it zooms internally

and the other good news is it is very very cheap!!


plus it has a close macro focus back focus ring wich is nice



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this lens is a hidden jem


Vivitar 35-105mm f3.5 Canon FD mount.


so this is the same spec as the Canon FD 35-105mm  f3.5 But is has warmer colours (The Canon has a cool blue tinge to it) and it is slightly sharper than the Canon version of this lens

it zooms internally

and the other good news is it is very very cheap!!


plus it has a close macro focus back focus ring wich is nice





Cheers Andy!


That particular lens I've been curious about, although didn't know what to make of it. Looks like a worthy addition. 


The one you posted has a bit of dust in the lens, I like mine mint/near perfect, because I'm like that. 


In the market for the Canon 24-35L, many people talk of this lens like its a work of art. Also the same of the Zeiss Contax 21mm.... although its very expensive! (but seriously cool looking!)

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Most Kiron Lenses are Top Notch. Nikon E Series were actually made by Kiron and the original Vivitar Series 1.  Vivitar started naming all their lenses Series 1 to cash in so you have check the serial numbers, can't remember atm...google it. Ex Nikon employees who went out and started their own company.

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Im selling a couple of prime lenses (as I have 2 of each of these lenses)


this is one of those hidden jems


Ensinor 24mm f2.8 in Canon FD mount - lens is as new glass is mint

this lens is superb it has a great cinematic look to it strong blacks and great color contrast , does not flare as much in daylight as the Yashica 24mm f2.8 so its great outside - there is loads of great reviews of this lens on the web - its one of those lenses that should have been alot more expensive when it came out.


24mm is a 'standard' lens on Micro 4/3 so its very useful to have as a main lens




X- Fujinon DM 50mm f1.6 ,

another hidden jem as it gives the Carl Zeiss 50mm Planar a run for its money


very fast prime lens with superb bokeh and narrow depth of field , great lens with strong blacks and great color contrast.

Comes with a micro 4/3 adaptor so you can use it straight away on GH2 GH3 G6 GX4 BMPCC etc



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@andy lee..... Cheers for all the useful info  :)


It's very likely I'm going to order a GH4 in the next few months to replace my GH3, and I'm looking for the right glass to create the most cinematic image possible, sharp and suitable for grading. 


I own quite a few FDs, and I find these to be decent besides the Canon 28mm 2.8, it has way too much contrast and grading images out of this lens is a bit of a nightmare (as opposed to the Canon 50mm f1.4 which can be stunning!)


I'm liking the range of the Zeiss Contax lenses and any other FDs, to be used with the CY and/or FD Speedbooster. Looking to get a nice set of primes and a couple of zooms for speedy jobs. 


From your experience with these lenses, what do you think would mostly suit my needs? I like my image out of the camera flat for grading. ;)



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Im a big fan of the Yashica ML primes 24, 28 , 35, 50 and Zeiss Vario Sonnar Zooms 24-85mm and 28-70mm

Also the Zeiss 80mm Biometar fits this set nicely similar colours too


a must have lens is the Canon FD 24-35mm - killer lens!!

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