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What about story telling?


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A while ago EOSHD helped me a lot getting in grip with the technical bits of filmmaking. But since I mastered them I turned my interest to the storytelling bit of filmmaking. A shame we don't get into this stuff over here - I miss it. Also I saw a while ago somebody stating a similar topic where he was stating that 'most of us forget that filmmaking is not about the camera but about your ideas.' This treat got removed (!) for some reasons.


Anybody ideas on how we can inspirate eachother on the story telling bit on EOSHD or else next to treads on new cameras and technics?

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Well first thing, you can say is that all the technical stuff is in the end always in service of the story you are trying to tell, if you use a slow motion just because it looks "cool" well that's just a limited use of a tool that may have a deeper meaning in your movie for example. Or why to choose a 50mm over a 24mm lens to film a certain scene. Why to shoot handheld or with a steady-cam => it will eventually influence your story and sometimes not what you wanted. So make sure that the decisions you take regarding the technical part will always be because because your are trying to express something precise and that the technique part translates into the story telling.


I hope I made my self clear. You probably already knew that, but it's always good to repeat it   :)

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Hi Blanche,

there is a sub-forum Creativity & Ideas, but no one amongst us is either creative or has ideas, so the topics collect dust. There also was a new forum altogether, creativcrit, but it didn't survive for long. 

Every now and again someone feels obliged to post the truism 'it's not the camera' in a completely insipid gadget-thread, but he's like Jesus on Wall Street, stating 'money can't buy you love'.


Another saying hits the nail on the head: Action speaks louder than words. There are hundreds of fantastic, affordable cameras, cinematic lenses asf., but no one generates content? Why?

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@Daniel - I know how the technics helps to tell the story. I started this tread just to reach out to others for  a way to inspirate each other on how - instead of talking about the newest camera's only. But maybe EOSHD isn't the right platform.  ;)


@Axel - I didn't see those subtopics sorry for being so blind - I'll check ten


The guys of Stillmotionfilms http://www.vimeo.com/stillmotionfilms gave me a lot of inspiration lately on the story telling bit. I was looking to something more interactive with opening this tread.

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A while ago EOSHD helped me a lot getting in grip with the technical bits of filmmaking. But since I mastered them I turned my interest to the storytelling bit of filmmaking. A shame we don't get into this stuff over here - I miss it. Also I saw a while ago somebody stating a similar topic where he was stating that 'most of us forget that filmmaking is not about the camera but about your ideas.' This treat got removed (!) for some reasons.


Anybody ideas on how we can inspirate eachother on the story telling bit on EOSHD or else next to treads on new cameras and technics?


Quite true. Some of the most beautifully shot videos on Vimeo are usually just videos, tagged or labelled as Short Films. They have absolutely no story to tell. 


Actually, I feel there is so much one can narrate in terms of a short film. Gear and everything is nice, but actual story telling must have a strong edifice based on story-telling. 

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See, story telling, is like all other aspects of film-making, Whereas, a Film School can ONLY make a film school student of person, and actual, hands-on field work, will make a cinematographer, writer etc etc, of you, the way to go about with it, to to meet people with ideas, stories, narration styles etc etc. For me, apart from people, I get inspiration, from watching short films, and reading works of prolific writers like Roald Dahl and Jeffrey Archer. These two really nail the precise amount of narration (material, as well as style) necessary, in a short story (the things needed to write for a short film). 


Read lots of short stories, and when you start feeling that you have got the length necessary to write a 10-15 short film, you have hit the nail on the head. After that, have it reviewed by someone who writes lots of short stories (such as yours truly). I could send you one of 2 short stories, if you promise not to share them. :)

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Yes I like too - Sanveer. Bye the way I'm a one man band and into documentary story telling.

Sadly my newest vids where I started using the traditional storytelling rules aren't translated in english and still password protected so they are not ready to share yet. 

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Hey Blanche,


Why not add storytelling/scriptwriting to the poll for new topics?


I will support you regarding this.


I good place to start is get yourself a copy of Final Draft, its great for dumping ideas when the creative juices kick in




Also a good storyboarder is useful, check out toonboom




This helps with blocking and staging and here is a good DVD home course in the subject which I highly recommend







Remember if it aint on the page it aint on the stage ;)

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Nowadays, most people have nothing to say, but they'll say it anyway. I think, I know, I believe...
Tarkovsky, Fellini, Godard, Bergman, were readers, first. So go to the library, borrow books -plays, classic novels, philosophy- and only then, you might have a chance, one day, to write something which will have a somewhat universal artistic value worth sharing with fellowmen who can really appreciate a deep, thorough, moving piece of story telling.

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I think your point is a good one. I'm like you, I've used this site to "train" myself in all the tech stuff. As far as I can tell this is one of the best sites on the net (as well as No Film School). However, I started to train myself with the specific intention of starting a major project. I have an extensive background in theatre, and am in the process of creating a project that links to both theatre and video. I've started ...

Andrew, (if you're reading) your site has recently undergone some changes with new moderators etc. I think you'll find that your site has inspired a number of artists to go out and make stuff. Wouldn't it be great if EOS HD could have a (new) section in which projects (feature films, docos, experimental, music videos, whatever) could discuss their technical and creative development. Crowdsource issues and bounce ideas off other forum members. In other words a special section not just for general discussions but for projects that are going to be made, and were heavily inspired by this website.

I think there would be a few out there. I've got one. Blanche seems to have one. I'm sure there are more. It could be a great international creative and technical film "salon".

Perhaps projects need to apply directly to Andrew to be included, and then let the forum take over, subject to all the rules that already apply.

Blanche? Andrew? And moderator?

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Nobody stops us to publish own ideas in the Creativity & Ideas forum, to document their development, to discuss their scripts, post storyboards or production paintings, to ask for help how to find locations, tutorials for better make up or costumes or tips how to better direct untrained actors. Lighting, grip, editing, what have you.


Why does no one take advantage of this? Why does everyone keep his plans or fancies in secrecy? 

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Nobody stops us to publish own ideas in the Creativity & Ideas forum, to document their development, to discuss their scripts, post storyboards or production paintings, to ask for help how to find locations, tutorials for better make up or costumes or tips how to better direct untrained actors. Lighting, grip, editing, what have you.
Why does no one take advantage of this? Why does everyone keep his plans or fancies in secrecy?

Why does no one take advantage of it? I can only speak for myself and say that I might take advantage of the current "Creativity and Ideas" section at some point, but my suggestion was for something more structured, more "curated". Which I would definitely be interested in. Why do people keep things so secret? Who knows, keeping your projects secret is an antiquated idea. Opening up your process, engaging in dialogue, viewing your potential audience as "co-creators" of the final work is the way forward.

Like I said in an earlier post my background is in theatre. We struggle with similar questions. Here's a link to a current project. It's titled Awkward Conversation, and it's a conversation about this very topic with our local audience in Brisbane, Australia.

In any case Andrew Reid has positioned his website in a unique position. It's much more than what Phillip Bloom offers and it's not a free for all (as much as I read it) like No Film School.

Also, as a response to Blanche's original post, I suspect it's got many people making stuff. My suggestion was not for a general discussion on random subjects, but for those projects inspired and motivated by what they have learnt on eos hd to actively engage with the websites readers in a structured and meaningful way.
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Another saying hits the nail on the head: Action speaks louder than words. There are hundreds of fantastic, affordable cameras, cinematic lenses asf., but no one generates content? Why?


A lot of people are creating amazing content. There are more indie movies and documentaries made by people currently, who surely would not have entered the industry 20 years ago. Not fair to say that nobody generates content. A mere search on vimeo will provide many examples of shorts and even features in production.


Normally hobbyists are more interested in family clips, holidays etc while the more ambitious do focus on narrative. Storytelling is definitely happening, just maybe not promoted enough in threads. I second the idea to push a concept/ storytelling critique or collaborations section. Merely by critiquing videos or short movies, there can be a lot more insight into tecniques of editing etc.


A thread idea could perhaps be for filmmakers to upload unedited footage with the option of users to have a go at editing and adding sound/score for a multitude of approaches. Family video footage could very easily be a horror or a tearjerker depending on execution.

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Yes I like too - Sanveer. Bye the way I'm a one man band and into documentary story telling.

Sadly my newest vids where I started using the traditional storytelling rules aren't translated in english and still password protected so they are not ready to share yet. 


Blanche, I think you have started a brilliant post. I think we are so glued with technology (which does indeed forma very important part of film-making, style and narration, apart from Many other things), that we have forgotten completely about content, minus technology. But, story-telling is something that is hardly discussed, anywhere on the internet. Most of the launch Videos of New Cameras (ala the GH3 and GH4), have either only story-less footage, or poorly narrated stories.

Admitted I am absolutely ignorant where Documentary Narration Styles are concerned. I had a very close friend, who disapeared a few years ago, and then, passed away, even more mysteriously, before she could tell me about it (she was a national award winning DoP). Also, I don't really get to interact with documentary makers, at all.


A lot of people are creating amazing content. There are more indie movies and documentaries made by people currently, who surely would not have entered the industry 20 years ago. Not fair to say that nobody generates content. A mere search on vimeo will provide many examples of shorts and even features in production.


Normally hobbyists are more interested in family clips, holidays etc while the more ambitious do focus on narrative. Storytelling is definitely happening, just maybe not promoted enough in threads. I second the idea to push a concept/ storytelling critique or collaborations section. Merely by critiquing videos or short movies, there can be a lot more insight into tecniques of editing etc.


A thread idea could perhaps be for filmmakers to upload unedited footage with the option of users to have a go at editing and adding sound/score for a multitude of approaches. Family video footage could very easily be a horror or a tearjerker depending on execution.


I like themartists suggestion. I think its creates co-operation and collaboration of talents. 


I could propose something, if everyone agrees. We can make a list of things we could collaborate on, without any kind of commercial aspect, though by not indulging in plagiarism, or or one-upmanship, of any kind. We can always broaden or change the list of topic and the nature of the exchange, as we go along. 


How does this sound?

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A while ago EOSHD helped me a lot getting in grip with the technical bits of filmmaking. But since I mastered them I turned my interest to the storytelling bit of filmmaking. A shame we don't get into this stuff over here - I miss it. Also I saw a while ago somebody stating a similar topic where he was stating that 'most of us forget that filmmaking is not about the camera but about your ideas.' This treat got removed (!) for some reasons.


Anybody ideas on how we can inspirate eachother on the story telling bit on EOSHD or else next to treads on new cameras and technics?


This is by and large a techie forum dedicated on the 'technical bits of filmmaking' as you put it. I'm not saying that Andrew Reid or many of the skilled filmmakers here wouldn't know anything about storytelling. That is quite obviously not the case, but this forum has just profiled into the techie stuff from the beginning, and for the most part people come here for just that. I don't think that is likely to change any time soon. Nothing wrong with that per se, and there aren't too many savvy video-oriented techie sites around in the first place. 


There are indeed no literal obstacles for adding the more narrative and artistic side of things into the mix, too, and I for one would have no objection to that, but I just doubt a change like that would stick for too long. Horses for courses.


Having said that, I do root for your wish for the inspirational stuff on storytelling, so...


But, story-telling is something that is hardly discussed, anywhere on the internet. Most of the launch Videos of New Cameras (ala the GH3 and GH4), have either only story-less footage, or poorly narrated stories.

Admitted I am absolutely ignorant where Documentary Narration Styles are concerned. 


Well, it could look something like this: Telling A Story With No Words by Matt Allard.

I just thought this story might go well with the theme of this thread, including even the lingual aspect implied. I think the linked videos are great examples of documentary storytelling. Worth a watch.

In this case, the gear used really is less relevant, even though it does get mentioned in the blog post.

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Nowadays, most people have nothing to say, but they'll say it anyway. I think, I know, I believe...
Tarkovsky, Fellini, Godard, Bergman, were readers, first. So go to the library, borrow books -plays, classic novels, philosophy- and only then, you might have a chance, one day, to write something which will have a somewhat universal artistic value worth sharing with fellowmen who can really appreciate a deep, thorough, moving piece of story telling.


I don't agree on your point of view. Yep inspiration derives from books etc - have got heaps of inspiration every day, I'm not trying to become the next Felini - just wanna get inspired and learn from others on how to tell a story with film on short productions. And I don't believe that nowadays most people don't have to say anything. Every human is special and has it own opinion about things and passions which can be universal and therefore important to share.
I personally wanna use my film/videomaking skills to tell the stories of interesting people or important subjects who deserve a broader public + support. Like I did with a short about
>a woman who makes handbags out of discharged sofa's or a
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