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Welcome to the newly re-launched EOSHD

Andrew Reid

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I also think that the article header is better to be placed before the image. It would make the design simpler. Too many horisontal separators, I think.


Why does it look so different? The front page / article header looks very different on your screen grab to how it does on my display. Totally different font for starters!

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Why does it look so different? The front page / article header looks very different on your screen grab to how it does on my display. Totally different font for starters!

Hey!!!! It was my proposal made in Photoshop, not the look on my display. I forgot to say.

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Glad it works in Opera however the layout and font is wrong. Maybe a bug, I'll try Opera and see what the issue is.


See the attached pic for how it should look (Google Chrome / Safari on right vs Opera on left)


PS if anyone wants to help debug with screen grabs, the attach files on the forum option for attaching pics is under 'more reply options'

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Andrew, have been a long time fan, your blog is a daily read for me!



The new magazine style layout needs some consideration, I have "Pictured: Venerable 5D Mark II used on new Mad Max movie" post showing 4 times on the homepage!  This is redundant and unnecessarily taking up valuable home page real estate.  

1.Head post  2.Latest News  3.Creative Filmmaking 4. Archives

Also, since I read EVERYTHING you post I was a perfect fan of the old school one post in line blog style. Content vs Style?


White/Light background is much better, black background makes me feel tired, and therefore want to spend less time on your site.


Keep it up!

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Thanks for the feedback. Lower than 1080p screens - What models are we talking specifically here - are you using a Macbook Air?




Using a 15" 1680x1050 MBP. I usually see two posts in the forum at the same time will scrolling. Tough to get a quick overview over threads. 

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Well. I work with web design & frontend, so no need to upgrade - I just override things in-browser when I find I like things in another way ;)


You could try my override in your theme yourself and see if you like it or not:


#ipbwrapper, body.hasScrolled #ipbwrapper {

    margin-top: 0px !important;
#ipbWrapperTop {
    position: relative; /* instead of fixed */
I think it'd be a navigation improvement for people who surf in using smaller laptops on the go.
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But it's only 117px tall!


Do you have a screen grab of how the forum looks on your 1080p display? I could certainly use your web programming skills. Been trying to get a plugin that displays forum posts under the article like comments but to no avail :)

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Could not for some reason upload the screenshots here, got some server error after upload. Here are screenshots of the 1680x1050 MBP display, before and after my css modifications:


'>  (on the right one, the header is only shown when scrolling all the way up to the top, which I prefer)


I try to keep my browser window a bit smaller than max on my computer, to better be able to design for the common resolutions people use. Hence my window isn't full height. I keep the os x dock hidden to the left - but a lot of users keep it at the bottom where it obstructs people from getting a larger browser vertically.


Yes, I'm afraid that such a plugin would need some custom development. Personally I just can't find time for other web projects than my full time job. 

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Two brief comments about the new website layout:


1.  I miss being able to access the Comments without having to scroll all the way down the page of the article.  I liked being able access them directly using the link in the article header.


2.  The home page correctly scrolls such that the EOSHD header leaves the frame and the entire screen real estate is available for reading articles.  The forum page, on the other hand, has a persistent EOSHD header which (when reading on a 7" tablet) leaves very little available space for the content.  Selfishly speaking, I'd rather the forum pages scrolled the same way that the home page scroll, as it's really hard to read 4 pages of posts using two or three vertical inches of screen space (on a tablet, that is).


Thanks for listening.

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I like the new look overall, but I wish there were more articles listed in the large format on the front page. Right now it looks like there are just the two and then everything else is smaller under subheadings like "Latest News" or "Reviews" etc. Perusing the articles listed on the front page is mostly how I would discover things to read on this site, especially if I haven't been checking in the last couple weeks. Now I would have to scroll down to the "Year So Far" list on the right and try to work out which things I've read or not read based on the text title alone (and with so many camera/hardware models to track, it's easy for me to forget if I've read this or that thing or not without being able to more quickly scan it based on the large thumbnail image).

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Two brief comments about the new website layout:


1.  I miss being able to access the Comments without having to scroll all the way down the page of the article.  I liked being able access them directly using the link in the article header.


2.  The home page correctly scrolls such that the EOSHD header leaves the frame and the entire screen real estate is available for reading articles.  The forum page, on the other hand, has a persistent EOSHD header which (when reading on a 7" tablet) leaves very little available space for the content.  Selfishly speaking, I'd rather the forum pages scrolled the same way that the home page scroll, as it's really hard to read 4 pages of posts using two or three vertical inches of screen space (on a tablet, that is).


Thanks for listening.


Sensible suggestions, I'm going to act on them when I get back from Photokina. Cheers.

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It would be nice to have the option, when signed out and browsing the main forum, to be able to directly check/go-to the latest reply in a certain topic.


Sure you can press the last page and then scroll down, or hover over the topic, use the dropdown triangle and then go to 'last post'. But it used to be a lot easier to directly go to the latest post from the main forum (again: when signed out, this is not the case when signed in, so unless this is intended so that more people would log in, this would be nice to see changed as I'm using many devices and I'm not logged in everywhere all the time).

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I've tried to get used to it, but I'll be honest: that massive, persistent EOSHD header on the forums irks me to no end. I can't see squat. I'm able to view maybe 1 post at a time in a thread, and it essentially chops a third of my screen off. If there's ANY way to get rid of it, or collapse it, I'd be thrilled. 

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Same problem for me. Using a laptop with 16:9 aspect ratio gives me less than 2/3 of screen usable area. Even If browser is in Full Screen mode, still big portion is taken by non moving forum header. IMHO usability wise that's not a good solution. 

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