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A GH4 in your pocket - Panasonic LX100 with 4K and Micro Four Thirds sensor

Andrew Reid

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-Great OSS zoom with wide end f1.7 (like prime lens)
-fantastic manual controls

For me it's complete, perfect camera. I'll buy it as soon as possible in my country.


Really close for me to replace my Olympus E-P5, due to poor Olympus video codecs (and no firmware upgrades on the horizon, I think).


Too bad there is no tilt/touch LCD and the fixed EVF seems to have less quality that the GX7 (similar in quality to GH2) according to this blog: http://admiringlight.com/blog/hands-panasonic-lx100-gm5-voigtlander-10-5mm-f0-95/


Maybe a lot of this can be overcome by the peaking functionality.  I've never used it with video as it isn't supported in the Olympus cameras.  


The GM5's bulit-in EVF is even lower resolution, unfortunately.  I love the Olympus tilt EVF VF-4, too bad the video output is so crap.

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Looks ace! Me want buy please.


I'd love it if Canon did something similar to better match Canon Cxxx footage colours but LOL that will not happen.


Here's a writeup with some negative points to make: small buttons, weak battery, he doesn't like the EVF




It is really small! I don't really care though, it's 4K with OS, gimme!

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The evf is apparently similar to the gx7. I rarely use the EVF on that camera due to poor rendition of colour/tone, a too shallow eyecup and rainbow tearing. I'm hoping they will have fixed at least one of those issues..

As for small buttons, well what can you expect really.

This site is listing prices for the Leica version accessories. http://www.leica-storemayfair.co.uk/price-lists/pricelist-photokina2014/140916%20New%20product%20range%20at%20Photokina.pdf
Apparently there will be a grip available. There is also something called a twist, which I am intrigued as to what it is.

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Panasonic will be touring the UK with the new camera. They will be in Manchester (and many other places) this weekend. Hopefully allow us to put a memory card in and take a few shots.

@someguy Have you never owned a Panasonic before? At the bare minimum there will be controls for flattening the image a lot. Not sure if they will be offering the same level of control as is on the gh4 though. Ie. Cine-like and master pedastal
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The Verge reviewer must have no clue. I am sure there is a pretty sizable market for a camera with these specs, size and ability to control most anything manually with nice dials and lens-rings. This certainly went to the top of my purchase list. Having the GH3, it would be nice to have something that does 4K, and not having a 12-35 f2.8 already, this camera is a no-brainer. Even if I get the GH4 or some upcoming Olympus later on as my main camera, this will likely still take care of the wide/normal range.

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Well I'm going to Jessops tomorrow to try this thing out against my GX7 with Oly 17mm f1.8


Anyone have any particular requests?


It would be nice if you could check:

- how fast/accurate the zoom works,

- how effective the stabilization is? (can you produce stable image at least on widest end of zoom)

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Does anybody know what is the effect of changing aspect ratio in ‘4K Photo mode’?


http://au.panasonic....pire creativity

"4K video recording capability also supports ‘4K Photo mode’, which allows photographers to capture spur of the moment shots by cutting out individual frames from 4K video to create a 3840 x 2160 8-megapixel equivalent JPEG image. In this mode, the luminance level is adjusted to 0-255 which is suitable for photo. Users can also select any aspect ratio (4:3, 3:2, 1:1 or 16:9) when shooting in 4K photo mode by using the aspect switch."

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