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Nikon D810 video quality leapfrogs Canon 5D Mark III

Andrew Reid

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Canon didn't actually start any filmmaking revolution. Filmmakers ... did... Canon didn't have them or enthusiasts/indie filmmakers in mind when they added that feature.


I hereby qualify my statement.


"Canon's CAMERA, although not specifically designed to do so, was a catalyst that encouraged a new revolutionary wave of indy filmmaking."


May my transgressions be forgiven!  My broad original statement failed to parse enough detail!  The wrath of the pedantic is upon me.  


That said, the new Nikon camera looks well heeled enough for folks (that actually LIKE the DSLR motion picture aesthetic, and want an awesome stills camera too) to give it some thought.  For what it's worth, I had a D90, and it was awful for video.

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Canon as a company exists in silos. DSLR and Video divisions go their merry ways with little cooperation. The fact that the 5D II broke new ground for video was almost a happy accident. I imagine at least 95% of their customers for DSLRs are stills shooters (who see video as a nice extra), so don't expect them to break new ground in video any time soon. If they were proactive they might lure in new users, but another 1% market share means a lot less to Canon than it does to Sony or Panasonic. If Nikon are making moves in the right direction, it is probably piggybacking off Sony's improved sensor technologies.

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For those who did not see it, an incredible production from Nikon Canada. Much much better than its USA counterpart. It is more static and much more in focus than the Family video above. The sharpness, details and DR looks very good. More so that in the BTS video they say they used only the internal codec.



Good stuff creatively there.


Agree DR does look good. Didn't see any nasties like moire either.

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I must say the quality looks quite good on this camera. Definitely an improvement in resolution (basically what Canon should have done many years ago). Still not on par with the GH4 resolution but close. Should be a good compromise considering the full frame sensor.

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"Canon's CAMERA, although not specifically designed to do so, was a catalyst that encouraged a new revolutionary wave of indy filmmaking."


My broad original statement failed to parse enough detail!  The wrath of the pedantic is upon me.  


Yes, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.


FWIW, you clearly said "the brand which launched the Revolution" (a brand = a business entity, a company, not a single product). A "broad statement" doesn't quite fix that. Your thinly veiled personal insult will not turn a brand into a camera, either. It will only make yourself look pathetic. But choose yourself. 

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D810 looking good. As good as any full frame footage I have seen this side of the A7S, though the internal codec seems to be being bypassed? Curious to see if it holds up as well as Sony's XAVC.

Still would rather have a tilting screen and a EVF for video; fixed back screen is a pain, even with a loupe.

What about rolling shutter? Is the D750 this good?

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never read it.

too long.

too boring.


back to the topic: of course Nikon is the be(a)st cam now. The stores had begged/asked Nikon for doing so:  the best customer is the one who switches his system and need everything new - a wet dream comes true.


Canon just waiting a year or two until the people have sold everything.


Not only my phantasy, we've seen this before with the D3.

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What about the D750? 


Certainly seems to be way better than the D600/610.  Cleaner and more stable (couldn't see artefacts or rolling shutter)

Unfortunately it still looks like 720p scaled up rather than 4K scaled down. There seems to be a fundamental problem with 24 MP sensors. Is it because a 36 MP sensor is almost exactly 4x HD horizontal resolution? Is the D810 getting a 4K image by line skipping, then subsampling that to get a reasonably clean HD. Do the same on a 24 MP and the maths are not as favourable.


The making of looks sharper - is it shot on the D810?

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Didn't nikon say the D750 video features should be same as that of D810? Hence you should expect the video quality of the D750 to be on par with the D810? I'm I correct? 


Different resolution sensor, hence different way of sampling to end up with a 1080p image. As neither of them have whole sensor readout (that I have heard) different compromises will be involved, and almost certainly detectable differences in image quality. Someone needs to do a side-by-side to show how significant the difference is.

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Yes some side to side test needs to be done to see which is better.


That's why you need a site like EOSHD.


Unfortunately nobody at Nikon have bothered sending me the cameras. From my files I shot in Cologne and at a shop, they do look very similar but the D750 looks a bit better in low light.

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Nikon seems a bit half hearted about promoting video capabilities (maybe because much of the capability arises from piggybacking off Sony technology?) If they now have the best DSLR/video hybrids, after all these years, why are they not shouting about it? Maybe because the story has moved to mirrorless?

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I am really impressed as well by all this videos. 

Time to sell the 5D3 for me. 

Wether it will be to get a D810 or to wait mirorless from Canon or next one of Sony (did you see the new global shutter with 12mpx FF sensor which is coming...)


The global shutter rumour was ranked at SR2 at the Sonyalpharumours site, which means it may as well be just wishful thinking, in an attempt to gain attention, create buzz and drive traffic to the rumour sites. 


Surely every camera maker, or at least every sensor maker are working on global shutter circuitry for their CMOS sensors, that's pretty much given. But when will that tech become mainstream and from whom first, we can only guess at this point. But quite likely all the usual suspects will have it, eventually. Could be next year, could be three or more years. Meanwhile, as long as global shutter is concerned, one might as well go for a BMPC 4K, which already has a global shutter, and is available today.


Other than that, would you really go and sell you entire camera system based on a couple of online video samples?

Just curious. After all, be it Nikon, Canon, Sony or BM, they can all do great looking stuff in the right hands. 



Okay Quirky, you win the know-more-than-the-other-random-guy-on-the-internet-award. Be sure to hang that above the mantle.


Aww, poor thing. Looks like I managed to dent your ego pretty bad, somehow. Sorry about that, it was not intentional. 

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