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Samsung NX1 with Sigma 35mm F1.4

Andrew Reid

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The video looks brilliant: Vivid colors, not noticable rolling shutter, almost no visible noise. At which ISO did you shoot, Andrew?


All ISO 200, didn't need to go any higher for this shoot at F1.4 and had the ND on for all of it. It wasn't a dark situation, plenty of light.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

The grade makes it seem like the dynamic range is severely limited in the shadows and highlights. Could you please provide an ungraded sample, just one TIFF? It's a clean image though with lovely colours

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If you are getting crushed blacks, it could be a display calibration difference between my display and yours.


Even if I regrade it, it is gonna look wrong for someone.


I'll do a proper dynamic range test vs the GH4 and A7S.


I don't expect it to beat either of them but it beats the GH4 for colour and it beats the A7S for resolution with internal recording.

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I think when it comes down to looking at these 3 cameras that fit into somewhat the same category you are going to have some give and take in different areas, but what it comes down to is what is going to be best for what you are trying to accomplish. 


I really like the look of the NX1 and the colour and the detail are great, right now I am leaning towards the NX1 over the GH4.

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I think when it comes down to looking at these 3 cameras that fit into somewhat the same category you are going to have some give and take in different areas, but what it comes down to is what is going to be best for what you are trying to accomplish. 


I really like the look of the NX1 and the colour and the detail are great, right now I am leaning towards the NX1 over the GH4.

So am I...

Or maybe using both :D But I wonder how difficult color matching those two cameras would be...

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ISO 1600 test with 16-50mm 3.5-5.6. Looks noisy as hell:



There is def some noise, but is still decent, still great detail and color, ISO 6400 on the other hand looks completely un-useable. 


I think this camera could fall into the category of being great with good light available to you. Its no A7S thats for sure. 

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Am I missing something? All those YT vids above have 720p resolution. How am I supposed to judge the quality of the original video?

Furthermore, those seem to be converted by Handbrake, which Andrew noted has inferior conversion quality, no?

So basically, what we see here I re-re-converted video downsampled to about 16% percent of its original resolution.

Can't those in possession of a NX1 post 1:1 stills from the original H265 material?

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Am I missing something? All those YT vids above have 720p resolution. How am I supposed to judge the quality of the original video?

Furthermore, those seem to be converted by Handbrake, which Andrew noted has inferior conversion quality, no?

So basically, what we see here I re-re-converted video downsampled to about 16% percent of its original resolution.

Can't those in possession of a NX1 post 1:1 stills from the original H265 material?


If you click the "youtube" icon, it takes you to youtube where you can see the footage in 4K. For those videos posted on vimeo, you can usually download the "original" footage (which is footage already converted from h265 to prores). Of course we don't always know how those conversions were made, but looking at all those videos gives you an overall of the details, noise, and color science of the camera. 

But of course the only way to really get a grasp on a camera is to try it yourself :) 

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

You can't download off youtube. Only vimeo if the users allows it. Seeing the camera's footage at 720p is not completely irrelevant in seeing how the camera looks especially in terms of acceptable noise at high ISOs, dynamic range, colour science and aliasing/moire. The only aspect I wouldn't judge is resolution and keep in mind the macro blocking artefacts the occur with YT compression.

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Guest 560a4aedcb80685284629074497fdc75

I did that but I cannot see any "Download" option at the respective YT page.


As neosushi said, downloading is on Vimeo. 


The lack of 4K option must be to do with your internet connection (are the options above 720 greyed-out?). They are all available up to 4K for me.


I posted the videos above because they give an idea of noise at higher ISOs - that probably won't change too much with different encoding. There isn't much NX1 footage out there yet so I posted what there is. I don't remember suggesting you draw any conclusions from them. Apologies. I'll be sure to check videos meet your standards before posting in future ...

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An interesting video with before/after color grading... I really like the color science out of this camera...



Still can't make any judgement at all from the very few clips online. The one above used the cheap kit lens which is probably why the image is overly sharp and brittle. A few of the grades showed promising colour. 


I'd love to see a current owner try a more cinematic piece with better glass, actual people and decent lighting. I'd do it myself but I can't rent this camera anywhere at the moment. 


I see glimpses of promise in some of the clips but because all the clips are so quick and rushed, all opinions right now are a pinch of salt, thankful for the contributions though. :)

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