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The FM lounge (Discussion of anything not related to FM price and discount)

Cosimo murgolo

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Yes...and that looks like the same seller I bought 2 from.

He must have a warehouse full of em.

​Great! Can't wait to try this. Would you say the Cinelux gives the best results with the Focus Module as it was designed for it, or are there better anamorphic lenses for it in terms of sharpness? I own a Proskar (which I am guessing will be worse), but haven't really used it much other than for a few test shots, mostly due to the dual focusing nightmare.

I am mostly after the oval bokeh. Flares are nice, but, to me, the bokeh is what really makes the anamorphic look. 1.3x and 1.5x adapter just don't provide that...

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​Great! Can't wait to try this. Would you say the Cinelux gives the best results with the Focus Module as it was designed for it, or are there better anamorphic lenses for it in terms of sharpness? I own a Proskar (which I am guessing will be worse), but haven't really used it much other than for a few test shots, mostly due to the dual focusing nightmare.

I am mostly after the oval bokeh. Flares are nice, but, to me, the bokeh is what really makes the anamorphic look. 1.3x and 1.5x adapter just don't provide that...

​I think except flare...

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​Great! Can't wait to try this. Would you say the Cinelux gives the best results with the Focus Module as it was designed for it, or are there better anamorphic lenses for it in terms of sharpness? I own a Proskar (which I am guessing will be worse), but haven't really used it much other than for a few test shots, mostly due to the dual focusing nightmare.

I am mostly after the oval bokeh. Flares are nice, but, to me, the bokeh is what really makes the anamorphic look. 1.3x and 1.5x adapter just don't provide that...

​Yeah try the Cinelux first and see how you get on with it - the FM was made for that lens first and foremost. The fact that you can install your own smaller diameter lenses into the mounting tube is a bonus, but you would be hard pressed to find a lens as sharp as the Cinelux IMHO (and I've compared it to 2 immaculate Kowa B&H lenses sitting on my desk).

'I am mostly after the oval bokeh'

Yes, it's all about the bokeh...but if you wanted to make the cinelux's flare much more pronounced and interesting, rear mount a cheap (non MC) 72mm UV filter to the back of it like I demonstrated here previously:



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Yes...and that looks like the same seller I bought 2 from.

He must have a warehouse full of em.

​It looks like I might have just bought the last one...  Oh no, there is another last one...  No harm, I have been staring at anamorphic lenses on ebay for months, yesterday I stumble across the FM adapter and bang my paypal finger goes crazy.  Very much looking forward to testing out the Cinelux with a 5D3, any tips on which focusing lens to buy?  By that I mean the one that goes between the anamorphic lens and the camera, you do need that still I assume?

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​It looks like I might have just bought the last one...  Oh no, there is another last one...  No harm, I have been staring at anamorphic lenses on ebay for months, yesterday I stumble across the FM adapter and bang my paypal finger goes crazy.  Very much looking forward to testing out the Cinelux with a 5D3, any tips on which focusing lens to buy?  By that I mean the one that goes between the anamorphic lens and the camera, you do need that still I assume?

​Another fellow Bristolian eh!?

Cinelux + FM lens on 5D3 I've personally found that an 85 &100mm taking lens works well. I use the Olympus OM 85mm f/2 and the 100mm f2.8.

I shoot using Magic Lantern raw on my 5D3, using the 4:3 aspect - this seems to get the best 'center cut' area from the cinelux and avoids the edge warp that the lens seems to have. Shooting full frame and at wide apertures with the FM lens attached is not totally it's happy place. You will need to stop the taking lens down to f/4 to get things sharp and not glowing on high contrast edges/ highlights. f/2 -2.8 can work well for dreamy ultra shallow depth of field looks, but the realistic widest shooting aperture I would recommend on the FM lens that has manageable depth of field to pull focus on moving objects is f/4. This may sound fairly boring - but the bokeh is still pretty wild, as the diopter focus method of the FM lens boosts the bokeh anyway.


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​Another fellow Bristolian eh!?

Cinelux + FM lens on 5D3 I've personally found that an 85 &100mm taking lens works well. I use the Olympus OM 85mm f/2 and the 100mm f2.8.

I shoot using Magic Lantern raw on my 5D3, using the 4:3 aspect - this seems to get the best 'center cut' area from the cinelux and avoids the edge warp that the lens seems to have. Shooting full frame and at wide apertures with the FM lens attached is not totally it's happy place. You will need to stop the taking lens down to f/4 to get things sharp and not glowing on high contrast edges/ highlights. f/2 -2.8 can work well for dreamy ultra shallow depth of field looks, but the realistic widest shooting aperture I would recommend on the FM lens that has manageable depth of field to pull focus on moving objects is f/4. This may sound fairly boring - but the bokeh is still pretty wild, as the diopter focus method of the FM lens boosts the bokeh anyway.


​Aaaaarp!  Thanks Hans!

I have just finished reading another post on this great forum that said the same thing, about f2.8 and 85mm so I am going to take that as golden and start honing my eBay skills once more. I am using ML also so your advice on this is welcome too.  I look forward to trying it all out and posting some footage of our great city on this thread.  Just one more thing... Do I need to start looking for clamps to attach everything together still? i.e. the Redstan clamps, and do you have to always have the lenses on rails?

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Hans the mans.  You win... I bow down to thee, you have obviously spent too much time with lego. https://www.flickr.com/photos/129041403@N06/16309608396/in/photostream/ 

ps. I was a bidder on the inflight anamorphic 1.75 a few months ago, it was just after watching 2001 and watching your amazing fog video.

​Meccano actually :)

Yes, the 1.75x inflight is a beauty to behold, but alas too big to fit inside the FM lens. 



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OK Chris, I am now laughing at myself.  Today I have bought a cinelux, the FM, an olympus 100mm, an om EF adapter and am now I am trying to work out how to build a support rig.  I used to go out on Fridays... At which point do I tell the bank to put me on a watch list?  There is help, at lensaddicts.com... funded by the lens foundation...

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Thanks Chris.

Wow, rigs are a big thing!  After some research I have narrowed it down to these two components.



I am hoping that this is enough for now.  I love the idea of a custom follow focus and viewfinder/Atomos setup at some point but for now I am looking for the minimum equipment necessary in order to attach the FM module and a monopod.  Does this look like it would be enough?  Thanks in advance.

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