Joedal Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 Hi JoedalI have both and can tell you that they are pretty similar in terms of performance. I haven't noticed any difference in the close focusing distance but if I get a chance I will do a test and find out. In terms of scratching the inside of the FM, the metal hood is right on the edge and protected by an edge within the FM module. I would say that my v1 is a lot sharper and has a smoother action than my flat fronted Schneider but I have put this down to how the lenses have been cared for.Hello Silkey, thankx a lot for all the infos, i whish i ask for them sooner, i've let pass a good deal on ebay for a v1 because i wasn't sure about the metal hood + screws consequences.. and too didn't know yet about the saw removal possibilities .. damit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nahua Posted February 21, 2015 Share Posted February 21, 2015 Chinese New Years! Footage shot with FM Module + Cinelux 2x + GH4 4K + Tokina 28-70mm dwijip 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted February 28, 2015 Administrators Share Posted February 28, 2015 An update from me on the FM!A demo unit arrived a week or so ago, and I was lead to believe by Cosimo all along it would work with my Kowa 16H / 8Z. Actually the Kowa needs to be dismantled to fit as Hans Punk showed.I hadn't realised this and didn't want to risk my Kowa, so I asked Anamorphic Shop for a loan of the right anamorphic to use with the FM so we could do the review. Unfortunately I got a sharp reply back with nothing but a return postal address to send back the FM.So unfortunately there will be no review and no footage from me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nahua Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 That's unfortunate. But I think that you wouldn't like the FM. It doesn't fit your style of shooting. I tried run-and-gun with the FM and there's NO way you can do it. And if you get angry stares from Germans with your small cams, wait till you bring out the huge monster that is the FM. Besides you have all your Iscoramas, no need to worry about single focus anamorphics right? (disclaimer I have an Isco 36 too) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosimo murgolo Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 An update from me on the FM!A demo unit arrived a week or so ago, and I was lead to believe by Cosimo all along it would work with my Kowa 16H / 8Z. Actually the Kowa needs to be dismantled to fit as Hans Punk showed.I hadn't realised this and didn't want to risk my Kowa, so I asked Anamorphic Shop for a loan of the right anamorphic to use with the FM so we could do the review. Unfortunately I got a sharp reply back with nothing but a return postal address to send back the FM.So unfortunately there will be no review and no footage from me.Hi Andrew, I am writing just to clear everything out and let all the members know what really happened.Your demo unit arrived on the 7th of february , 3 week ago, I've never led you on anyone else to believe that the Kowa would fit inside the FM without the need of DIY hacking and I have proofs of that. I have wrote you on the 20th of january explaining which anamorphic would fit inside the FM see the attachment file.When you received your demo unit you wrote me asking for instructions on how to fit your kowa cos you couldn't figure out, remember that?I then wrote you straight away again explaining you that you would need to disassemble your focus gear in order to fit your kowa inside the FM, and that the FM was created for the Schneider cinelux, the Isco Ulrtra star in mind, and I will attach my mails so that everyone can read that I always informed you without misleading you. It's not my fault if you don't read your mails, I understand that you may have been busy and missed my mails and I am very sorry that this happened as I was keen to read your review and as you know I always wanted that.As for the sharp reply you have received from the anamorphic shop guy I wrote you another mail only last night as I was busy working, saying that words can be misinterpreted, and he didn't mean to be sharp to you, he only answered in a very simple and honest way to your question Either you can loan me an anamorphic to use it with, or I can return it."The guy asked you to return it as it was too late now to have a review and gave you his address, that's all, no need to get upset and make believe everyone that it's my fault. I hope you understand my point, and please do not misinterpreter my post too, thank you.Here are my mails that you didn't read: nahua 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted March 1, 2015 Administrators Share Posted March 1, 2015 It's just been a big heap of frustration from the get go I'm afraid.How can you ship it with no instructions?I have the Proskar so tried that. I had to stop down to F8 just to get a usable image.I'll return the lens. It's not worth the trouble. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted March 1, 2015 Administrators Share Posted March 1, 2015 Despite the lens being a loan, if I were a paying customer I'd be asking for my money back because Cosimo at no point before the lens shipped did you tell me the Kowa wouldn't work. I have all the emails and PMs. You kept this quiet until after the demo unit arrived on the 7th.Again it's a good job I didn't pay for it, because I would have had a bad surprise there.I was willing to help, like I am with all new anamorphic solutions, I want to try them and if they are any good help get the word out. Already this thread has had 20,000 views.Problem is the FM is not very good and I feel deceived.Also you said it would ship with the Schneider originally. If nobody at Anamorphic Shop in Latvia can be bothered to send a fully functional demo unit, then I can't review it. Simple logic really. What do you expect me to do, risk the £500 Kowa or buy a £500 Schneider myself which would be even more useless to me after I send the loan FM back!?!?Logic doesn't stack up does it!?Like I say I was willing to do the review but you shipped an incomplete kit with just the FM and no anamorphic, didn't ship any instructions and wasn't clear about which lenses I needed to use until after it plonked down on my desk in Berlin. Based on this mess I think you'd be the first to admit Cosimo that a bit more effort and a bit less hyperbole was needed to make this task of a review a bit less impossible. nahua 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosimo murgolo Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 I'll return the lens. It's not worth the trouble.Thank you Andrew, and very sorry if we did waste your time. I will take the blame for all this , yes you are right I should have followed you and inform you more on this. Can I please ask you a personal favor, could you or any other moderator eliminate the whole FM lounge thread please? I am tired of this arguing over stupid stuff. Please I will appreciate it if you do.Thanks very much and do forgive me if I troubled you again with all this.BestCosimo nahua and anti12 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted March 1, 2015 Administrators Share Posted March 1, 2015 The thread stays. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anti12 Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 Well I guess it's time to move on. Hard to argue against so much funded wisdom.Seems like I have to dump my sharp single focus 2x Cinelux / FM combo.Must be my fault that I can't produce soft, distorted images with lots of lovely CA like other recently hyped 2x double focusing anamorphics do.So the 75,-- bucks I had to spend for the Cinelux were a complete waste. Now I need to get one of those bargain Isco 36 plastic lenses. I heard they can’t do close focus below 2m without modification or diopters, but who on earth would need to get any closer? I sure hope they come with a decent user manual. nahua, tonydtv and Cosimo murgolo 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosimo murgolo Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 The thread stays.I see, the thread stays, , you just said the FM is not worth it, it's almost shit and we deceived you, what's to point to keep it anyway?Ohhhhh!!!!! Ok, I see it, you don't want anyone else to be deceived by this shit single focus adapter like the FM, cos your last word to me is more important than anyone else here who followed and discussed on this thread and bought the FM and enjoyed it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nahua Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 Andrew I understand your frustration. I feel similar sentiments since I've had to buy an Isco Ultrastar and a Schneider Cinelux, as I didn't want to take apart my Kowa or Sankor. The lack of instructions, and the feeling that it's more prototype is also a concern. But I admit that it's a first run product by a small shop of guys. I think everyone understands there are growing pains with anything that's new. We're kinda like the beta testers here. I knew that going into this and it's why I was hesitant at first to buy. In fact it wasn't until I started seeing footage from Cosimo and Hans Punk that I took the chance. I know you're used to having a "final" product to test, but this is a small shop. I think your situation is unfortunate, but that's how it goes I guess. In any case I hope Anamorphic Shop can continue to grow so that they can refine their product. I really look forward to the new designs. And I have sent them my concerns about the FM as it is far from perfect. Similar to what I told Andrew at SLR Magic about their design. Let's look towards a bright future for anamorphic lenses! Cosimo murgolo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rafcamera Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 Hi!I've got couple orders for a follow focus gear for the FM lens. Made few pieces, and accepting preorders currently to see if I should make larger next bunch now.Please contact me if you need one. nahua, richg101 and Cosimo murgolo 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted March 1, 2015 Administrators Share Posted March 1, 2015 Andrew I understand your frustration. I feel similar sentiments since I've had to buy an Isco Ultrastar and a Schneider Cinelux, as I didn't want to take apart my Kowa or Sankor. The lack of instructions, and the feeling that it's more prototype is also a concern. But I admit that it's a first run product by a small shop of guys. I think everyone understands there are growing pains with anything that's new. We're kinda like the beta testers here. I knew that going into this and it's why I was hesitant at first to buy. In fact it wasn't until I started seeing footage from Cosimo and Hans Punk that I took the chance. I know you're used to having a "final" product to test, but this is a small shop. I think your situation is unfortunate, but that's how it goes I guess. In any case I hope Anamorphic Shop can continue to grow so that they can refine their product. I really look forward to the new designs. And I have sent them my concerns about the FM as it is far from perfect. Similar to what I told Andrew at SLR Magic about their design. Let's look towards a bright future for anamorphic lenses!My firm advice is to wait for better solutions.We're all hungry and curious for better lenses, especially 2x.I've always thought from the moment I got my Kowa 4 years ago, "if only". If only it would be a single focus anamorphic.The image is just so wonderful.I know for a fact better anamorphic solutions are on the way.... wait and see.Cosmio, the reason the thread stays is that I am not here to act as a marketing platform. You can't just suddenly delete everyone's contribution to the thread, because some people don't praise the product. Yes I personally found it "not good enough" quite simply and nor the service or communication. That's up to you to improve, not us. We are not paying for your R&D or market research. We are filmmakers who just want to get the look of anamorphic.I was interested like many in the FM, willing to take the time to explore it. That you on your part and at the Anamorphic Shop in Latvia didn't bother to provide the full kit, speaks poorly of the service aspect. If you can't even service EOSHD, what hope does a 'normal' customer have? Cosimo murgolo and valid 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosimo murgolo Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 My firm advice is to wait for better solutions.We're all hungry and curious for better lenses, especially 2x.I've always thought from the moment I got my Kowa 4 years ago, "if only". If only it would be a single focus anamorphic.The image is just so wonderful.I know for a fact better anamorphic solutions are on the way.... wait and see.Cosmio, the reason the thread stays is that I am not here to act as a marketing platform. You can't just suddenly delete everyone's contribution to the thread, because some people don't praise the product. Yes I personally found it "not good enough" quite simply and nor the service or communication. That's up to you to improve, not us. We are not paying for your R&D or market research. We are filmmakers who just want to get the look of anamorphic.I was interested like many in the FM, willing to take the time to explore it. That you on your part and at the Anamorphic Shop in Latvia didn't bother to provide the full kit, speaks poorly of the service aspect. If you can't even service EOSHD, what hope does a 'normal' customer have?Andrew let me just say last thing and then I shut myself forever on this matter, I respect your opinion, but you have to respect mine too and the members following this thread like you said. I think we could have avoided all this misunderstanding if only you and I would have communicated more through emails. I personally don't understand why you have been so negative towards the FM when you had it like you said plonked on your desk. A normal customer gets his information before buying the FM, they don't just wake up and buy the stuff, you as professional should have been informed more than a normal customer.Bloody hell, it's on your blog and you don't know nothing about it, even my kid knows that the FM works straight out the box with the schneider cinelux and the Isco Ultra Star. We thought that you as a professional filmmaker wouldn't had any problem to get the right anamorphic to work straight away with the FM, that's all. If you are so concerned about the filmmakers let them give their feedback. Nobody is asking you to praise the stuff, and I haven't treated your blog as a market. Thanks Andrew, and by the way the guys are from Lithuania and my name is spelled Cosimo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anti12 Posted March 1, 2015 Share Posted March 1, 2015 A variation on the Flare inducing UV-Filter method established by Hans Punk.To get the Filter as close as possible to the back of the Cinelux I placed just the Filter-Glass inside the Step-Up Ring which is coupling my Lens with the Focus Module.68mm Filter-Glass fits perfectly inside a 52mm to 72mm Step-Up Ring and leaves enough play to screw it firmly to the FM. nahua and Cosimo murgolo 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosimo murgolo Posted March 2, 2015 Author Share Posted March 2, 2015 A variation on the Flare inducing UV-Filter method established by Hans Punk.To get the Filter as close as possible to the back of the Cinelux I placed just the Filter-Glass inside the Step-Up Ring which is coupling my Lens with the Focus Module.68mm Filter-Glass fits perfectly inside a 52mm to 72mm Step-Up Ring and leaves enough play to screw it firmly to the FM. Lovely!!! thanks, would you mind share this to the the focus module lounge group on Facebook? I would appreciate that a lot.Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anti12 Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 Hello Cosimo, I'm not on Facebook but feel free to repost anything you consider useful. Cosimo murgolo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosimo murgolo Posted March 2, 2015 Author Share Posted March 2, 2015 Hello Cosimo, I'm not on Facebook but feel free to repost anything you consider useful. Thanks a lot, done!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anti12 Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 A variation on the Flare inducing UV-Filter method established by Hans Punk.To get the Filter as close as possible to the back of the Cinelux I placed just the Filter-Glass inside the Step-Up Ring which is coupling my Lens with the Focus Module.68mm Filter-Glass fits perfectly inside a 52mm to 72mm Step-Up Ring and leaves enough play to screw it firmly to the FM.I was actually using the Glass from a 72mm Filter. (which is smaller than the Filter diameter itself) Cosimo murgolo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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