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The FM lounge (Discussion of anything not related to FM price and discount)

Cosimo murgolo

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due to funds being tied up in scary optical developments I've yet to be able to put hard cash down on an FM module:(  Based on my experiences, the two optics that make up the fm module variable diopter are very unlikely to cause any degradation to what we're seeing here in my cinelux tests.  even if resolving power were to be degraded by half, the optical path will still deliver resolutions good enough for 4k at f1.4 on full frame.  I donlt think even panavision's modern anamorphics can deliver this level of resolution at such speeds


I feel you man. My storage server (that contains all my data) is acting up and I'm looking at throwing in big bucks on that now, to build a new storage setup...


So I haven't yet pulled the trigger on the FM lens module, although I really would want Santa to bring it to me. Especially since after I saw Häns footage! Soon... Soon...

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Kristoferman, some of the more affordable rail systems I've seen are the Jag35 ones, like this one: http://jag35.com/universal-baseplate.html


I have this older version myself: http://jag35.com/dslr-baseplate-basic.html

Been using it with a follow focus. Can't complain, solidly built. From what I've seen, Jag35 seems to be a bit lower priced than a lot of other video gear, yet the products I've seen haven't skimped on quality.

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FM owners who are keen to install a protective 105mm UV or a large circular VND filter who have not figured it out already (took me too long)

- It is done by unscrewing the front metal lip/hood - which reveals a male 105mm thread > install filter 'backwards' > screw front hood into male thread of filter.


It's a nice little design, yet seemingly not documented.


Compatible Mattebox would be a 110mm rail mount , and the FM lens has 27mm in-out travel to accommodate. 

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nice i'm just not sure 6 stops is going to cut it here in Las Vegas.  Gets extremely bright. 

Heliopan ND3.0 10-stop comes in 105mm, as does some B+W ND filters.
Think the cheapest solution (if using cinelux) is to put a high quality vari ND on the taking lens, as that does not have to be mechanically attached to the rear of the FM lens.
To make that attachment light tight - a cheap polarizing filter with the glass removed will give you a spinning filter frame to couple it to the VND and the 72mm rear ring adapter for cinelux. This will allow turn adjustment when everything is screwed together.
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i've got a cinelux and a kowa on the way along with the FM.  I have a 77mm tiffen VND right now that hopefully i'll be able to use. Really like that thing. if not, i guess i'll invest in some 105mm (wow!) filters

BRO BRO BRO BEFORE YOU DO THAT, Remember, you can place the filters on your TAKING lens! Only one that could not work is a close up filter. You can place all those fancy pantsy filters on your taking lens. Saves a bundle eh?

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Not all VND Filters can be mounted backwards.
Some have no outer (female) thread at all.
The ones that do, might have an even larger outer thread to avoid vignetting.

Correct...you could get a 105mm reversing ring to give a female thread up front to attach filters, but it does seem to make more sense to locate ND's in front of the taking lens.


Thinking about it, if a Vari ND or CPL was upfront - the rotation when focusing would cause highlights and reflections to be altered by turning, so Vari ND location on taking lens is the only way it seems. (unless fixed inside a rail mounted mattebox using a filter tray adapter)


I keep forgetting this darn lens rotates.

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