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The FM lounge (Discussion of anything not related to FM price and discount)

Cosimo murgolo

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Also what do you guys think the best camera out there for this would be right now? (alexa notwithstanding...)



From what I can tell, it's basically the Mark III or the GH4.  Any other suggestions?  And which between those 2?  I would kinda prefer the 5D with magic lantern, because i think it goes up to 1920x1200 for a 2.66 aspect ratio.  Without losing horizontal resolution.  With GH4 photo mode, you lose a lot of horizontal resolution and to me, it kinda defeats the purpose of shooting anamorphic. BUT, i'm not even sure if the 5D is stable at that resolution. So if I can only shoot 1920x1200 for 6 seconds with dropped frames, it's pretty worthless.

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Also what do you guys think the best camera out there for this would be right now? (alexa notwithstanding...)



From what I can tell, it's basically the Mark III or the GH4.  Any other suggestions?  And which between those 2?  I would kinda prefer the 5D with magic lantern, because i think it goes up to 1920x1200 for a 2.66 aspect ratio.  Without losing horizontal resolution.  With GH4 photo mode, you lose a lot of horizontal resolution and to me, it kinda defeats the purpose of shooting anamorphic. BUT, i'm not even sure if the 5D is stable at that resolution. So if I can only shoot 1920x1200 for 6 seconds with dropped frames, it's pretty worthless.

Honestly, I think it's terribly hard to beat the A7s at this point. Solely for the dynamic range and gradability. I've never used a camera that was so easy to go out and just shoot. Low light monster too. Cheap memory solutions, crop guides for 4:3. The color and dynamic range of the camera far out shines it's workable flaws.

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Thanks for the tests, Hans.  How are you liking it in general?



I think it looks fantastic, personally.


I'm getting to really like the look it has with the Cinelux - seems to have the sharpness you would ever need when stopped down, yet it retains a decent stretch to the bokeh - quite unique.
Pretty much isco sharp in the sharps, LOMO soft in the softs.
Let's call it 'The LOCO look'? 


The FM close focus ability is useful because you can stop down a fair bit yet still get that lovely diopter - shallow look when focusing up close and personal to your subject. I have not noticed ANY Chromatic Aberration at edges so far, only a highlight ghost/ stretch when taking lens is pushed to f2.0 and below. But this is nothing that the most beautiful LOMO Square-fronts don't do



Häns, beautiful video. Can't wait to get some free time to put the lens through it's paces.

As a crazy aside, I personally know and am kind of neighbors with the artist you used for the soundtrack. Reighnbeau is great.


Woah, that is crazy...small world huh!?

I discovered that track just today, after re-watching some old episodes of Twin Peaks.


Yeah man, get out there and shoot when you can...I bet the A7s + FM lens is a beast combo.

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Unfortunately not much time for extensive testing.


Focus Module with ES Cinelux 2x:


Taking Lens: Nikon 35mm @ f2

GH4 4k Photo Mode @ 4:3
Picture Profile: CineV -5/-5/-5/-5/ 0 iso 200-1200

How does it looked as zooming with your 35mm prime lens? 

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@Anti12  Interesting video Anti, the bokeh is interesting and kinda what i've been looking to see, not seen so much in the other video, is that pointed oval the result of an oval aperture in the taking lens, no its a nikon 35mm which is interesting as i've wanted to see 35mm lens used with it, not sure what crop factor you have there with it though. Or is the eye shaped oval from the unit, it looks clean but the points on the oval could also explain what I seem to be seeing in other day time stuff, the image seems to be fished, with some weird blur in parts, but aside from that it looks clean enough.


@HoffleHash'er    Did you have any Hassle fitting your Kawa Bunga anamorphic in there, what Kit lens will you use it with, I presume your planning an Anamorphic

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@HoffleHash'er    Did you have any Hassle fitting your Kawa Bunga anamorphic in there, what Kit lens will you use it with, I presume your planning an Anamorphic NightRide Movie, some christmas LED chase lights on the front of car would be a good flare producers.

I assume you are referring to me? I dont have access to a Kit car but I do have something decently fancylicious

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Unfortunately not much time for extensive testing.


Focus Module with ES Cinelux 2x:


Taking Lens: Nikon 35mm @ f2

GH4 4k Photo Mode @ 4:3
Picture Profile: CineV -5/-5/-5/-5/ 0 iso 200-1200


I think this looks very good.  Not forced and without loads of shallowness.   The rather overcast lighting is helping things out i imagine.  is there much edge glow on high contrast shots with that 35mm f2?  


What is concerning is that what with the gh4's crop of 2.3? in 4k mode the 35mm lens is about as wide as you can go - and it is yielding a similar fov to an 85mm on full frame (again the widest taking lens for full frame).  However having to be wide open to get any type of defocus blur it looks like the 35mm is struggling to deliver adequate levels of resolution to feed than small imaging area and is mushing things a little.   Granted, the vimeo compression is hurting things, but the overall look doesnt look like it was acquired in 4k


I'm pretty sure a 50mm + speed booster copy would be a much better option since it will compress more of the 50's resolving power into the sensor, gain more control of dof due to the faster aperture and longer focal length.  I think a 50mm f1.7 contax + a camdiox speed booster for m4/3 will be the order of the day on smaller sensors!  

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 yep 50mm 1.7 Carl Zeiss in C/Y is a killer lens - may fave 50mm


yep.  with a focal reducer it will become a 35mm f1.3, and even at f1.7 (f1.3) it'll be a wild man for resolving power onto the 4k sensor.  go to f2.8 (f2) and it'll be unreal.

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ok, just FYI, my sankor 16D and my eiki 16F do NOT fit. The eiki is too small and cannot be used as the FM needs to rest on the anamorphic lens, something the eiki cant support, and the sankor is just to fat.


This is pretty much made EXACTLY for schneiders cineluxes and isco blue stars.

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