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Contact at Samsung Camera PR?


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I spent the past hour trying to find a person to reach out to, a contact at Samsung Cameras, a pr person, to talk to about some changes for the NX1 - has anyone had any luck?


Here's suggestions I have:

1. Enabling uhd in 24p in NTSC.  They have it in 25p in PAL, but to NTSC users - that would be amazing.  

2. Also a flat, log-like profile for video like slog2 in the Sony A7S.  

3.  zebra control - seeing what IRE value it's set at.


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Why not actually make some sort of petition or something? I doubt one phone call will do very much.. The good news is that with such a fast firmware upgrade Samsung seem to be pretty on the ball with listening to what people are saying..

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The way it usually works is they have communications managers with a sub team and they gather feedback per region (Europe, US, Asia, etc.) even per country and filter this back to the base, where the Japanese or Korean engineers work to prioritise and finally implement the most requested features so it is very much about consensus.

What they really need is a guy like Steve Jobs using the products at base and whipping the engineers into getting it right, based on his dictatorship.

Sony and Samsung should simply hire 1 guy and as long as he's the right guy (filmmaker AND technical) they will dramatically speed up the process or improving & designing their cameras.

You only have to look at the basic handling flaws and imperfections present in all cameras to see that the design-by-comittee isn't working. And they spend millions on extra staff to collect all this feedback :)

For every good guy giving great feedback like Ed there is the counterweight of some idiot giving bad feedback or irrelevant feedback, like "this dial needs a lock because I'm too idiotic not to knock it by accident in my bag then not check it before shooting!" Or "video is a waste of time, move the record button the shoulder on the A7!"

Having said that I do have a contact at Samsung responsible for collecting feedback so I'll send him ours.

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Having said that I do have a contact at Samsung responsible for collecting feedback so I'll send him ours.

After using the NX1 for a few weeks, ​I have a few items on my wish list that should be easy with firmware updates:

  • Add H.264 as a recording option
  • Add a higher bit rate option for recording 1080p (similar to "Pro" for 4K)
  • Allow video resolution, video bit rate and frame rate to be saved with Custom Modes to allow for easy switching between 4K and 1080p60 or 1080p120.
  • Allow switching between EVF and screen while recording video (same as when shooting stills).
  • Allow level gauge, manual focus scale and histogram to be available while shooting video (same as when shooting stills)
  • Give us some color grade-friendly profiles

Other wish list items that may be limited by hardware:

  • Give us 4K @60fps
  • Adapt the "fly-by-wire" focusing with Samsung lenses when shooting video so you can have repeatable focus pulls (make it linear).
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So it has no uhd in 24p in NTSC  wow did not know that mine will be here sometime today That sucks i would of thought that would be a for sure feature..

​Now you know how PAL shooters feel when they leave out 25p :)

Yeah bit of an oversight by Samsung there. The 1.85:1 4096 x 2160 24p mode though is very good. Scale it to 3840 x 2160 in post by cropping the edges. It's only a TINY bit softer and you only have a TINY bit more of a crop vertically on the sensor compared to 16:9 mode in UHD. It's not like a 2.3x crop on the GH4 is it!?

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