Administrators Andrew Reid Posted December 27, 2014 Author Administrators Share Posted December 27, 2014 When I deduct the £1800 used value I can get for my 5D Mark III the 1D C is a £3200 upgrade. I couldn't resist that.It's going to be very interesting to see how it stacks up against the A7S + Shogun.Actually I wish the Shogun was a little smaller. DP4 might be a good monitoring option for the 1D C, since I now have the 4K internal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oliver Daniel Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 When I deduct the £1800 used value I can get for my 5D Mark III the 1D C is a £3200 upgrade. I couldn't resist that.It's going to be very interesting to see how it stacks up against the A7S + Shogun.Actually I wish the Shogun was a little smaller. DP4 might be a good monitoring option for the 1D C, since I now have the 4K internal.Since you put it that way, I think it's a decent purchase - assuming you have enough funds for other stuff. ?I've used the 1DC on a pro shoot before as the main camera. My handheld driven style didn't suit it at all, ultimately finding it a pain to use with a fixed monitor with "bolted-on" 4k. The footage looked quite poor - but I think this was all down to me and my vision not working correctly with this tool. I realised my choice was pointless and sticking with my GH3 would of been a much better result, given the "guerrilla" style intended. A question you don't have to answer, but just curious, does your blog generate all the income required to buy all these new cameras? I'm assuming you might also sell stock footage and do the odd-job here and there? Doing a great job clearly! I film and edit full time - and every purchase (if any) has to be absolutely justified or I will die of starvation. Will get more lucrative, I'm sure ?Anyway, looking forward to your Atomos findings. It's on the wishlist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 A question you don't have to answer, but just curious, does your blog generate all the income required to buy all these new cameras? Ah that old chestnut. Maybe one day we will know Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted December 27, 2014 Author Administrators Share Posted December 27, 2014 My income to buy the 1D C came from a mixture of paid projects and EOSHD revenue but definitely wasn't a light decision to take! I do however see it as an investment back into the blog to keep the quality of content to the highest level.I love my blog in that it allows me as an artist to put the time into my own filmmaking on my own terms without having to chase commercial work for every waking hour!! It's very valuable to me and I am very lucky but it is also a MASSIVE amount of work to keep it going. It's always on my mind, never quite drops into the background! Xavier Plagaro Mussard, Oliver Daniel and jase 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oliver Daniel Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 My income a mixture of paid projects and EOSHD revenue. This purchase comes entirely from the proceeds my blog earns and in many ways I see it as an investment back into the blog to keep the quality of content up. EOSHD is a lifeline really, in that it allows me as an artist to put the time into my own filmmaking on my own terms without having to chase commercial work for every waking hour. It's very valuable to me and I am very lucky but it is also a MASSIVE amount of work in itself and every day for the last 4 years I've thought about for at least 10 hours!! Sometimes 24 hours! Well it looks like you are doing a great job. Earning money from blogging is very tough, so that's a lovely achievement you have attained and kept up. Thanks for sharing!I know what you mean about chasing commercial work. It's a massive yo-yo of peaks and troughs. I do get a lot of work but the focus is to get higher quality work with better financial rewards. It's happening! Also wanting to work on some personal stuff to keep flowing in the background. Time is the caveat!! ?Shogun - looking forward to your footage plus any improvements in 1080p 50/60 capture and 120fps on a7S and NX1, hopefully ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tupp Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 2013/1 - 2014/6: no 4k dslr competitor for the canon 1DC available Don't you mean no full frame, 4K, dslr camera? There were plenty of nice 4k cameras before the 1DC, some similar in size to a DSLR and some smaller. Any item seems special, when one keeps adding particular conditions that make it so, even when those conditions are somewhat arbitrary. By the way, the Dalsa Origin (which appeared around 2003 as the first 4k cinema camera) employed a huge medium format sensor. Everything was necessarily bigger in those days. 2014/6 - 2014/12: GH4 adds strong alternative, although it is no lowlight or fullframe option Actually, for awhile, the GH4 has been able to utilize a focal reducer which boosts it's low-light capability to within around 2/3 stop of that of the 1DC, while also increasing it's effective sensor size to a 1.3 crop factor. So, the GH4 ranks only a "matter of degree" slightly less in regards to the conditions of "low light" and "full frame."However, in regards to the conditions of price, size, range of usable lenses and battery life, the GH4 is significantly superior to the 1DC 2014/12 - 2015: shogun makes the sony A7S a strong 1DC competitor (plus other small 4K cameras with limitations are on the market)Since it appeared, the A7S could record UHD through any 4K hdmi-to-sdi convertor to a number of recorders. Incidentally, a few folks have made their own 4k recorders with embedded pc systems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted December 27, 2014 Author Administrators Share Posted December 27, 2014 Actually, for awhile, the GH4 has been able to utilize a focal reducer which boosts it's low-light capability to within around 2/3 stop of that of the 1DC, while also increasing it's effective sensor size to a 1.3 crop factor. So, the GH4 ranks only a "matter of degree" slightly less in regards to the conditions of "low light" and "full frame."Unfortunately it isn't 1.3xWith the BMPC glass I kind of hacked into the prototype adapter, the sensor became 1.3x in 1080p and 1.5x in 4K if I remember correctly!However I had issues with edge sharpness and even one half of the image softer than the other... not really usable, and it didn't clear the shutter mechanism, so not safe for release as a product.The official Speed Booster for the GH4 is currently 1.5x in 1080p and 1.7x in 4K. Still nice though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 Find it a bit rude to ask but if you must know my income is at the moment a mixture of paid projects and EOSHD revenue. I really don't want this to seem antagonistic and definitely don't want to start an argument (never a good way to start a post! ) but I have to voice my dissent here. Please understand this is meant with good-will and support. There has been so much dodgy stuff go on with successful bloggers - particularly those like yourself who review commercial products - that I feel very strongly you should be transparent about your sources of income. I'd go so far as to say you have a responsibility to do so. I don't mean publish detailed accounts - just let people know your income situation in an clear way. Since the blog upgrade EOSHD has lost its 'legal stuff' page, and although you don't use advertising you don't publish any disclaimers with your posts (a la Philip Bloom). This can make people feel uneasy about your motivations. To be perfectly frank, I've had three different and unconnected people message me privately in the past to ask if I think you receive money from manufacturers (messages initiated by them not me). To be absolutely clear, I am not accusing you of any deception or dodgy dealing - but I think this stuff is really important.EOSHD is a large, successful and most importantly very influential site. I absolutely don't believe you receive cash from manufacturers (apart from anything else because it would be PR poison for large companies such as Panasonic to involve themselves with such stuff). Andrew, this is meant as constructive feedback - I would say the same to any blogger who didn't have a disclaimer. PLEASE take it as such. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted December 27, 2014 Author Administrators Share Posted December 27, 2014 That post is a real shame.I've given you a platform to put yourself on as a filmmaker to the tune of 1031 posts and counting, thousands of people have noticed you on the forum because you're a regular poster.I don't feel the need to defend myself here.I do however feel it is time Matt that you moved onto some more constructive posting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 That post is a real shame.I've given you a platform to put yourself on as a filmmaker to the tune of 1031 posts and counting, thousands of people have noticed you on the forum because you're a regular poster.I don't feel the need to defend myself here.I do however feel it is time Matt that you moved onto some more constructive posting.I made it entirely clear I wasn't accusing you of anything. If you feel the need to defend yourself that worries me. These are real issues that should be taken seriously by someone in your position. Your reply just comes across as deflection - as though I've touched a nerve.People other than me will ask these questions Andrew. What reason do you have to react so negatively toward them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
douglaurent Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 I really don't want this to seem antagonistic and definitely don't want to start an argument (never a good way to start a post! ) but I have to voice my dissent here. Please understand this is meant with good-will and support. There has been so much dodgy stuff go on with successful bloggers - particularly those like yourself who review commercial products - that I feel very strongly you should be transparent about your sources of income. I'd go so far as to say you have a responsibility to do so. I don't mean publish detailed accounts - just let people know your income situation in an clear way. Since the blog upgrade EOSHD has lost its 'legal stuff' page, and although you don't use advertising you don't publish any disclaimers with your posts (a la Philip Bloom). This can make people feel uneasy about your motivations. To be perfectly frank, I've had three different and unconnected people message me privately in the past to ask if I think you receive money from manufacturers (messages initiated by them not me). To be absolutely clear, I am not accusing you of any deception or dodgy dealing - but I think this stuff is really important.EOSHD is a large, successful and most importantly very influential site. I absolutely don't believe you receive cash from manufacturers (apart from anything else because it would be PR poison for large companies such as Panasonic to involve themselves with such stuff). Andrew, this is meant as constructive feedback - I would say the same to any blogger who didn't have a disclaimer. PLEASE take it as such. as long as a source like EOSHD delivers free content, content about the right topics and also mostly helpful, interesting and constructive details, i don't mind even if the blog owner is making 100 grand a month. there are sources like print magazines that cost 5-10 euros and might be biased more through much bigger financial issues concerning ads. there are guys like laforet or hurlbut who turned their blogs into money making machines and still do only deliver their personal view. other bloggers only come up with interesting things randomly or come from the photo world. this is why among billions of pages on the net, EOSHD is one of the very rare sites where you can get closest to what you really want to know. the amount of time needed to run such a blog might be enourmous, so i think the one who does this job deserves all money and fame he can get. the bigger problem on this planet are lazy passive people, not busy people who create and think. Xavier Plagaro Mussard 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cinegain Posted December 27, 2014 Share Posted December 27, 2014 Exactly. And you see stuff like that on YouTube all the time as well. People shouting 'sell-out' and whatnot if someone becomes succesful doing what they do and earning some money with it. I guess people love to hate, perhaps out of jealousy as well?I mean. Nobody forces you to watch videos on YouTube and subscribe to a channel. Nobody is making you pay to get to see those videos, they're just freely out there. But it's a lot of work to keep putting out videos on a regular basis and keeping your stuff fresh and unique and if you're that dedicated and when things get so time consuming... there's bills left to pay one way or the other. So why not do what you love for a living and earn money with it?Same goes for a blog/forum. If I decide to make a blog / forum, I just post stuff that is interesting to me and create a platform where others can do the same. Since it is my blog / forum, I can do with it whatever I like with it. But why would I have place that I kinda started for myself as an outlet, that's built and succesful through my honest opinion (what would a show like Top Gear be without opinions anyways?) and vision to then go and say 'well that's been fun, scratch that' and go ahead and get paid to do postive/dishonest reviews? First of all, that wouldn't reflect my actual opinion, but ok, maybe I might not have that much of a problem with my concience misleading others... 2nd of all, as soon as I start spreading bullshit I need to back it up somehow. If I can't, whatever it is I'm claiming is easily disproven. There might be a few people naive enough to eat crap like cake, but others see right through it. Andt I'm sure that if stuff is just properly backed up, it's hard to call BS on.In my humble opinion... as long as you're not paying for content, you have no right telling people they have a responsibility to do anything. And to add to that, if people sticking around on a site of which they believe reviews are bullshit, but undertake nothing to disprove or elaborate on the content... I'm not sure why they even bother to keep coming back? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted December 28, 2014 Author Administrators Share Posted December 28, 2014 I made it entirely clear I wasn't accusing you of anything. If you feel the need to defend yourself that worries me. These are real issues that should be taken seriously by someone in your position. Your reply just comes across as deflection - as though I've touched a nerve.People other than me will ask these questions Andrew. What reason do you have to react so negatively toward them? If you've touched a nerve with your conspiracy theory it isn't because it holds any water, it's purely for the fact that it's bloody annoying!So what shall I do? If I defend myself then that worries you and if I don't it is a deflection!? What am I hiding exactly!?Can't win!OK I admit it. Canon are plying me with whisky and gin, in sheer desperation to stop me from insulting their cameras! Sony are paying for all the A7S coverage and sending me to the moon to shoot under GENUINE MOON LIGHT. Atomos are renting out the Sydney Opera house for my Shogun workshop and Panasonic are flying me to Japan for an all expenses paid trip to film the Cat Cafe in 4K. SOO CUTE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nikkor Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 Andrews reviews are so personal and so far away from that kind of product advertisment type of reviewing that if he gets anything from manufacturers you would have to congratulate him.If you ever see him talking in a review about how stressful his week has been flying from LA to Bejing and back to London after a short stop in Vancouver to shoot some super secret VIP stuff, and that he has made this review about the new overpriced follow focus in the airport hotel room, and make you feel like that if you buy that shit it will make you suck less, maybe then it will time to ask questions or stop giving a shit. Cinegain 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lafilm Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 Jesus H. Christ!Some of you people on this site need to quit playing with the pussy, and go find some!Quit jerking off on this site and questioning the dude who owns this site about his money, motives, opinions, or who he is in contact with!Nobody but psychos living at home in the basement with mommy would waste this man's time..let alone their own time -asking such asinine questions. I mean, who gives a flying fuck!Whatever Reid wants to do with his money - or how he gets it - is his own goddamn business! I know you are the same pathetic cats who believe that Bush started 9/11, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, The Wicked Witch of the West, Amelia Earhart is a 117 year old spy for Canon...and Brad never cheated on Jenn with Angelina.I've had snippets with Andrew before (all in good fun), but for Christ's sake the dude provides a great free service and quite frankly has saved me (personally speaking) time and cash. For that I thank him.Man, I know the world is a lonely place...but you idiots need to get a job, get a car, get some cash, get a girlfriend, get laid, (yes, miracles can happen)...and get a fucking life!!Leave Reid and his new 1D C alone (did I really just say Canon 1D C!? - yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus), so he can concentrate on getting out some new video reviews. I need some answers dammitt!Andrew, hopefully you put these dogs to sleep before December 31st, so you can start 2015 with a clean slate man. GMaximus 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 Did anyone actually read my post? How can I be any clearer? Please for once can we not polarise this. I AM NOT MAKING ANY ACCUSATIONS. I am merely saying that I believe bloggers with thousands of followers have a responsibility to state their position on any affiliation with commercial organisations, whether they have them or not. EOSHD used to have one, but it disappeared when the site changed shape. I imagine it was an oversight - or more likely lack of time - but that doesn't mean it's not important. At the very least it will stop 'conspiracy theorists' like me from trashing threads. At best it will reassure readers that the information they are getting from EOSHD is unbiased. And I people do wonder. I know that for a fact. It's also a fact that bloggers get up to all kinds of unethical mischief. I really do not think that EOSHD is one of those blogs (have I mentioned that before?). Andrew Reid was not the target of my post. I believe he has the right to privacy - including his financial situation - but there is a very simple way to retain that privacy and make the integrity of EOSHD reviews beyond reproach, stopping paranoid liberals like me saying annoying things like *edited outI do contribute to this forum (see for example my post in the current GH4 skin tone thread, which also drew Andrews ire). I'm not a parasite looking for exposure as a filmmaker (not sure how much business I could generate from a bunch of american camera nerds anyway). I like this site. I like it a lot. I even care about how it is perceived. But I'm not comfortable being in a community where certain questions are taboo and the Word of Reid must be taken as gospel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lafilm Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 "The Word of Reid" ?!?!?!"American camera nerds" ?!?!?You're.. "Not Comfortable in a Community where certain questions are Taboo ?!?!?You better quickly find out how big Andrew's cock is before your head explodes from worryJesus man.. that 'good sex with your wife'? - Superman is more believableYou're bat shit crazy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 Yeah ok whatever. I'd do you all a favour and delete my account but I can't. What do you have to do to get banned around here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Taranis Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 Yeah ok whatever. I'd do you all a favour and delete my account but I can't. What do you have to do to get banned around here?Don't. You have the right to ask, and you deserve an answer, even if it's a simple "it's none of your business". Way too much emotions in the reactions, let this go. caseywilsondp 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Ebrahim Saadawi Posted December 28, 2014 Share Posted December 28, 2014 To be honest neither Matt's original post here or on the GH4 thread has anything wrong/unacceptable, neither do Andrew's replies just because we know how stressful it is to talk about these specific issues, so nothing worth either banning nor personal hate. I like Matt and he's actually one of the reasons this forum is enjoyable! Having an opposite view makes forums interesting, look at NFS now and how it turned into a desert after having members who just agree with posters... I like Andrews site/views and like the members' here, they're the reason I am here instead of being on one of the other hundreds of online communities, so losing either Andrew or Matt's somewhat controversial views would make this community useless to me personally... Happy new year guys, lets not start the year off with discontent, leave it behind, take it lightly and carry on discussing anything else, it's not religion or international politics we're discussing here, these are all very marginal issues (picture profiles and saturation levels on a specific camera!) and unworthy of discontent, right?Lets talk about the Shogun: How much is the difference between the a7s internal 1080p vs the 4k scaleddown? I think not huge as the a7s almost resolves full 1080p resolution on par with ones like the c100. Would be interesting to see the difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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