Oliver Daniel Posted February 3, 2015 Share Posted February 3, 2015 95.4 and a half % of the footage I've seen shot with the NX1 doesn't look good. Is this down to the user base? Any footage out there that isn't shot in Lisbon? The 1DC is awesome.... how does the 50/60p mode compare to the A7S? This is a crucial feature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted February 3, 2015 Author Administrators Share Posted February 3, 2015 The 1DC is awesome.... how does the 50/60p mode compare to the A7S? This is a crucial feature. It's poor to be honest in 50/60p, both are. A7S and 1D C both soft 1080/60p with moire.To do proper 60p you really need a small sensor (GH4) or a full pixel readout, and doing a full pixel readout at high frame rates from a massive full frame sensor in a tiny body on a small battery, with no fan and limited cooling / heat sink is currently not possible with the technology.That's why FS7 is so nice for slow mo, but of course it's much larger and needs a bigger battery. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted February 3, 2015 Author Administrators Share Posted February 3, 2015 Any thoughts on doing a shoot out... 1DC (Log) v NX1 (DR Gamma)?Incomparible. DR gamma is barely any flatter than Rec 709! I find it gives me a slightly improved image with contrast dialled down and master pedestal up a bit compared to the old NX1 firmware and standard pic profile. But it's not LOG. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimmy Posted February 3, 2015 Share Posted February 3, 2015 It's a shame.... on paper, the NX1 is pretty special and I was buzzing when they mentioned a log like gamma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted February 3, 2015 Author Administrators Share Posted February 3, 2015 Here's the UK price cut on the 1D C -http://cvp.com/index.php?t=product/canon_eos_1d_cDown to £7.2K + VATThe used ones are still a far better deal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cinegain Posted February 3, 2015 Share Posted February 3, 2015 It was already cheaper back in december though...It's running for £5,790.83 ( £6,949.00 inc VAT ) on http://cvp.com/index.php?t=product/canon_eos_1d_c&utm_source=geizhals&utm_medium=shop&utm_campaign=feed ...If I were to get it here, it would set me back £9,400.00. Pwoah. Expensive little thing. Although, let's leave 'little' out of there, it's kingsized. Would be interesting to see once having played around with it a bit, what you think of it compared to some of the other 4K camera bodies out there... A7S, GH4 and NX1. Although, I bet the 1D C will be pretty awesome to work with. Just not sure if it's the same kind of value for money though. And spending all that money, I'd kinda rather want to have a go at the FS7. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norliss Posted February 3, 2015 Share Posted February 3, 2015 The more I see/hear about the 1D C, the more intrigued I am by it. It certainly has drawbacks but the images it's capable of are really something. I'd love to shoot my next short on it with all my Leitax-modded EF Contax Zeiss glass :)Shame the UK price cut still leaves it so much more expensive than in Hong Kong, US etc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted February 3, 2015 Author Administrators Share Posted February 3, 2015 Strange, maybe the full price cut hasn't yet been applied. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimmy Posted February 3, 2015 Share Posted February 3, 2015 Or maybe we get ripped off, like normal in the UK!I remember it being £7k inc. VAT in December though.... That is strange. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sudopera Posted February 3, 2015 Share Posted February 3, 2015 Photocine Shop France - 7695€ inc. VAThttp://www.photocineshop.com/en/products/canon-eos-1d-c-body-only--ABMQR5AF Marcotec Germany - 8324€ inc. VAThttp://www.marcotec-shop.de/en/products/cat_347/detail_4840.htm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Ebrahim Saadawi Posted February 3, 2015 Share Posted February 3, 2015 Yes I really think those who can't understand how the 1DC image is in a similar league as the Epic/Alexa/C500/ haven't actually used both of them. Sold my 60D+2 rebels+d90+d5300+18-55+50mm+17+55mm + that Canon 16-35 I never use, and now just Waiting for the price drop to reach here. It's still at 11K. It sucks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted February 4, 2015 Share Posted February 4, 2015 It's poor to be honest in 50/60p, both are. A7S and 1D C both soft 1080/60p with moire.To do proper 60p you really need a small sensor (GH4) or a full pixel readout, and doing a full pixel readout at high frame rates from a massive full frame sensor in a tiny body on a small battery, with no fan and limited cooling / heat sink is currently not possible with the technology.That's why FS7 is so nice for slow mo, but of course it's much larger and needs a bigger battery.Does the 1DC do 60p in S35 mode? The A7S works really well in APS-C mode at 60p: excellent low-light and reduced RS, haven't noticed any significant aliasing issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq8m2FaVL1U .Reviewing FS700 footage recently (regarding the FS7): Sony provides pro-quality mic-preamps and ADCs- really handy when recording straight into the camera. Using something like any of the Sound Devices solutions into the 1DC will sound good, as it does with the 5D3, however a lot more bulk and complexity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
animan Posted February 4, 2015 Share Posted February 4, 2015 Sold my 60D+2 rebels+d90+d5300+18-55+50mm+17+55mm + that Canon 16-35 I never use, and now just Waiting for the price drop to reach here. It's still at 11K. It sucks. Wow Ebrahim, that sounds pretty radical! Isnt it a good idea to wait and see whats coming in the next days/weeks??For me no matter how good the image is and how low the price is lack of flipscreen/touchscreen, peaking, live histogram and IBIS would make me think twice, not that I need all of them but for the high price I think the 1DC still leaves quite a lot of boxes unticked. IronFilm and Cinegain 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted February 4, 2015 Author Administrators Share Posted February 4, 2015 $7999 is now live at B&H.Might justify a free holiday to New York for some!http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/855962-REG/Canon_EOS_1D_C_EOS_1D_C_4K_Cinema.html/BI/6943/KBID/7492 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenscamera Posted February 4, 2015 Share Posted February 4, 2015 Value for money wise and besides the small size of this camera why will someone spend $7999 on this camera instead of the $7999 on a Sony Fs7 if video is primarily what you shoot? Chrad and IronFilm 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kristoferman Posted February 4, 2015 Share Posted February 4, 2015 Well I don't think the size factor can be discounted so easily. Also it's aimed more toward being a hybrid stills/video camera. I wouldn't buy it over the fs7 for video alone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimmy Posted February 4, 2015 Share Posted February 4, 2015 I think alot of shooters who are now used to the DSLR experience would baulk at the size of the FS7.I am shooting in Iceland next month and seriously looking into the 1DC to save me lugging a big camera (and tripod) around Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted February 4, 2015 Author Administrators Share Posted February 4, 2015 Value for money wise and besides the small size of this camera why will someone spend $7999 on this camera instead of the $7999 on a Sony Fs7 if video is primarily what you shoot?1. Because you get a free 1D X, for stills.2. Because of stealth factor, nobody notices you3. The 1.3x crop sensor is larger4. The native EF mount is better than using an adapter5. It's much smaller and lighter6. It's less complicated, allowing you to direct the shoot rather than button press on the shoot7. The image is better, I personally feel8. The menus are faster and more direct9. Ergonomic controls are more direct and less fiddly10. Because it's cheaper used, mine cost £5k. The FS7 would have cost me at least £2k more.11. I prefer Canon LOG to S-LOG, it is easier to grade. Lighter LOG.12. I prefer the colour I get from Canon's cameras13. It shoots to relatively cheap compact flash cards and they're common14. Better low light (cleaner at 3200,6400 and 12,800)15. OK yes it does have some disadvantages (rolling shutter, large file sizes, no peaking) but for me they are relatively unproblematic. Would love slow-mo though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaperBag Posted February 5, 2015 Share Posted February 5, 2015 Canons “Colour science” looks great but is bad. Its not accurate, its a look, a grade embedded in your footage. Yes its a pleasing look but that doesn't make for good colour science, its good marketing. Good colour science is one that gives you the most REAL result, not the most pleasing. Wedding photographers and videographers like it because it looks pretty and frankly they are wedding photographers. They are the entry level of the photography industry. Same for wedding videographers. Theres nothing wrong with that and a great place to start.i'm a wedding photographer/videographer! Simon's "entry level" comment has a lot of truth in it. All you need to do to start weddings is borrow your friend's handicam. Or borrow a DSLR and call yourself a "cinematographer".But I think it's worth noting -- at the high end, ie guys who are charging $20k+ a wedding, they're often still using 5DMk3s, though they might own C100s, C300s and Red cameras.In terms of DSLR vs proper video camera, well, there's a number of advantages DSLRs give you -- low-light, discreet, full frame and shallow depth, requires easier gear (lower end steadicams, lighter tripods) and gives you the ability to buy nine of them if you have to for multicam coverage on a ceremony (though, usually, people won't use more than 3-5).In terms of which DSLR, Canon vs the rest, well some companies actually do use one or more 1DC cameras... For the rest of us, a7s is probably the best DSLR, but one huge advantage of a Mk3 is that the ML hack lets you record past 30 minutes, which is a surprisingly big deal. Otherwise, if you have a lot of cameras to mind, you find yourself running around pressing record over and over, instead of shooting. IronFilm and Simon Bailey 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon Bailey Posted February 5, 2015 Share Posted February 5, 2015 Hi Paperbag, Thank you for not taking offence or misunderstanding what I meant. I think its a great place to start. With broadcasters downsizing seemingly all around the world its harder and harder to start that way, and back in the day you couldnt even break into weddings without spending serious money on gear. So things are pretty good now gear wise. I agree with everything you say. I love and prefer DSLR. Admittedly I switched to DSLR for the aesthetics/the look but when digital cameras went super35 and semi affordable like the F5 I went away from DSLR (partially because I was sick of using a loupe/zfinder and I wanted better audio options but mostly for slow-motion and an excellent viewfinder). But in the past 4-5 months I have barely touched the F5 and keep reaching for the A7s so back to loving DSLR. But I have trouble seeing the A7s as a DSLR. That sounds silly but I have to remind myself that it takes stills too because it offers so many video features, even 2 types of colour bars!! Knee control etcThe 30 min limit you could use a Atamos Ninja Star which should keep rolling. The Shogun can record past 30 min but the batteries wont last that long unless via vlock or AC?Also I hope nobody thinks I was saying everyone in weddings is entry level, just that its where a lot of people start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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