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nx500 4k crop mode

Marco Tecno

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Not really. For some (me included, who is not proffessional filmmaker) it made it unusable. I believe Panasonic found a good compromise between GH4 and LX100(keep in mind a much better lens is supplied with LX100). If they couldn't fully readout and process NX1's sensor by NX500 processor they should have put a sensor with lower MP count. 

A lower megapixel count sensor? Would be awesome! But that might have meant developing an entirely new sensor, which means a hugely additional cost. 

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​Unusable??? Really??? Isn't that a bit embarrassing to write? I mean, I understand that there are products that you prefer on the market, that's entirely your decision but to publicly admit that, no matter how you earn your income, you couldn't use a camera because it crops the 4k mode is.. well, let's hope Oliver Stone never reads this!

​To SleepyWill. Embarrassing to write? Really? No, I think it is just you been ignorant idiot, that's all. I don't earn my income through photography or videography. I just use my camera for leisure to take photos and make short clips of my family, but happened to enjoy good quality in both compared to majority of the crowd for whom cellphone quality is enough. I want to have a camera which my wife could use in full auto mode as well. Now you are proposing if she want to take video clip after couple of still shots she needs to switch to some manual Samyang lens just to get a reasonable field of view? NX500 is not suppose to target pro market, Samsung has NX1 and NX30(NX50 in the future) for that.


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​To SleepyWill. Embarrassing to write? Really? No, I think it is just you been ignorant idiot, that's all. I don't earn my income through photography or videography. I just use my camera for leisure to take photos and make short clips of my family, but happened to enjoy good quality in both compared to majority of the crowd for whom cellphone quality is enough. I want to have a camera which my wife could use in full auto mode as well. Now you are proposing if she want to take video clip after couple of still shots she needs to switch to some manual Samyang lens just to get a reasonable field of view? NX500 is not suppose to target pro market, Samsung has NX1 and NX30(NX50 in the future) for that.


​Wait, this makes even less sense. Before I was grouching over your choice of language, even though I thought I understood what you were saying. Now you're claiming that the samsung 12-24mm lens is too long to be reasonable, on an apc camera. What in gods name is your wife (who I'm sure is more able than you assume) shooting that needs wider than 4k crop equiv of 26ish mm? Does she need to get her feet and nose in the same shot, from behind the lens? Good god, if she went any wider, she wouldn't need to focus anyway, set it to infinity and shoot everything in perfect focus! Do you really have to shoot all your scenes in 4k? The mind boggles when someone uses such extreme language to describe something. Unusuable - seriously, you literally cannot make a good shot with a camera that doesn't have 4K on at least an apc sized sensor, yet you demand that quality in full auto for less than $1000. Good luck with that! You do understand that getting 4k in aps-c won't suddenly make your hyper extreme wide angles beautiful right? If you can't make them look good in 1080p, you can't make them look good in 4k either, fact.


Also, never pre-order. Ever. Especially as you are an amateur (which I regard as being a compliment, I have more respect for those who do something simply for the love and pleasure of doing that thing than I do those who do it because it is their job) and won't lose money if yiu have to wait a month for the camera to be back in stock at your preferred outlet.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

​Isn't that a bit embarrassing to write?

​To SleepyWill. Embarrassing to write? Really? No, I think it is just you been ignorant idiot,

What in gods name is your wife (who I'm sure is more able than you assume)

Guys, be nice. 

1.6x crop is a bummer, some will tolerate it and some will not. 

For me, it's a difference between buying and not buying. I was planning to get it solely as an APS-C 4k video camera, when it turns out it's a s16 one it's a major change. This is 2.6x crop, even a smaller format than gh4 4K mode which I hated how video/flat it looks in DOF separation. 

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​​​Guys, be nice. 

​You're right, sorry.

Alex, do notice though that Ebrahim said exactly the same thing as you without:

1) Spreading the fallacy that amateurs are less skilled than professionals.

2) Describing a camera that he hasn't tried to use yet as "unusable".

3) Dismissing the opinion of the many who could work around the crop factor with ease just because he can't or doesn't want to.

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SleepyWill, which part of not wanting to swap the lens you are incapable of comprehending? I don't need 12-24mm lens, which is large, incredibly slow, and fairly expensive. If I have to buy it just to get 4K it would make more sense just to buy NX1 instead. I use prime 30mm on APS-C most of the time and need the same field of view for still and video. While I agree that pre-order on new products generally don't make sense, in this case we know what NX500 was suppose to be - NX1 minus weather sealing, EFV, 120 slow-mo, DR log profile, and having smaller buffer and slower burst rate. Samsung even initially advertised it having the same DRIMe V processing engine, but now changed it to DRIMe Vs. They clearly dropped a ball here, probably couldn't deliver what promised and changed it in the last moment. Classic bait and switch. Not sure where all that blind fanboyism is coming. Sounds like you are paid by Samsung to do a typical  damage control here. 

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​You're right, sorry.

Alex, do notice though that Ebrahim said exactly the same thing as you without:

1) Spreading the fallacy that amateurs are less skilled than professionals.

2) Describing a camera that he hasn't tried to use yet as "unusable".

3) Dismissing the opinion of the many who could work around the crop factor with ease just because he can't or doesn't want to.

​The only thing I described as unusable was 4K, which is probably the main feature of this camera. 12-24mm is barely a solution in this case. At least in case of Panasonic you could have a speedbooster/lens turbo, which are not avaiable for NX system. All in, I think it was a bad decision by Samsung to provide 4K area which is smaller than 1" sensor.

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Sounds like you are paid by Samsung to do a typical  damage control here. 

​Yeah, I was going to be nice to you until this. Don't be such a weasel, it is not an option to attack the person if you can't fault the argument. How about I call you a shill for panasonic, out to troll forums to hurt the opposition.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and if you are going to try to drag my (deliberately fake) name through the mud, then you'd better come packing the big guns in terms of evidence for your claims. Put up your evidence that I am "damage control for samsung" or shut up and sit down.

By the way, you don't want to change lenses? Then why are you looking at interchangeable lens cameras, where you pay a premium to be able to... I don't fecking well care, I really don't.

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really? You was nice to me despite insulting my wife under wrong assumptions? I just want a simple thing - normal field view, and not getting into the face as you wrote(you are the one proposing to get extra super wide lens, not me). I want to change lens when I need to change field view, not to keep it the same by going from still to video. I never even owned Panasonic camera and don't religiously worship any camera makers. I see no point to continue that descussion and therefore I am taking off. 

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Could we maybe get back on track here?

I'm interested to see how the video quality of pixel-for-pixel sampling compares to full sensor downsampling in terms of moire, aliasing, color, DR, and rolling shutter. We've never seen the same sensor utilized both ways like this--it might provide some cool insights into the pros and cons of each method. 

However, like any camera, I'll be waiting until there's a used market and established tests before I put down money on it. Looking forward to Andrew's review!

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I'm interested to see how the video quality of pixel-for-pixel sampling compares to full sensor downsampling in terms of moire, aliasing, color, DR, and rolling shutter. We've never seen the same sensor utilized both ways like this--it might provide some cool insights into the pros and cons of each method.

​The GH4 does exactly this- pixel-to-pixel for 4K (cropped), full sensor width downsampled for 1080p.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

Actually, not a single website mentions 4K is a 2.7x crop. None. Not B&H, not Samsung official website spec list, not Dpreview, it's just not mentioned AT ALL when you're trying to order the camera, so if it's true this is very dangerous for dangerous not tell customers about such an important spec. Or I hope it's not mentioned because it's not true...

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Actually, not a single website mentions 4K is a 2.7x crop. None. Not B&H, not Samsung official website spec list, not Dpreview, it's just not mentioned AT ALL when you're trying to order the camera, so if it's true this is very dangerous for dangerous not tell customers about such an important spec. Or I hope it's not mentioned because it's not true...

​I actually hope it's not mentioned because the crop is an option in camera that was left on at that expo.

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​I actually hope it's not mentioned because the crop is an option in camera that was left on at that expo.

​I was kind of thinking the same thing.  But Samsung is a little vague on its spec sheet, if you read Dpreview people are discovering the 120fps option and Samsung only lists a Slow/Fast mode in the video specs.  Perhaps the crop is an updated option since the processor can do full sensor readout, Samsung seems to be continually discovering more features that are made possible by the considerable processing power in the NX1.  I'm still holding off ordering though.

I've seen the 240fps screenshot too, there has to be another big NX1 update coming.  The more I shoot with it, the more I like it.  My NX1 just replaced the A7s, its so much faster and more responsive, better ergonomics and much easier to set up.  I decided 4k internal was better for me.  If the NX500 is a dud, there's always the LX100.

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Though I have to say it says a lot about the state of things that people will take the word of a attendee at a meeting to the point of them cancelling their preorder. Has anyone tried contacting Samsung directly on this issue or seen any official documentation?

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It was just a precautionary move for me.  Once available this camera won't be hard to get.  Since its being released in Asia first, we'll see reviews soon.

It seems the spec is evolving if the 240fps is legit, because original previews said it topped out at 60.

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