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GH4 or NX1 please help me decide


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Thank´s for all your reply´s.

Seems like the NX1 is the one for me.

Never used AF for video yet, so not a con for me.

I think i´ll wait those 2 Weeks until NAB, maybe there will be a speacial offerfor the NX1.

Can someone recommend me a adapter brand for vintage lenses, there are some 5 star reviews for a 30€ adapter can something be useable at this pricetag?

One last Questions to the Gh4 users:

Are you converting your h.264 files to prores befor grading? are there benifits grading wise ?

I know its less cpu comsuming.




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Thank´s for all your reply´s.

Seems like the NX1 is the one for me.

Never used AF for video yet, so not a con for me.

I think i´ll wait those 2 Weeks until NAB, maybe there will be a speacial offerfor the NX1.

Can someone recommend me a adapter brand for vintage lenses, there are some 5 star reviews for a 30€ adapter can something be useable at this pricetag?

One last Questions to the Gh4 users:

Are you converting your h.264 files to prores befor grading? are there benifits grading wise ?

I know its less cpu comsuming.




​No need to in Premiere. Files are automatically converted to 32 bit float.

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Is it really true that Samsung want to update the NX1 firmware monthly ? Or is it a rumor like the 100% CAF improvement and 4k crop mode ?

There are no official statements about this afaik.


There is this interview:



And the rumors.


I bought the nx1 two months ago. In this period of time, I upgraded fw three times (1.2, 1.21, 1.22).


Now a new fw is overdue, since nx500 is ahead of nx1 for focus speed on moving targets and has lossy compressed raw.


At least those two things HAVE to be implemented in nx1 asap.

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@sqm that's one of my favourite things about the GH4, to be honest. The clean HDMI out and 4K downscale allows me to capture in-camera 4K as well as external 1080p 4:2:2 and both of them make excellent footage. I can use the 1080p immediately and if I really want to take the time to transcode the 4K later (for, e.g. better final quality or some fiddly tweak or what-have-you) it's still there. Or if I want to do a 1:1 punch-in or something. 

The reported lack of HDMI features on the NX1 is one of the main reasons I'm not even considering that camera for anything serious right now. The GH4's workflow just beats the pants off anything else, for me, at least, and it's image is just fine as far as I'm concerned, although more/better/etc. is always a tradeoff between cost, weight, size, rigging requirements, extra shit necessary, etc. etc. etc.

Edit: Just saw your Q about transcoding before editing. No, I never need to transcode the H.264 4K I just drop it into a timeline in FCPX and start working (a 1080p timeline or a 4K one or anything, doesn't matter). The transcoding happens behind the scenes if I want to render, otherwise it just happens on export, same as anything else.

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Having used both now, for a while, I have to say it came down to two thing for my preferred shooter. And that is reliability, and that damned 30 minute limit.  

A lot of paid gigs I take on are live events, where I often need a longer recording time for speeches, theatre, music sets, etc. and the Nx1 just doesn't cut it for that.  Add to that I have already gone through 2 NX1 bodies for two separate hardware issues, and I can't really speak highly of it's reliability in the field. My Gh4, on the other hand, will run until I'm out of card space, and I have never had to worry about it crapping out.

The iq on the NX1 is spectacular. For photography, personal projects, and short film work I love my NX1. For actual paying client videography? I go Gh4. 

If some one is able to "hack" that limit on the NX1, similar to what was done with Magic Lantern on the canons, I'll be stupid happy. 

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Just a precision: in Europe all cameras have a limit of 30min :/ 

And I went through hardware issues with both my gh3 and gh4, but not with my NX1 yet - I think it's a matter of luck also, and early adopter being treated as "beta testers"... (for both companies)

- Also to be fair, the customer support in Paris is very good concerning panasonic's camera. Haven't tested the samsung service yet. Also my NX1 fell on the concrete when I was shooting in a rainy day in NY and nothing happened to it. It continued filming in the snow, in the rain, in the sun. I can speak highly of the NX1 reliability.  - Don't wanna sound like a NX1 fanboy, I still can't sell my GH4 :) - I'm really attached to how small and easy to use it is.

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Just a precision: in Europe all cameras have a limit of 30min :/ 

And I went through hardware issues with both my gh3 and gh4, but not with my NX1 yet - I think it's a matter of luck also, and early adopter being treated as "beta testers"... (for both companies)


I keep forgetting the EU Pana GH4 is different, as The US, HK and AUS versions can do PAL and no record limit.  And no worries on being an NX1 fanboy, it is a great system, I just am having that run of bad luck. 


My old nx300 had the infamous defect of the selection wheel. It has been serviced in about 10 days under full warranty. Good service.


The Samsung repair place in the US isn't going to win any awards when it comes to how they've serviced my NX1 issues. Both times my Camera ended up needing to be replaced, which is handled at a separate facility, and adds more time to the process. the first NX1 issue took three weeks from start to finish. That replacement NX1 lasted about four days before it had a hardware failure, and was sent back for another long replacement process. But that's what I get for being a "beta tester" for a new line. :) 

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