Ed_David Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 After spending way too much time on this issue, I have come to this conclusion - the filmmaker community which I am a part of (confession: I am a nerd and like to tinker with cameras and spend too much time drooling over the next camera or lens or light or toy) - is this:We aren’t the most graceful bunch. Go on reddit and look at the talk of Philip Bloom after the Kessler dropping its sponsorship of him or just search twitter. A lot of ugliness has arisen.We have all mostly reacted with victim blaming - calling the two women crazy, liars, and more, and of course rushed to the defense of Philip Bloom, because, well, we think we know him.I owe a lot to Philip - he, along with Shane Hurlbut, help democratize the world of filmmaking. He rose to fame with the 5d mark II - showing the masses how you could make a film look as good as hollywood with this cheapish dslr camera that at the time could only shoot 30p. It improved on the 35mm depth of field adapter, in that there were less errors and it was a smaller camera. And I bought a kessler crane because of him, and a redrock matte box because of him. He influenced me, like Ken Rockwell or Art Adams or Geoff Boyle or Shane Hurlbut. He was a hero to me - showing the world how anyone with a good idea can make beautiful films.I learned from his coloring. I started using filmconvert. So I really owe a lot to him. He got me into coloring - to not give up on my footage - to see what was more possible. He help me progress as an artist and camera nerd.But with a sad heart, I have to draw my distance, after reading and speaking with Sara who came forward, reading the other girlfriend’s thoughts, reading Eric Kessler’s thoughts, and reading Philip Bloom’s statement.His statement was the final straw. His accusation-like attitude struck me the wrong way. I wish he had written something more like, “I am deeply sorry about this and embarrassed - none of it is true, I am pursuing legal actions. I am sorry for everyone to have witnessed this. Please I am ask for some privacy in this trying time, for me and my ex-girlfriends”But anyway we camera nerds reacted like gamersgate - where people innocently came to Philip’s defense, which in essence is not so innocent. By defending Philip, you then take a side that indicates that you think two women may be lying. They maybe telling the truth, but they may also be liars. This isn’t so cut and dry. It puts all of us in an uncomfortable space - especially me because I owe a lot to Philip with his sharing of information.When Bill Cosby happened, comedians took the high road. They distanced themselves, they evaluated, and they still called out Bill Cosby. 16 women’s word against one. They all took the side of the women. Because, that’s the side of standing up against abuse. Or should you take the side of Bill Cosby? Is this all a great witch hunt? These women just want to ruin this great man, who help pioneer comedy - America’s dad? Before a trial. But they did it, so more women would feel okay with coming out about abuse - for the bettering of the world - they took a chance.Same with Philip, to a smaller degree. Do you side with one person, or two ex-girlfriends, one who dated him for two years? Women who gave similar stories. Who are we to decide? Or do you need to wait till 14 women come forward? Do you make a stand now or allow abuse to continue unchecked until more evidence flows in, which it probably won’t do. Why do we have to care? Shouldn’t this be private?We are the people. We are the jury of peers. There are no lawyers, there is no courtroom, it’s just us - and many times this is all we get. It’s all up to us to make a decision. To either support a man who has two women who dated him combined for over two years saying that he was emotionally and physically abusive, or siding with a person who calls two women who dated him for over two years, both “delusional” and “crazy.” in his statement.This is two against one. Yes we could wait for more evidence, but this isn’t Charles Lindbergh’s baby - there probably won’t be more than this. And the women have not put out a lawsuit - so I doubt there will be a trial unless Bloom pushes for legal action based on defamation of character. But looking at his statement, he doesn’t indicate this at all. So this is all we get, probably.Does Philiip have a right to privacy? Does anyone accused of abusing anyone have a right to privacy? Not to me. Here’s my story. My production company is kitty guerrilla films - named after Kitty Genovese - the classic psy 101 case about 28 people doing nothing as a woman was raped and killed in Queens because they all thought someone else was going to call the police. Two weeks ago I saw a woman hit her kid on the train. In a car of 14 people I was the only to do something. This is no different to me. I feel abuse, I react. I am not going to spend my whole life being quiet when I see something I feel, in my gut, like abuse. What gives me this right? It is in everyone. The world would be a lot better place if more people spoke up.And what if I am wrong? Well that’s the thing about life - it happens in real time. There is a chance I’m wrong though I doubt it, and if I am wrong, I will apologize to Philip Bloom immensely both publicly and privately. I will. But I am taking a chance based on my gut reaction to all testimony I read, including facebook post deletions, google plus pages, and the words of Sara’s friends on facebook who personally reported hearing all about this. That all went to me as a juror of my peer.And for those who think what I am writing is grounds for legal action by the issue of slander - it’s not - I have said nothing false. I am merely compiling evidence that I have read and from the internet. That’s what all filmmakers should do - interact with the world around them, analyze it, and present their findings. We shouldn’t be scared of being sued. We are truth to power. to ourselves, to the world around us. We are storytellers. We help change society, for the better, sometimes for the worse. But we are part of the changing force of culture. This is a great privilege we have. This is unique to our society at this time. And this was a right fought over for a very long time. We need to cherish this ability we have.That’s what a nurse said to me who we interviewed in New Orleans last week, for a doc on Katrina 10 years later. She said we filmmakers are the agents of change, that help change the world. When an issue happens inside our community, let’s not all bury our heads in the sand until it is safe to come out and react. from http://eddavid.tumblr.com/post/116204421574/the-camera-nerd-community-reaction-to-philip-bloom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neumann Films Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 You yourself said life is not black and white.This is true.Taking a side without proper evidence or first hand knowledge of the situation is a black and white approach. You need to realize your stance is as harmful to the situation as the idiots that criticized the two women.If life, truly, isn't black and white. The correct response is closer to the median. Distance yourself from Bloom while not assuming guilt on his part. Pretty simple stuff.She put this out on social media. The damage is done. Regardless of what ends up happening or what other facts come along.The damage has been done, why pile on by assuming guilt when you honestly have nothing more than a "gut feeling" to go on? Life isn't black and white Ed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hmcindie Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 I am not going to spend my whole life being quiet when I see something I feel, in my gut, like abuse. What gives me this right? It is in everyone. The world would be a lot better place if more people spoke up. Yes you are. You are literally completely quiet when it comes to real issues. There are literally thousands of abusive people on Twitter who are actually really, really abusive towards females and I bet you are not doing anything about them (and they're not "he said, she said", they are actually really abusive). There's a country called Saudi Arabia which literally will not let women drive cars and I don't see you saying anything. There are literally NO OTHER topics about "abusing women" on your blog. That's strange considering your "I'm not gonna keep quiet!"- attitude. When there is actual domestic abuse happening, your not posting pictures and names of those people. Typing in philip bloom abuse into google and your thread comes up as the sixth link or something. That's just funny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hmcindie Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Oh and here's Philips own statement. I'm not gonna take sides in this but how can Ed continue talking and not link this?http://pbloomstatement.com/Even good journalists can get stuff wrong really badly when people decide to lie. Night reading for Ed:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Rape_on_Campus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mercer Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 After spending way too much time on this issue, I have come to this conclusion - the filmmaker community which I am a part of (confession: I am a nerd and like to tinker with cameras and spend too much time drooling over the next camera or lens or light or toy) - is this:We aren’t the most graceful bunch. Go on reddit and look at the talk of Philip Bloom after the Kessler dropping its sponsorship of him or just search twitter. A lot of ugliness has arisen.We have all mostly reacted with victim blaming - calling the two women crazy, liars, and more, and of course rushed to the defense of Philip Bloom, because, well, we think we know him.I owe a lot to Philip - he, along with Shane Hurlbut, help democratize the world of filmmaking. He rose to fame with the 5d mark II - showing the masses how you could make a film look as good as hollywood with this cheapish dslr camera that at the time could only shoot 30p. It improved on the 35mm depth of field adapter, in that there were less erorrs and it was a smaller camera. And I bought a kessler crane because of him, and a redrock matte box because of him. He influenced me, like Ken Rockwell or Art Adams or Geoff Boyle or Shane Hurlbut. He was a hero to me - showing the world how anyone with a good idea can make beautiful films.I learned from his coloring. I started using filmconvert. So I really owe a lot to him. He got me into coloring - to not give up on my footage - to see what was more possible. He help me progress as an artist and camera nerd.But with a sad heart, I have to draw my distance, after reading and speaking with Sara who came forward, reading the other girlfriend’s thoughts, reading Eric Kessler’s thoughts, and reading Philip Bloom’s statement.His statement was the final straw. His accusation attitude struck me the wrong way. I wish he had written something more like, “I am deeply sorry about this and embarrassed - none of it is true, I am pursuing legal actions. I am sorry for everyone to have witnessed this. Please I am ask for some privacy in this trying time, for me and my ex-girlfriends”But anyway we camera nerds reacted like gamersgate - where people innocently came to Philip’s defense, which in essence is not so innocent. By defending Philip, you then take a side that indicates that you think two women may be lying. They maybe telling the truth, but they may also be liars. This isn’t so cut and dry. Its puts all of us in an uncomfortable space - especially me because I owe a lot to Philip with his sharing of information.When Bill Cosby happened, comedians took the high road. They distanced themselves, they evaluated, and they still called out Bill Cosby. 16 women’s word against one. They all took the side of the women. Because, that’s the side of standing up against abuse. Or should you take the side of Bill Cosby? Is this all a great witch hunt? These women just want to ruin this great man, who help pioneer comedy - America’s dad? Before a trial. But they did it, so more women would feel okay with coming out about abuse - for the bettering of the world.Same with Philip, to a smaller degree. Do you side with one person, or two women who gave similar stories. Who are we to decide? Or do you need to wait till 14 women come forward? Do you make a stand now or allow abuse to continue unchecked forever. Why do we have to care? Shouldn’t this be private?We are the people. We are the jury of peers. There are no lawyers, there is no courtroom, it’s just us - and many times this is all we get. It’s all up to us to make a decision. To either support a man who has two women who dated him combined for over two years saying that he was emotionally and physically abusive, or siding with a person who calls two women who dated him for over two years, both “delusional” and “crazy.” in his statement.This is two against one. Yes we could wait for more evidence, but this isn’t Charles Lindbergh’s baby - there probably won’t be a OJ Simpson trial about this. And the women have not put out a lawsuit - so I doubt there will be a trial unless Bloom pushes for legal action based on defamation of character. But looking at his statement, he doesn’t indicate this at all. So this is all we get.Does Philiip have a right to privacy? Does anyone accused of abusing anyone have a right to privacy? I don’t think so. Listen here’s my deal. My production company is kitty guerrilla films - named after Kitty Genovese - it’s about 28 people doing nothing as a woman was raped and killed in Queens because they all thought someone else was going to call the cops. Two weeks ago I saw a woman hit her kid on the train. In a car of 14 people I was the only to do something. This is no different to me. I feel abuse, I react. I am not going to spend my whole life being quiet when I see something I feel, in my gut, like abuse. What gives me this right? It is in everyone. The world would be a lot better place if more people spoke up.And what if I am wrong? Well that’s the thing about life - it happens in real time. There is a chance I’m wrong though I doubt it, and if I am wrong, I will apologize to Philip Bloom immensely both publicly and privately. I will. And for those who think what I am writing is grounds for legal action by the issue of slander - it’s not - I have said nothing false. I am merely compiling evidence that I have read and from the internet. That’s what all filmmakers should do - interact with the world around them, analyze it, and present their findings. We shouldn’t be scared of being sued. We are truth to power. to ourselves, to the world around us. We are storytellers. We help change society, for the better, sometimes for the worse. But we are part of the changing force of culture. This is a great privilege we have. This is unique to our society at this time. And this was a right fought over for a very long time. We need to cherish this ability we have.That’s what a nurse said to me who we interviewed in New Orleans last week, for a doc on Katrina 10 years later. She said we filmmakers are the agents of change, that help change the world. When an issue happens inside our community, let’s not all bury our heads in the sand until it is safe to come out and react. from http://eddavid.tumblr.com/post/116204421574/the-camera-nerd-community-reaction-to-philip-bloomI read the first two paragraphs and stopped there. This is the most unfair conclusion You could have drawn from your self-righteous rant. You drew conclusions based on your opinion and whoever didn't agree with your assertions you labeled as someone who does not care about domestic violence, when in fact I did not read one statement that supports your thesis on this blog. You are creating false narratives and unfairly labeling people as sexist, pro domestic abuse, or whatever nonsense you want to believe. The only thing I have really read, other than a few jokes, are people who are trying to be objective to your subjective rants that hold no basis in truth because the truth is only known by 3 people... None of which you are. If for some reason at the end of your self-righteous diatribe, you apologized for putting words in people's mouth and forcing your opinion on others, then I am sorry for my beginning statement. Palpet 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lammy Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Oh and here's Philips own statement. I'm not gonna take sides in this but how can Ed continue talking and not link this?http://pbloomstatement.com/He did talk about this. Ed rightly addressed that the appropriate response of “I am deeply sorry about this and embarrassed - none of it is true, I am pursuing legal actions. I am sorry for everyone to have witnessed this. Please I am ask for some privacy in this trying time, for me and my ex-girlfriends” was the only good way to go.If someone sided with the women, they would be solidified in believing he abused them after reading his use of language in that statement. Philip's statement is still bad and corroborative and full of extra pointing fingers, extra defamation, largely subjectivity on "passionate arguments" "disagreement", "scuffle", and what appears to be corporate pleading at the end which is grossly inappropriate and looks insincere. It's ugly and poorly written and I wish Philip didn't write that.My reaction so far has been to see how people from the middle or on Philip's side are so strong to attack Ed's stance as well. Can you directly quote Ed "labeling people as sexist, pro domestic abuse"? I'm reading the same threads and I don't see it? Or are you guys white knighting Philip Bloom and just trying to pummel Ed as wrong just because. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hmcindie Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 end which is grossly inappropriate and looks insincere. It's ugly and poorly written and I wish Philip didn't write that.My reaction so far has been to see how people from the middle or on Philip's side are so strong to attack Ed's stance as well. Can you directly quote Ed "labeling people as sexist, pro domestic abuse"? I'm reading the same threads and I don't see it? Or are you guys white knighting Philip Bloom and just trying to pummel Ed as wrong just because.The statement also provides the only thing of evidence yet. The police report. If Bloom did call the cops on his wife (and she was holding a knife) there should be a record. Ed could take his self-righteousness and go search for it. Would Bloom lie about calling the cops and hiding in a neighbours house? Probably not because that has paper trails. Bloom has NEVER been a very good writer. He writes over long blog posts and corrects them as he goes.In another news, the stunt community is roasting a woman for claiming she was a stunt driver on Furious 7 and she wasn't. My feed is full of angry stunt people. What does it matter to Blooms case? Nothing, only that people do lie and "misremember".http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3033091/Actress-publicly-said-female-stunt-driver-Furious-7-unmasked-FRAUD-extra-set.html Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hmcindie Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Or are you guys white knighting Philip Bloom and just trying to pummel Ed as wrong just because.What's wrong in white knighting Philip Bloom? I mean, until there is evidence to the contrary? It's not about being right or wrong, the police could come up tomorrow, arrest Bloom and claim he was a serial abuser and it wouldn't affect the issue of: 1. Not guilty until proven. Even the UFC (who are pretty strict about these things now) didn't cut Thiago Silva for abuse until a video came up showing him holding a gun and threatening his wife. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lammy Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 That's still really inadvisable because now he's thrown up more details that escalate and confuse matters. Why did she have a knife? Was it to defend herself from Philip due to prior "abuse"? To cut herself? What does he mean scuffle? Like a rough and tumble in the school playground or a Skylar vs Walter White? Are people going to drag up phone texts and emails too? By all means a police report and witnesses is good for the courts, but he can still stick to bare facts. Impassioned: "Urgh! Liars. This Sara is crazy, and this other Sarah has a bad memory" doesn't look good!In another news, the stunt community is roasting a woman for claiming she was a stunt driver on Furious 7 and she wasn't. My feed is full of angry stunt people. What does it matter to Blooms case? Nothing, only that people do lie.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3033091/Actress-publicly-said-female-stunt-driver-Furious-7-unmasked-FRAUD-extra-set.htmlThey're genuinely angry? My feed is full of people really finding it funny. Just like that Anna Allen being caught doing faked instagrams. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hmcindie Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 They're genuinely angry? My feed is full of people really finding it funny. Just like that Anna Allen being caught doing faked instagrams.Yes. They are seriously angry. I think Sulinh is taking a brunt of repressed anger. Now that someone openly lied and got caught (and disrespecting the actual stunt drivers who did those shots) the stunt community went a bit crazy for her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liszon Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Ed David is a rapist, he beat me to the ground on the 27th June 2010 and forcefully anally buggered me. I am the victim of this foul act, and my Ed's own words, he should be named and shamed in public and until he can prove I did not do this, you are the court and because I am the victim, you must take my side. I implore other victims to come forward with their similar stories.Discuss.Sinister, but telling the truth I really wanted a post like this. Just for educational purposes.. Geoff CB and Palpet 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lammy Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Yes. They are seriously angry. I think Sulinh is taking a brunt of repressed anger. Now that someone openly lied and got caught (and disrespecting the actual stunt drivers who did those shots) the stunt community went a bit crazy for her. People do strange things. There's always that one attention seeker at networking events pretending to be a hot shot but everyone usually knows. We all have that friend that lies out their teeth to get laid too...But yeah my reaction is usually to find it hilarious or tragic (or both) rather than outright anger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SleepyWill Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Sinister, but telling the truth I really wanted a post like this. Just for educational purposes..We know, on this forum the context of this "joke" right. Ed, should I expand this off the forum, take my "joke" to twitter, youtube, vimeo, facebook et al. Completely straight faced of course. A blunt accusation of this horrible thing in full public eye. If you say you're up for it, I will. If that's not something you want me to do, then think about why? Is it because I could do real damage to your future by doing this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neumann Films Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 To: Ed "High Judge and Lord Executioner" DavidYou speak to your flock of idiots and sheep (us) about what you have been reading on the "Divine Internet",You share your vast experience as a psycho, and after you escaped from Riker's Island..you graced the "The 2 Virgin Sara/Sarah's" with your Holy Voice..And under a solemn moonless evening, all 3 of you wondrous creatures shared love and passion, truth and scripture, creep weed and extra-strength draino - As you set the Date of the Execution of:Philip "The Green River Killer, Part 2" Bloom,However, In all your divine power and immense wisdom, (you must have just been off your schizophrenic medicine) you forgot when your step-daddy once said to you, in the Great Hall of the West Wing of The Vatican (as he masturbated on your face while speaking).."Even though you're the Bastard Son of One-Thousand Whores, I tell you this:"Never believe what you Read, and only half of what you See",This really deters from the topic at hand. Tone it down a bit dude. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geoff CB Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Ed, what I think about this issue at this point is irrelevant, your reaction to it has significantly decreased my respect for you.Starting a new thread just because you didn't enjoy the reactions to your stance on the previous one is juvenile. Palpet, Gokhan Guvenc, mercer and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted April 12, 2015 Administrators Share Posted April 12, 2015 Ed, what I think about this issue at this point is irrelevant, your reaction to it has significantly decreased my respect for you.Starting a new thread just because you didn't enjoy the reactions to your stance on the previous one is juvenile.Let's try and avoid pointing the finger at each other. The situation is as bad enough as it is without losing more friends because of differences of opinion on an internet forum. Daniel Acuña 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oliver Daniel Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 What is the goal of this topic? What does it want to discuss? Usually we read for benefit and enjoyment... is this either? It seems Ed's posts are sort of pioneering an internet bombshell. What if Ed becomes the face of the Philip Bloom abuse scandal, the man who woke up camera nerds to domestic abuse? Ed could get internet camera nerd famous on the grounds of Philip Blooms personal life. Bit weird. Sounds like a film. I personally don't mind you Ed, but you have lots of talent and I feel you are wasting decent time when you could actually be wowing the world of camera nerds with a blockbuster NX1 short film. No one is making decent films with this camera - you could be the guy who proves you can make amazing art with a Samsung product. Do a film about domestic abuse, change the world. Anything like this is far better than using up your valuable time in writing about a famous camera nerds relationship issues in what seems to be ultimately ineffective apart from snapping the temper strings of other fellow camera nerds.Camera nerds are very easy to annoy. Do something more challenging. Make this art you've got on your chest and give the domestically abused a hand of support Time better spent. sudopera, Geoff CB and Cinegain 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADC Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 After spending way too much time on this issue, I have come to this conclusion - the filmmaker community which I am a part of (confession: I am a nerd and like to tinker with cameras and spend too much time drooling over the next camera or lens or light or toy) - is this:We aren’t the most graceful bunch. Go on reddit and look at the talk of Philip Bloom after the Kessler dropping its sponsorship of him or just search twitter. A lot of ugliness has arisen.We have all mostly reacted with victim blaming - calling the two women crazy, liars, and more, and of course rushed to the defense of Philip Bloom, because, well, we think we know him.I owe a lot to Philip - he, along with Shane Hurlbut, help democratize the world of filmmaking. He rose to fame with the 5d mark II - showing the masses how you could make a film look as good as hollywood with this cheapish dslr camera that at the time could only shoot 30p. It improved on the 35mm depth of field adapter, in that there were less erorrs and it was a smaller camera. And I bought a kessler crane because of him, and a redrock matte box because of him. He influenced me, like Ken Rockwell or Art Adams or Geoff Boyle or Shane Hurlbut. He was a hero to me - showing the world how anyone with a good idea can make beautiful films.I learned from his coloring. I started using filmconvert. So I really owe a lot to him. He got me into coloring - to not give up on my footage - to see what was more possible. He help me progress as an artist and camera nerd.But with a sad heart, I have to draw my distance, after reading and speaking with Sara who came forward, reading the other girlfriend’s thoughts, reading Eric Kessler’s thoughts, and reading Philip Bloom’s statement.His statement was the final straw. His accusation attitude struck me the wrong way. I wish he had written something more like, “I am deeply sorry about this and embarrassed - none of it is true, I am pursuing legal actions. I am sorry for everyone to have witnessed this. Please I am ask for some privacy in this trying time, for me and my ex-girlfriends”But anyway we camera nerds reacted like gamersgate - where people innocently came to Philip’s defense, which in essence is not so innocent. By defending Philip, you then take a side that indicates that you think two women may be lying. They maybe telling the truth, but they may also be liars. This isn’t so cut and dry. Its puts all of us in an uncomfortable space - especially me because I owe a lot to Philip with his sharing of information.When Bill Cosby happened, comedians took the high road. They distanced themselves, they evaluated, and they still called out Bill Cosby. 16 women’s word against one. They all took the side of the women. Because, that’s the side of standing up against abuse. Or should you take the side of Bill Cosby? Is this all a great witch hunt? These women just want to ruin this great man, who help pioneer comedy - America’s dad? Before a trial. But they did it, so more women would feel okay with coming out about abuse - for the bettering of the world.Same with Philip, to a smaller degree. Do you side with one person, or two women who gave similar stories. Who are we to decide? Or do you need to wait till 14 women come forward? Do you make a stand now or allow abuse to continue unchecked forever. Why do we have to care? Shouldn’t this be private?We are the people. We are the jury of peers. There are no lawyers, there is no courtroom, it’s just us - and many times this is all we get. It’s all up to us to make a decision. To either support a man who has two women who dated him combined for over two years saying that he was emotionally and physically abusive, or siding with a person who calls two women who dated him for over two years, both “delusional” and “crazy.” in his statement.This is two against one. Yes we could wait for more evidence, but this isn’t Charles Lindbergh’s baby - there probably won’t be a OJ Simpson trial about this. And the women have not put out a lawsuit - so I doubt there will be a trial unless Bloom pushes for legal action based on defamation of character. But looking at his statement, he doesn’t indicate this at all. So this is all we get.Does Philiip have a right to privacy? Does anyone accused of abusing anyone have a right to privacy? I don’t think so. Listen here’s my deal. My production company is kitty guerrilla films - named after Kitty Genovese - it’s about 28 people doing nothing as a woman was raped and killed in Queens because they all thought someone else was going to call the cops. Two weeks ago I saw a woman hit her kid on the train. In a car of 14 people I was the only to do something. This is no different to me. I feel abuse, I react. I am not going to spend my whole life being quiet when I see something I feel, in my gut, like abuse. What gives me this right? It is in everyone. The world would be a lot better place if more people spoke up.And what if I am wrong? Well that’s the thing about life - it happens in real time. There is a chance I’m wrong though I doubt it, and if I am wrong, I will apologize to Philip Bloom immensely both publicly and privately. I will. And for those who think what I am writing is grounds for legal action by the issue of slander - it’s not - I have said nothing false. I am merely compiling evidence that I have read and from the internet. That’s what all filmmakers should do - interact with the world around them, analyze it, and present their findings. We shouldn’t be scared of being sued. We are truth to power. to ourselves, to the world around us. We are storytellers. We help change society, for the better, sometimes for the worse. But we are part of the changing force of culture. This is a great privilege we have. This is unique to our society at this time. And this was a right fought over for a very long time. We need to cherish this ability we have.That’s what a nurse said to me who we interviewed in New Orleans last week, for a doc on Katrina 10 years later. She said we filmmakers are the agents of change, that help change the world. When an issue happens inside our community, let’s not all bury our heads in the sand until it is safe to come out and react. from http://eddavid.tumblr.com/post/116204421574/the-camera-nerd-community-reaction-to-philip-bloomConratulations. You've discovered the most convoluted way of saying, "Hi, my name's Ed David and I am a total arsehole".Enough of this lecturing you little shit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimmy Bingo Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 Whether or not these women were abused they will always be doubted, mistrusted, and hushed by some people.Whether Philip Bloom physically/verbally/mentally abused anyone or not, his reputation has been tarnished at best, possibly derailed. Maybe he deserves this maybe he doesn’t. Regardless of the validity of the allegations Eric Kessler had to terminate business relations with Bloom because of the impending blowback to him and his business. Regardless of what anyone (including myself) decides to say or post about this topic, someone will hate them and reply with some really nasty response. Life just isn’t fair, and when do you ever have 100% of the information needed to make a “fair” or “just” decision. Rarely. There are people who are falsely accused, just as there are true victims who are never heard or believed. You do the best you can with what you’ve got. It’s likely that along the way someone’s gonna like you, and someone else’s gonna hate you for the same ideas/video/blogpost. For all it’s purported power the internet sure has a lot of drawbacks too. Just some thoughts. Zak Forsman, Ed_David and Lammy 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daniel Acuña Posted April 12, 2015 Share Posted April 12, 2015 This is just sad...And who are we to judge? They and only they know the truth we can just speculate, so until we have a clear statement I rather not say anything.And please If we do give our opinion let's not hate on each other, at least respect one an other even if other people don't respect us, don't use such strong words, we are so far from this situation, we can't even begin to understand what really happened.How many problems and hate have happened only because of miscommunication and a lack of information. Cinegain and Neumann Films 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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