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My reaction to the reaction of the filmmaking community to the Philip Bloom abuse scandel


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Delete all threads related to Philip Bloom. If anyone wanted to hear about Philip Bloom, his personal life, and so on, they'd go to Philip Bloom's website and/or follow him on social media.

These Philip Bloom related threads achieve nothing for the parties involved - and do nothing for this community except create rifts.

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I think everyone involved as police, attorneys, workmates, friends should listen very carefully and be supportive when someone tell that they are victims of abuse. With lack of evidence and knowing next to nothing about the situation other than hearsay and rumors however, I have basically nothing to form an opinion from. I think most of us here are in that situation: we just don't have enough information to have a valid opinion on this situation, although we might have opinions on domestic abuse cases in general.

Ed David was correct in acting when he actually saw someone hitting their child. But in this case we haven't been witnesses. That's end of story for me until more info is available, not mattering how much I'm against domestic violence of any kind.

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I think everyone involved as police, attorneys, workmates, friends should listen very carefully and be supportive when someone tell that they are victims of abuse. With lack of evidence and knowing next to nothing about the situation other than hearsay and rumors however, I have basically nothing to form an opinion from. I think most of us here are in that situation: we just don't have enough information to have a valid opinion on this situation, although we might have opinions on domestic abuse cases in general.

Ed David was correct in acting when he actually saw someone hitting their child. But in this case we haven't been witnesses. That's end of story for me until more info is available, not mattering how much I'm against domestic violence of any kind.

It's not rumors and hearsay - it is testimony from two ex-girlfriends who dated him for over two years.  This is evidence that can be held up in a court of law.  This is actually serious - if one lies about this, it is grounds for a lawsuit. Defamation of character.  

So the ex-girlfriends put themselves on the line - they could suffer punitive damages for lying.  Both of them.  That's something there.  

If you dismiss their testimony, you are allowing for the continuation of "cultural attitudes" that the abuser is considered innocent even with testimony in cases that usually have no evidence where the abused usually doesn't come forward till years later which makes it so easy for domestic abuse to happen.  Society allows it to happen because it seems like the default reaction in our society is that "the woman is lying, they are crazy and weird and all is fair in love and war"..  

I think the people who enable this system to continue are part of a trend I find unjust.

Here's my concession to you - if it was a man or woman who was just a one-night stand who said, "philiip beat me" I wouldn't have taken it as seriously unless I heard more about it or did see proof - but these are two of his long-term ex-girlfriends who have friends who vouch for their character.  There is a difference there.  Having friends who also risk ridicule and abuse come forward and support a firiend's claim and also state that their friend talked to them about the abuse of Philip further can be used in court.  You can ask a friend as a witness about the character of the accuser.  Also , and this is for my own research, did any of Bloom's friends come forward - real friends, not just internet followers of him.  Friends who spend time with him, who hang out with him?  That can vouch for his character?  Shouldn't this be private - again, no, we have domestic abuse in our face publicly and we are now forced to deal with this issue.  We cannot hide our heads in the sand because it's a private matter.

Domestic abuse is everyone's business.  

Just as I would side with anyone on this forum who came forward with a legitimate claim of domestic abuse. 

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If 2 women came forward accusing me of abuse here would be my response....

"these claims are completely false and i am seeking legal protection immediately. This will be a matter for the courts."

Thats it.

Thats what i would do.

​And if I was a woman and physically abused by a man I would go to the police……but they didn't. It works both ways. 

Im an 'innocent until proven guilty' kinda guy as are most of the decent legal systems in the world. We will see what pans out here but so far my thoughts are this:


The girls did not report any abuse to the police, why not if they thought it was as serious as they now say it was. Any physical abuse is serious, so go about it the correct way and report it to the police. Do not just do nothing and report it years later via social media unless you are doing it for revenge.


Again, any abuse is a series matter but at the same time it is easy to make accusations against someone you don't like. Making these accusations publicly will cause them a huge headache wether they are innocent or guilty. If they are a public figure, this kind of revenge is easy as is evident with Kessler dropping him. They haven't given him a chance, but taken the word of two women they don't even know over his. Guilty or innocent, Philips brand has been tarnished for a long time. 


We don't know what Philip is doing privately about the matter so we shouldn't assume he is doing nothing. He has spoken out publicly in response to being accused publicly. Privately, he may be doing more. 







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It's not rumors and hearsay - it is testimony from two ex-girlfriends who dated him for over two years.  This is evidence that can be held up in a court of law.  This is actually serious - if one lies about this, it is grounds for a lawsuit. Defamation of character.  

So the ex-girlfriends put themselves on the line - they could suffer punitive damages for lying.  Both of them.  That's something there.  

If you dismiss their testimony, you are allowing for the continuation of "cultural attitudes" that the abuser is considered innocent even with testimony in cases that usually have no evidence where the abused usually doesn't come forward till years later which makes it so easy for domestic abuse to happen.  Society allows it to happen because it seems like the default reaction in our society is that "the woman is lying, they are crazy and weird and all is fair in love and war"..  

I think the people who enable this system to continue are part of a trend I find unjust.

Here's my concession to you - if it was a man or woman who was just a one-night stand who said, "philiip beat me" I wouldn't have taken it as seriously unless I heard more about it or did see proof - but these are two of his long-term ex-girlfriends who have friends who vouch for their character.  There is a difference there.  Having friends who also risk ridicule and abuse come forward and support a firiend's claim and also state that their friend talked to them about the abuse of Philip further can be used in court.  You can ask a friend as a witness about the character of the accuser.  Also , and this is for my own research, did any of Bloom's friends come forward - real friends, not just internet followers of him.  Friends who spend time with him, who hang out with him?  That can vouch for his character?  Shouldn't this be private - again, no, we have domestic abuse in our face publicly and we are now forced to deal with this issue.  We cannot hide our heads in the sand because it's a private matter.

Domestic abuse is everyone's business.  

Just as I would side with anyone on this forum who came forward with a legitimate claim of domestic abuse. 

​Sorry, have these women made formal complaints to the police?

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It's not rumors and hearsay - it is testimony from two ex-girlfriends who dated him for over two years.  This is evidence that can be held up in a court of law.  This is actually serious - if one lies about this, it is grounds for a lawsuit. Defamation of character.  

So the ex-girlfriends put themselves on the line - they could suffer punitive damages for lying.  Both of them.  That's something there.  

I thought a "testimony" was something done in court? As far as I know, this has not been up in court?


Your interpretation sounds like it is based on the american legal system entirely. 

A testimony by itself is not by itself enough evidence to convict someone over here in Europe. The court can choose to find the testimony to be likely - or not.

A lawsuit of defamation of character for false accusations would be unlikely here in Europe as well.

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So the ex-girlfriends put themselves on the line...

So if Bloom would've come out earlier (like when they broke up) and said "Sara is a crazy bitch!" it would've been "putting himself on the line!"

So you advocate just flat out shaming other people before the other people shames you? That's "putting themselves on the line!"? What a load of bullshit. If Sara actually put herself on the line, she would've called the police. Now there's nothing. There's a facebook post years after marriage, and only as a reply to a tweet Philip sent (which was about the abuse of Oisin) + immediate screencaptures ready. IT REEKS OF REVENGE!

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So if Bloom would've come out earlier (like when they broke up) and said "Sara is a crazy bitch!" it would've been "putting himself on the line!"

So you advocate just flat out shaming other people before the other people shames you? That's "putting themselves on the line!"? What a load of bullshit. If Sara actually put herself on the line, she would've called the police. Now there's nothing. There's a facebook post years after marriage, and only as a reply to a tweet Philip sent (which was about the abuse of Oisin) + immediate screencaptures ready. IT REEKS OF REVENGE!

Sorry but have any of you been victims of domestic abuse Or have studied it?

The majority never come forward.

If they do its usually years later.

Did you guys even pay attention during the bill cosby issue?  Most charges are 20 plus years  later.

How many here have empathy towards abuse victims or have looked into it at all?  Raise your hands Anonymous forum posters.

Or are you too busy caring about 2 new cameras from blackmagic that dont have internal recoding options or the new 4  third in chip camera from panasonic with a fixed lens?

Heres a link to davinci resolve 12:http://www.safehorizon.org/page/domestic-violence-statistics--facts-52.html

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I have empathy for people that get abused. I lived above a hell's angel that would beat his girlfriend close to death. No one could do anything about it as she would not go to the police and the guy would literally kill you if you had stepped in.

I also have empathy for people who get wrongfully accused of something though. Lives can be ruined by a tweet or facebook post.

Why can you only have empathy for one side of this coin?

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I understand why this topic creates so much anger, Ed.

If for example god forbid someone close to me would have been a victim, I'd have strong feelings about it and would want to campaign.

Imagine if our mums or sisters would have been beaten.

We'd want to do something about it.

And if we perceived a criminal in our midst in the DSLR community we'd want to bring about justice.

We can't. We don't have the facts. We don't have the remit. We don't have the due legal process. We only have social media and Facebook and some allegations against someone who many consider a friend.

So until those allegations are proven by law or dismissed by law, campaigning in the filmmaking community isn't going to wash. It is just going to lose you many friends and supporters and get everyone down.

PS - my mum's advice was the same... and she is the biggest feminist I know!! :)

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I thought a "testimony" was something done in court? As far as I know, this has not been up in court?


Your interpretation sounds like it is based on the american legal system entirely. 

A testimony by itself is not by itself enough evidence to convict someone over here in Europe. The court can choose to find the testimony to be likely - or not.


​That's the way it works in the US.  Just because someone says something in court under oath under penalty of perjury doesn't make it true.  The court still has to consider whether the testimony is believable.  A couple of facebook posts aren't anything that would be used to convict in the United States.  You can't even submit that to a court.  You would need the person that purportedly wrote the posts to appear in person to testify to the authenticity and content of the posts and also to give the person they are accusing an opportunity to cross examine.


A lawsuit of defamation of character for false accusations would be unlikely here in Europe as well.

​Same in the US.  Only people that watch too much TV and bad movies think you can easily, cheaply, and successfully sue someone for defamation.  And as I pointed out earlier Philip lives in England and one of the women lives in Canada... and by her own admission is broke.  So Philip is going to spend tens of thousands of dollars, months of his time, and travel half way around the world to sue a broke person.  She can make a couple of free facebook quotes and Ed's solution is spend $100,000 and find a lawyer in Canada... so you can win $0.  Wow.  What a deal.

Again, not saying I know who's lying but pretending this is some cakewalk for Philip if he is innocent is absurd.

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I don't know philip Bloom.  But from his videos he seems like an nice/ordinary guy.  The guy on the right though.  I heard he abused his wife AND children.... and PETS!!!  I heard it on facebook so it must be true...  Also, some guy name Ned Navid is on this crusade to crucify the guy on the right, so that makes it DOUBLE true....  Down with abuse.. Burn the witch.. I mean burn the guy :-)

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Also check out this link to an exclusive canon c500 mark ii video!!  Look at the dynamic range!!  35 stops!


​Rather childish don't you think, I mean this is a forum about cameras and film making after all so it should not be a surprise that the focus of the forum is on NAB and not the issue of domestic abuse.

Yes what you say about victims coming out after the fact is true and that is one thing that the perpetrator often counts on, but on the other hand there are also instances of false accusations as well. Have you ever thought of how easy it would be for an ex to falsely accuse you  of abuse, especially If you were a celebrity or semi-celebrity? Apparently all it takes is a few facebook posts to cause a huge mess. Most here are not saying that isn't a serious issue, they not saying that he is innocent and that the girls are making the whole thing up. We are quite simply trying to state in the clearest way possible that we don't know what really happened and convicting him on the merit of a few social media posts and your gut is simply not right. If he didn't abuse these women than what you are doing could be considered a form of emotional/mental abuse toward Philip Bloom, couldn't it? Making him fear for his livelihood and becoming a social outcast to his peers. Have you even consider how he might feel going through all of this if he is being wrongly accused, can you imagine how horrible and frustrating it would be? We have due process for a reason, it is to give the best possible chance of reaching the proper decision based on facts and evidence not on opinion and gut feeling which is meaningless in situations like this.


Your gut doesn't count for anything and even if it turns out that he did abuse these women you will still be wrong for deciding someones fate based of no evidence what so ever. It is fine to have an opinion on the matter but publicly shaming someone based of that opinion is not. Maybe you should spend some time researching instances of false accusations, you won't have to look very hard.

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This kinda really sucks, all the way around. But, I myself have been slandered by an infatuated, dejected,  ex-girlfriend and I'm here to tell you, there ain't nothing on God's green earth worst than a woman scorned!!!

It was horrible!! Plans to kill me or my wife, lies and deceits, police investigations, restraining orders, an all out fucking nightmare. With that said, this ain't in no way, shape or form even close to the Bill Cosby fiasco. That bastard needs buggered in the bung for sure. 

I think in scenarios where there is an actual romantic relationship between individuals that is no more, someone is more in their feelings than the other. You may not realize how much that is until you put a new girl on your arm and all hell breaks loose!

Per Phillips statement about the police being involved and no charges or arrest being made, who do we really need to believe?

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If 2 women came forward accusing me of abuse here would be my response....

"these claims are completely false and i am seeking legal protection immediately. This will be a matter for the courts."

Thats it.

Thats what i would do.

​But you see, you argue that Phillip gave too many details on the events prior to these defamatory accusations. I think giving as many details as possible about his private business, that resulted in no charges or arrest shows that he is at least trying to tell everything possible to frame what happened. Your response seems a little thin, but that's your choice if it's your situation. Don't burn someone at the cross because they didn't handle it the way you would.

I think everyone on here is completely against domestic violence. It would bother me more if no one mentioned someone that is as influential in the film making community didn't at lease bring attention to the accusations. But Phillip has done his due diligence to me to prove he didn't have these girls locked in the basement being water-boarded. If the girls didn't like the arguments they were having, they were free to go.


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