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A7S no successor at NAB 2015 ?


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A film is being released into theatres that was shot on three iPhones. Will the IQ be as good as, say, a C300? No. Probably not even as good as if it were shot on a Canon DSLR. But does it matter? Obviously not. It's getting a cinema release. I've seen stuff shot on iPhone that looks miles better than stuff shot on DSLR. I've seen stuff shot on RED Epic that looks almost as bad as a bad iPhone video.

It proves that the most important part of any film is the story. Having a camera with higher/better IQ is more fun - and prettier. But the film that's going to get picked up at Sundance is the one with the better story, not necessarily the one with the prettier pictures. Having great IQ and a great story is certainly the aim - but does that mean we should not shoot anything until the ultimate camera is released? Does having an extra stop of dynamic range, for example, make one iota of difference to whether the story's any good?

If you can make an iPhone look good, you can easily make an A7s or an Alexa look good. You can still light scenes and compose great frames, and tell good stories using an iPhone. Having a higher IQ camera isn't going to suddenly make you better at composing shots.

Are there those here that shoot things other than narrative films? Of course. Does everyone have specific needs and wants out of a camera? Certainly. But if you read the comments here, you would think that there's not a camera on the market that's 'good enough' to shoot on - indeed when a camera comes out that gives images that are able to intercut with cameras 3x their price (in the A7s) everyone complains that the record button is slightly awkward to push, or that the one feature they want to map to a custom button isn't available, despite there being 50 other options, or that the camera can't shoot in 4k without slightly more weight, price and size - how desperately do you need 4k that you can't shoot unless the camera has it internally...? Are you a shooter that specialises in shooting commercials for cinema?

Yes - everyone has their own wants and neesd. But why can't we celebrate what's good about cameras, look at the plusses and minuses, and work to better ourselves as shooters, rather than continually talking about how terrible a camera and how out of touch camera manufacturers are because they don't release cameras that look like an Alexa, shoots in 6k, goes up to 2 million ISO, and automatically grades footage for you, all for <$3k.

​4k is an expected feature in a DSLR despite the two biggest DSLR manufacturers (Nikon and Canon) not having a DSLR on the market <$10k (new) that can shoot in 4k?

4k is available internally in really 2 DSLRs - both of which are manufactured by companies that aren't traditionally camera makers, and both of which are bigger than the A7s, whilst also having smaller sensors.

You say that adding a recorder adds size and weight, and yet want internal 4k without a bigger body to allow for the heat to dissipate.

I imagine if/when the A7s gets 4k internally, there'll be complaints here about how it's not good enough because it's not raw, or people still don't udnerstand how to grade it, or because it's 50Mbps rather than 100Mbps or its too big, or too small, or something else that doesn't really matter at all.

Many assumptions here. Who said I'm not shooting? The only thing I'm not doing is upgrading until a camera that suits the needs that I desire  is available. You might have jumped on the bandwagon  early.   Well good for you. I choose to make do with what I have until something I feel is worthy  spending my hard earned cash comes out.

Lastly, I was aware that a movie is being released that was shot on iPhones. But does this news mean that we should all abandon traditional cameras? I think everyone here knows the single most important component of any production is the story. But this post was not about stories. Please read the title. Does it say "tell us all about stories"?  It's clearly about gear,  or rather lack of said gear.

Comments like "it's the story that matters", or "lighting and composition are more important",  are merely stating the obvious.  And to be frank, totally off topic for this thread.

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come on guys you are a bit nervous i think... We have never said technology is what makes movies better... Everyone here knows that. Great lights, great crew, great everything before great camera will make things better...

Technology is what make things simpler... I like to shoot things with 14 stops DR with an F55... it's not raw though... And this is not the gear i use when i shoot my daughter in my garden... for that i've got my iphone 6. Years before now i couldn't have said i could use my phone to shoot my daughter... Technology is good in this way...


Please we're just talking about a successor of the already almost perfect A7s... please don't make any judgement over what the others shoot and over which gear they use to shoot... That's sterile. Some cameras are great for this, an other one for that, and some others for other jobs... Do you rent one Phantomflex to shoot a 2 hours movie. Of course not... Gear stays the choice of the man who use it. In this case it is purely stupid but it is the same for us... No way judging what make the others with their own gears... Shoot yourself and make great pictures, that's the only thing we're talking about.


Stay cool men please.


We are the 23rd of April... Sony, Where are you ??? ...

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I'd prefer if A7S II was an evolutionary upgrade...i.e really fix the blue light issue, improve rolling shutter, increase battery life. When these companies rush to market without proper QA time consumers end up losing out. The best camera is the one you forget about during the shoot, no matter what the specs are.

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  • 1 month later...

​It would appear Sony agrees with me on this one. That's great news for consumers. But Canon... They just don't get it.

Internal 4K will be impossible on current A7 size, hack even Sony have problems with 4K on APS-C sensor which the A7000 is pushed back.

Impossible? Technology much?

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​It would appear Sony agrees with me on this one. That's great news for consumers. But Canon... They just don't get it.

Internal 4K will be impossible on current A7 size, hack even Sony have problems with 4K on APS-C sensor which the A7000 is pushed back.

Impossible? Technology much?

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