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£10,000 Budget for a new Camera - IDEAS?


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Hello! My producer is asking me to source a camera in the 10 grand budget range.

I've been looking at a few cameras like the URSA Mini that will come out soon, but I need the camera to achieve certain specific things, such as: 

- It'll be used to cover live events, with Broadcast cameras (like XDCAM type of cameras) on a multicamera setup with live feed playback on big screens

- An interchangeble lens system would be great as it will also be used to fulfil commissioned 'Arty' films that'll require the 'cine' look. 

Also, durability, future-proof-ness, etc.


Any Ideas?



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Since you're integrating it into a live switching I'd recommend Panasonic or Sony broadcast capable cams.  You'l get something engineered for that situation.   However, Black Magic also has a studio camera with a S35 mount.  Might fit your needs.

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FS7 might be overkill? Depends on where you're at.  But it sounds like it would be your first interchangeable lens camera. 
And cameras are moving forward so far. 
Maybe just get a C100 for now, or heck an AF100 for less than a grand on eBay. 

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Thanks for this IronFilm; I considered the C100 and the AF100, but I am already shooting on the FS700, the GH4 and the 5D MkIIIl so I have some experience on interchangeble lens systems. I'm just wondering if with something like the FS7, I could match it to the footage of, say, a Sony XDCAM during live events. You know, a camera on a platform on tripod broadcasting straight to a live big screen with several other cameras and the producer controlling the feed.

I think if my department is offering  a 10 grand budget, I should take them up on it ;) 

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Thanks for this IronFilm; I considered the C100 and the AF100, but I am already shooting on the FS700, the GH4 and the 5D MkIIIl so I have some experience on interchangeble lens systems. I'm just wondering if with something like the FS7, I could match it to the footage of, say, a Sony XDCAM during live events. You know, a camera on a platform on tripod broadcasting straight to a live big screen with several other cameras and the producer controlling the feed.

I think if my department is offering  a 10 grand budget, I should take them up on it ;) 

​Get the FS7, I'm sure you'll be able to match the colours to other sony cameras (moreso than if you get a Canon or Blackmagic) and it seems to check all your boxes. Also I'm guessing you already have lenses, and the FS7 pretty much can be adapted to take them all, so that should not be an issue.

Only question mark is if you need to add a lens with a long zoom range to the camera, if that is part of the 10 grand then it will push way over your budget. 

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I think if my department is offering  a 10 grand budget, I should take them up on it ;) 

​Fair enough, that makes sense ;-) But does the budget have to go only on a single camera? Maybe spread it around on other needs.

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