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You Don't Need A New Camera


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What irritates me is how casually this very site and its owner gets bashed, and it's happening more often now...perhaps, in the midst of all the self-pity and victimhood you guys should consider that your own comments might be quite hurtful and abusive towards the person who single-handedly runs this site and who is decent enough not to cram 50 banners down your eyeballs because he is trying to maintain honesty without conflict of interest?

I've seen a great forum like cinema5D ruined by a bunch of hacks who couldn't wait to sell out, and I don't want to see this one fail the day Andrew gets enough of this negativity and decides it isn't worth it. I don't know how it doesn't get to him, because it's starting to get to me. I'm being dead serious here, please pause to consider this : your words have impact...when you bring your pain here it creates a toxic environment...no need to hijack a thread about ML raw and turn it into bash-EOSHD fest...no need to turn your personal creative crisis into bash-EOSHD fest..remember, creatives CREATE, not destroy...let's detox the forum with less negative posts and less drama from now on please.

​I agree 100%.

Make this an interesting and positive place and it will thrive.

Go off-topic and negative and it will die and what's more I will let it.

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​I agree 100%.

Make this an interesting and positive place and it will thrive.

Go off-topic and negative and it will die and what's more I will let it.

"I created this city , now if I want, I can destroy it too" - says young boys and girls playing with sand castles :)

http://www.eddavidblog.com is ready and open for business!  Come one, come all!  The comment section is open!

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​Isn't that the point? Finding a balance? The serenity to accept the things I cannot change (time, money, experience), the courage to change the things I can change (making full use of what I have, which isn't little)?

​Yeah, that is the point. I'm just saying clearly there's a bit too much enthusiasm on either side of this conflict sometimes. love exploring new technologies on this site, may decide when I have the budget that something is absolutely essential for a film, even have to stick the script in the drawer until I can get this bit of tech. But don't become obsessed and upgrade every week without actually making anything. I have a reeeally low budget setup, but I can't make a film with my phone. It may be possible, but I just can't. I feel like sometimes we're even on the same page there, but arguments erupt anyways because of misunderstanding or whatever. Anyway, I have no reason to disrespect anyone on this blog if they upgrade a lot or somehow cheapskate their way into making 1 frame per minute films with disposable cameras. More power to you

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​I agree 100%.

Make this an interesting and positive place and it will thrive.

Go off-topic and negative and it will die and what's more I will let it.

​Make me an Admin and I shall discipline the b#tches. They had it comin. They seriously had it comin  ... 

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I just don't understand where some people believe there is negativity because someone writes a post that states, "you don't need a new camera?" Oh the travesty. How dare he!?

​OK you go and write "you don't need a new script" on a writer's forum and see where that gets you.

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​OK you go and write "you don't need a new script" on a writer's forum and see where that gets you.

​Fuzzynormal is not saying to writers you don't need to write a script - he just is saying let's figure out how to make our already existing cameras better.

Like for instance, the anamorphic adapters or interesting rigs or drones - so that people are learning how to get somewhere with what they already have - vs just spending the rest of their lives upset that they don't have the next camera.

Now that most cameras can shoot log - it's getting pretty equal to what a camera can do.  Lenses , filtration, lighting, composition, and grading are just as important as buying the alexa mini.  

You can shoot poorly on the alexa if you don't have these skills.  It's not the shoes, it's the basketball player.

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​OK you go and write "you don't need a new script" on a writer's forum and see where that gets you.

Haha, touché. I just don't think it is fair to say he is whining or complaining or being disrespectful to you.  It seems like that is the go to slur to give a reader of this site if he/she goes against the status quo. I, personally, commend you for the work you put into this site and the moderators as well but if someone has a differing opinion they shouldn't be treated as though they are babies. I come to this site because I like to read about the tech aspect, I like to know about the new cameras that are coming out that I cannot afford, but I also know that I can make a good movie with my 2 year old eos-m if need be and I shouldn't be treated like a leper for it. 

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​OK you go and write "you don't need a new script" on a writer's forum and see where that gets you.

​While I can appreciate both sides of this discussion, this is a false analogy. It'd be much more like fuzzy saying you don't need a new typewriter, or new pens, or a new computer to write a good script. Which I would agree with, but I would also say that a new piece of writing software could potentially make scriptwriting a faster process, allowing for more creative time. Or that a new typewriter might inspire you to write. 

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I also think that one of the reasons people get so easily offended is point of view. I'm a newcomer to the site, so I don't know a lot of the regulars and their backgrounds. It makes it difficult to know where they're coming from. Obviously, a commercial, or industrial dp needs to update their cameras and equipment regularly. Narrative filmmakers have a little more leeway... Unless you're a DP for hire. When I first joined the site, I just assumed most of the members were narrative filmmakers, I didn't realize that the majority of the members were guns for hire. Maybe, there is a way to show the members pov underneath their name on posts?Then someone could read their comment and easily discern where they're coming from? So, instead of the arbitrary "filmmaker" rankings, there could be industrial filmmaker or wedding videographer, or DP, or narrative filmmaker, etc, etc...

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The original post, from the very beginning, suffered from fuzzy logic ( excuse the pun ). Fuzzy brought in examples of 2D and 3D animation, pointing to limits of cameras as filmmaking tools, essentially finding fault with this site for not being an animation resource. He then criticized the focus on technical achievement, while citing animation examples that required incredible technical skill to bring to life. ( If you think creating emotion through stick figures is low-fi you completely misunderstand how difficult it is to master natural pacing and timing in animation. These creators spent many years honing their 2D / 3D technical craft before being able to create their works. )

The logic of the original post was self-contradictory and incorrect from the very beginning.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

Maybe, there is a way to show the members pov underneath their name on posts?Then someone could read their comment and easily discern where they're coming from? So, instead of the arbitrary "filmmaker" rankings, there could be industrial filmmaker or wedding videographer, or DP, or narrative filmmaker, etc, etc...

​I think it's a great idea and would make discussing gear much easier! What do you think Andrew? Or maybe we can just start a thread to make members put their title/field in their signature. 

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The original post, from the very beginning, suffered from fuzzy logic ( excuse the pun ). Fuzzy brought in examples of 2D and 3D animation, pointing to limits of cameras as filmmaking tools, essentially finding fault with this site for not being an animation resource. He then criticized the focus on technical achievement, while citing animation examples that required incredible technical skill to bring to life. ( If you think creating emotion through stick figures is low-fi you completely misunderstand how difficult it is to master natural pacing and timing in animation. These creators spent many years honing their 2D / 3D technical craft before being able to create their works. )

The logic of the original post was self-contradictory and incorrect from the very beginning.

​True, but he does make a fair point about EOSHD not covering art related aspects of filmmaking and focusing only on gear. May be you don't want to cover art stuff, but it'd be great if Andrew/you address that suggestion directly. No Film School has a decent balance of the two, for example.

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​I think it's a great idea and would make discussing gear much easier! What do you think Andrew? Or maybe we can just start a thread to make members put their title/field in their signature. 

​Eh. You can already do this you know.

eoshd.com/comments/profile/userID > Edit Profile > Basic Info > Member Title > 'Your member title is shown beside posts you make'

You might've noticed I've been rocking 'Filmrookie' for some time already. :lol: That's a pretty spot on description I'd reckon.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

​Eh. You can already do this you know.

eoshd.com/comments/profile/userID > Edit Profile > Basic Info > Member Title > 'Your member title is shown beside posts you make'

You might've noticed I've been rocking 'Filmrookie' for some time already. :lol: That's a pretty spot on description I'd reckon.

​Cool! I hope everyone does it so we'd understand the background, whether he does filmic or video, docs or cinema, as it would help make suggestions and general communication. Maybe start a thread asking people to do it. 

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He then criticized the focus on technical achievement, while citing animation examples that required incredible technical skill to bring to life.

​To be fair, all I was saying is that you don't really need a new camera to do any of that stuff.  Not that you're wrong in the way you interpreted my ambiguous writing.  But craft and engineering are not the same thing, (tool use vs. tool ownership) which is kinda the thing I was getting at.

I sort of thought my question and call to action would be at the heart of the potential thread  --to list videos y'all have seen that were impressive but didn't rely on a great camera to accomplish.  I always love that sort of stuff and am attracted to it.  That didn't happen, which is okay.  But it's been fascinating to see what (and why) people got from my assertions.

I'm encouraged that folks here engaged about something a little broader regarding film making than the typical gear-centric talk.  I do think that's nice.  Y'all are a pretty enthusiastic bunch.

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