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Kipon Canon EF lens adapter for Micro Four Thirds shows insanely impressive AF performance

Andrew Reid

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I'm higly interested in this product but since I have been scammed by the chinese few times so far I have healthy sceptisism.

I would not go running to make pre orders of this product only on the basis of that video up there .. since it proves nothing yet.  It may be about the product or it may be completele different lens on that camera on that video.  One cannot really see it.

One reason for doubt comes from why is it that.. this one company suddenly manages to make the af work so much better than the other adapter companies.

I'm hopefull tho! Price is bit steep.




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I'm higly interested in this product but since I have been scammed by the chinese few times so far I have healthy sceptisism.

I would not go running to make pre orders of this product only on the basis of that video up there .. since it proves nothing yet.  It may be about the product or it may be completele different lens on that camera on that video.  One cannot really see it.

One reason for doubt comes from why is it that.. this one company suddenly manages to make the af work so much better than the other adapter companies.

I'm hopefull tho! Price is bit steep.




If you look at the test video it was apparently made by a Japanese Company stkb.co.jp and in Japan a bad product can nuke a company for a very long time. I, like you, was skeptical but having the product tested and promoted by a Japanese compnay specialized in photo and video is for me a HUGE plus!

I will try to contact them tomorrow




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If it has IS, Aperture Control and fast AF then it's a slam dunk to control my gathering dust Tokina 11-16mm and intriguing to use for a Sigma 50-500mm uber telephoto.


​According to the Japanese website it has IS and more.

●KIPONが独自開発したマイコンによりEFマウントレンズを電子制御、ハイースピードAFが可能 = The mount has a some kind of "chip" and support High speed AF
●IS手ブレ補正機能に対応 = They say it handle IS
●全ての撮影モード(P/A/S/M/AUTOなど)に対応 = They say that is works on all Camera modes 
●撮影した画像のEXIFデータに焦点距離、露出などの情報が記録されます。= The Focal Length and Exposure Data are recorded in EXIF
●オートフォーカスエリア(ワイド、ゾーン、中央重点、フレキシブルスポット)の選択が可能 = All AF mode are supported (Wide, Zone, Center-W...)
●全てのドライブモード(一枚撮影、連続撮影、セルフタイマー、リモコンなど)の選択が可能 = All shooting modes are supported (Single, Continuous, Sefl-timer, remote...)

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Hopefully I will have mine next late next week.

Really looking forward to this.

​We are ALL WAITING for your very thorough feed back on this little, possibly game changer little gadget (at least for a newbie like me that heavily reply on AF)

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​We are ALL WAITING for your very thorough feed back on this little, possibly game changer little gadget (at least for a newbie like me that heavily reply on AF)

​Looks like I will have to wait a few days more.

I got an its shipped notice from Ebay but then got another saying it will be a few more days.

I am not skilled enough to evaluate it for video other than maybe something short and quick on YouTube.      For stills I surely will.

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​Do you mean you rely on af for video? You might be interested in the following.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZuxo2ZFz_g&hd=1 it compares GH4, A7S, NX1

​Yep, already saw the video, but I have some particular needs. I shoot contemplative videos and what I need is point a place on the screen and ask the camera to do its trick for the Focus. I know I have/need to learn how to us peaking and how to use MF... But I need to find a good teacher first ;-)

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I suppose Metabones is going to have to step up it's game.  Obviously the speed booster has the advantage of increased IQ and speed with decreased crop, but AF becomes pretty important when you're going run and gun or using a stabilizer (thinking Fig Rig plus multi-axis gimbal).

Currently the Speedbooster just barely edges the Kipon out for what I do, but if I were doing more stabilizer work it would be obvious.

Come on Metabones! Get your AF working.


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I think the E-Mount Kipon adapter would be great for the a7s and Fs7. I only use manual for filming, but for interviews I would be quite tempted with using the adapter and Canon glass. Could be a nice run and gun solution also.

On the EF-MTF adapter, I can't believe it will be too long before Metabones comes up with their own speed booser version, or Kipon adds a similar product to their lineup. 

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I am very interested in one of this Kipon adapters for my sony A7s, I would like to have fast AF for Stills only, so I sent an email to Kipon asking about the new adapter in Ebay for sony full frame E mount adapter....and here below is their answer:


Dear Sir

Thank you for your letter, yes, this is our KIPON adapter, but I am sorry that the speed of adapter for NEX is slower than that for MFT.

Best Regards


how slow it is compared to the commlite or metabones?, if someone buy the adapter please  let us know how fast it is for autofocus


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These cross system adaptors are getting so advanced, must be driving the big boys nuts.

Someone needs to buy out Kipon (stills and maybe video usable autofocus), Metabones (speedboosting), Apurture (wireless aperture, record start/stop and focus control) and Holy Manta (in adaptor removable variable ND) and combine all these into one awesome beast!

Or at least one company can copy everyone else and do the same...

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Their current EF to NEX is just like any other EF-NEX adapter, AF speed is dog slow.  But the MFT version have their newly designed chip in the mount that can handle fast AF.  Wonder if they gonna put that on the E-mount.

Kipon is Shanghai based company.

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