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Newbie Anamorphic Owner


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Hello all,

I recently bought a GH4 to shoot some narrative.  While building a modest vintage lens kit for it, I came across a brand new Century Precision Optics Widescreen 16x9 adapter (DS-1609-00) for $400.  I love love looooooove widescreen (plus I have poor impulse control) so I had to get it. 

I've been trying to gather some info on using the adapter, but relevant info seems scattered far across the intertubes - until I found this wonderful site.  So I am hoping that there are some DS-1609 owners here who may be able to share wisdom & recommendations about getting the most out of this piece of equipment.

First and foremost I will need to ascertain the optimal setup for Hood > Diopter > Century > adapter > Vintage Lens > adapter / speedbooster > GH4

Per another EOSHD post I ordered a 52mm to 67mm Step-Up Ring to fix to the back of the 1609. Once all parts arrive, I will attempt to document the process -  which will hopefully be useful for others, and not a cautionary tale.


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Hello Bold :)

I had the Optex anamorphic adapter which is very similiar and the main problem is that these adapters (LA7200, Century, Optex, Generic...) are very soft (especially at the edges) and you have to stop down at least f 5.6. Otherwise you won't get a sharp image. All these things were made for DV to produce a 16:9 image so... not so much resolving power. On the other hand they are super easy to use (focus-through), and versatile and therefor not bad for a start. Maybe better than a huge impractical Rectimascope :)

Hope you enjoy anamorphic shooting!


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Thanks Rudolf!

I've seen mixed footage with the Century.  Some footage is really soft around the edges.  But other footage is either sharp, or at least framed in a way where my eye wasn't distracted by the soft parts.

Focus-through - plus the relatively small size/weight profile - is why I jumped on buying the DS-1609.  Even if my IQ suffers due to the Century's limitations, it was the most affordable means for me to enter the anamorphic arena :)


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Hello Bold :)

I had the Optex anamorphic adapter which is very similiar and the main problem is that these adapters (LA7200, Century, Optex, Generic...) are very soft (especially at the edges) and you have to stop down at least f 5.6. Otherwise you won't get a sharp image. All these things were made for DV to produce a 16:9 image so... not so much resolving power. On the other hand they are super easy to use (focus-through), and versatile and therefor not bad for a start. Maybe better than a huge impractical Rectimascope :)

Hope you enjoy anamorphic shooting!


​As the info I got, LA7200 and generic are not too bad.   I can show a sample taken by Century's lens if one interested in.

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So I'm gleaning that the Tokina +0.4 is a must-have for better image quality on adapters like the Century. But the rarity of this thing has priced it beyond my means at the moment. Redstan is the only place I can find one available, about $550 w/shipping

Are there any affordable alternatives out there?  I have been scouring sites & threads and have not found anything.  Nor have I found full specs on the Tokina...hoping that I might use those specs to find a close equivalent from a lab/optics/surplus site, and DIY it form there.  Or create a Kickstarter to pay for a small mfg. run of +0.4 achromats - if there's enough demand for it.

Or I could give up hope, re-sell my Century when it arrives, and save up the rest of the way to an SLR Magic adapter...it feels like there has to be some way around the Tokina scarcity to get the most out of the Century adapter.


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My advice is , if you use Century Optics 16:9 , avoid vintage lens.

I found my 16:9 adapter (Optex brand) working best with lumix 12-35mm or the 14-42mm (kiit lens) if you can't afford the first one.

Always as wide as possible (around 19mm in 1080p and 14mm in 4k) .

Anamorphic adapter as close as possible to the taking lens.

And Rudolff advice, stop down at least f5.6

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Tokina is too expensive and over the top for Century. Even with Iscorama it is not so easy to see the difference with cheaper Tokina 0.5 or even cheaper and slightly inferior Tamron 0.5. Kostas Petsas made a nice test (youtube). The Tamron is also 72mm and you can find them from time to time. They are for bayonet or threaded. For example the bayonet version: http://www.ebay.com/itm/TAMRON-Close-Up-Adaptor-Lens-for-28-200mm-F3-8-5-6-72mm-/150993854685 

If you are looking for an upgrade check out the Moellers. IMO they produce the sharpest and best looking images out there. I have had many of the popular anamorphots except Lomo and the Baby Moeller is somehow my favorit even over my Iscoramas. And for sure I will buy it's bigger brother 16/32 one fine day. SLR magic is not very interesting with 1.33 stretch. 

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I am using a +0.5 vivita, it is ok enough.  I don't think it makes difference between 0.4 or 0.5 on Century anamorphic lens.  I think most blare will contribute by Century.  

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Thanks Ken & Rudolph!  Good to know the +0.4 is not a deal-breaker on the Century.  A Tamron 0.5 bayonet has been acquired.  I'm bummed about shooting at 5.6 though, wish there was a way to squeeze another stop or two out of the Century.  But then this forces me to think a little more creatively about what & how I'm going to shoot - and that's never a bad thing.



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I recommend the tamron 0.5; I have the filter thread version and especially if you use a small sensor camera, you can get very good results. I also had two tokina 0.4's which I sold because the image quality was indistinguishable between them and the tamron, on my BMPCC. It might be worth looking into higher strength achromatic diopters. Also, if you are really set on the tokina, try looking for it in local stores in your country with its official name: Tokina AT-X MC 72mm close-up lens (for AT-X 80-400mm). There might still be shops who have the tokina from really old stock. I've also seen the tamron on some online stores for very cheap prices.


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Thanks Gabriel!  I have a GH4, so the sensor size works to my advantage.  I should be getting both the Century and Tamron 0.5 tomorrow,  Do you have recommendations for higher inner strength achromatic diopters?  I'll definitely be keeping an eye locally for the Tokina but it sounds like I will be able to get decent images without it.

Cool picture - which diopter did you use?



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Thanks again Gabriel!

The Tamron is also 72mm and you can find them from time to time. They are for bayonet or threaded.

So the one I picked up is bayonet, but there's no threading/bayonet mount on the front of the DS-1609-00.  I'm wondering what the best/most affordable option is for mounting the Tamron?

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Thanks again Gabriel!

So the one I picked up is bayonet, but there's no threading/bayonet mount on the front of the DS-1609-00.  I'm wondering what the best/most affordable option is for mounting the Tamron?

You need a "Redstan Anamorphic Lens Front Filter Clamp", which is available on Ebay.

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Awesome thanks Ken - Redstan had a couple in stock so I ordered one direct :)


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​Dude, no, those are only for standard threaded filters. The only way you can attach that bayo filter is with a custom mod or duct tape. Why didn't you look for the threaded version tamron? I remember seeing it second hand on a few sites. I was actually bummed because it was cheaper than what I paid it for on ebay.

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