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new UI crap on web design/development... when this will finish?


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YT... same people with the same issue and POV so I think we shouldn't be all wrong, isn't it?





I spent a few dozens of minutes trying to fix it... LOL when I realized this doesn't affect all accounts anyway... *sigh*


When will these people stop to waste the time of users pretending to convince the world and boss their salaries are of any use?


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2 hours ago, Emanuel said:

YT... same people with the same issue and POV so I think we shouldn't be all wrong, isn't it?





I spent a few dozens of minutes trying to fix it... LOL when I realized this doesn't affect all accounts anyway... *sigh*


When will these people stop to waste the time of users pretending to convince the world and boss their salaries are of any use?


YT keeps changing things, maybe this is the first time they've done something you didn't like, or maybe you never noticed before?

They've made two changes in the past that fundamentally changed how I use the site, which annoyed me no end, but it is what it is.

When will they stop?  Never.  This is because:

  • If you don't change you die.  If you don't believe me then feel free to make a post about it on your myspace page.
  • Things are improving, for the most part, and A/B testing is how they work out what to do, which is the scientific method which built civilisation.  If you think things don't get better then fire up Windows v1 and your old Nokia.  I'll see you in a week once you remember how to manually setup the TCPIP stack to get network connectivity working.
  • Improvements are made incrementally without people noticing.  If every few years Facebook or Google released a new version then it would confuse the absolute crap out of everyone, but when they trickle the changes through in tiny little bits then no training is needed and mostly people adapt pretty smoothly.  For example, Amazon makes changes to their live website 2-3 times per day on average.
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Also keep in mind that the giants have become so giant that it somewhat flips the usual rules when it comes to improving the user interface to delight users.  If YouTube make the interface worse, will you stop using it?  How many people will?  Does the new UI somehow result in people staying on their site and seeing ads longer, even if that time is spent frustrated and clicking on things?  If so, they get more revenue.

This is also why sites like instagram and facebook so strongly prefer the algorithmic feed to a chronological feed (despite that most users seem to prefer chronological).  If you catch up on a chronological feed, you stop browsing facebook.  If they randomly show you new posts mixed in with a bunch of garbage that you already saw, you spend more time clicking around and searching for the new posts, during which time they can send you more ads.

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8 hours ago, kye said:

YT keeps changing things, maybe this is the first time they've done something you didn't like, or maybe you never noticed before?

They've made two changes in the past that fundamentally changed how I use the site, which annoyed me no end, but it is what it is.

When will they stop?  Never.  This is because:

  • If you don't change you die.  If you don't believe me then feel free to make a post about it on your myspace page.
  • Things are improving, for the most part, and A/B testing is how they work out what to do, which is the scientific method which built civilisation.  If you think things don't get better then fire up Windows v1 and your old Nokia.  I'll see you in a week once you remember how to manually setup the TCPIP stack to get network connectivity working.
  • Improvements are made incrementally without people noticing.  If every few years Facebook or Google released a new version then it would confuse the absolute crap out of everyone, but when they trickle the changes through in tiny little bits then no training is needed and mostly people adapt pretty smoothly.  For example, Amazon makes changes to their live website 2-3 times per day on average.

The point is when we notice them...

Everyone will die some day no matter how many times we change. This is something I think the most stupid thing the human race is. That is, to not be aware of it. Pretending it is what it is not.

Changes apply when they bring something of value.

When not?

In my culture we have an old adage which says to not touch in a winner team... What does it mean? It's not the case then?! Or people have the need to justify their salaries for an empty scope and useless reason for their craft?

Change of policy, someone is wondering that they're focusing on content than community because people can follow up the content while read the comments. I'd say the scroll down of the page will merely bring to more addiction to new content instead. So, in my view, maybe mere greed?

And the brand value? Sometimes a change is the end... Go to implement a change in your relationship and maybe it will be the end of it. It's not so rare to happen when a couple moves of town... : D

Call me conservative, I don't mind. I am for certain aspects, much oldschool : ) I don't try to reinvent the wheel when things work, that's not a synonym for innovation which is something very different BTW where an uselful realm raises up :- )

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31 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

Must be just a Windows thing for now. I notice that thread is 4 months old.

Two distinct YT accounts have different layouts in my end, so that's something they're implementing in a disgusting world which day less human.

I recall as for instance when Windows 11 has introduced you're not more allowed to decide where you can place the tool bar in the desktop, guess what, of your own.

A bit like, or more odd than, security belts NOT in your vehicle but when you'll be fined if you don't use them.

If we customers don't say no, if we don't praise freedom as this online corner is an example of productive criticism, we will invariably end in the hands of pure evil/control over our heads and we even clap (for) them or call it innovation...


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13 hours ago, eatstoomuchjam said:

Also keep in mind that the giants have become so giant that it somewhat flips the usual rules when it comes to improving the user interface to delight users.  If YouTube make the interface worse, will you stop using it?  How many people will?  Does the new UI somehow result in people staying on their site and seeing ads longer, even if that time is spent frustrated and clicking on things?  If so, they get more revenue.

This is also why sites like instagram and facebook so strongly prefer the algorithmic feed to a chronological feed (despite that most users seem to prefer chronological).  If you catch up on a chronological feed, you stop browsing facebook.  If they randomly show you new posts mixed in with a bunch of garbage that you already saw, you spend more time clicking around and searching for the new posts, during which time they can send you more ads.


They're constantly seeking to make the site/app better.  and "better" means more profitable.

10 hours ago, Emanuel said:

The point is when we notice them...

Everyone will die some day no matter how many times we change. This is something I think the most stupid thing the human race is. That is, to not be aware of it. Pretending it is what it is not.

Changes apply when they bring something of value.

When not?


Changes are to bring something of value.


Shareholder... value.

Maximise shareholder value.

.... remember, if you're not paying, you're the product!

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I stand BTW... what people do to justify the existence of their useless jobs and salaries...

Google is actually the finest example of it, they change so many times their services that become annoying and a perfect waste of resources instead.

I don't think they become more profitable with those silly moves from a few individuals to desperately struggle for their survival. The competition is inside their companies, not outside.

Take a look on Yahoo or Bing with a market share of 3.11% less than 9 months ago, so a couple of losers.

They don't go to bankruptcy because the market is huge and their core business hold the margin but far to be a case of success and top one of the industry.

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4 hours ago, Emanuel said:

I stand BTW... what people do to justify the existence of their useless jobs and salaries...

I've seen the insides of a significant number of offices, and I can assure you, useless people who can survive in the corporate environment can easily do it without creating any tangible outputs at all.  It's incredibly difficult to actually deliver IT changes in a large enterprise IT environment, so only the most switched on and talented people are able to do it.

Saying that people are successfully making changes to justify their useless jobs is kind of like saying that there are all these useless film-makers making feature films that get cinema releases just to justify themselves.

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7 hours ago, kye said:

I've seen the insides of a significant number of offices, and I can assure you, useless people who can survive in the corporate environment can easily do it without creating any tangible outputs at all.  It's incredibly difficult to actually deliver IT changes in a large enterprise IT environment, so only the most switched on and talented people are able to do it.

Saying that people are successfully making changes to justify their useless jobs is kind of like saying that there are all these useless film-makers making feature films that get cinema releases just to justify themselves.

I concur on the filmmaking remark. No doubts, most part is pastiche, so completely useless. I wish IT developers could learn a bit with their fellows from the filmmaking realm indeed ; )

With a bit of the exception for wedding videographers, corporate video and those who work in a daily basis with commercials without some other method in any way other than as being more creative for fairly balance their loading when there's a customer directly paying the delivery made. These ones cannot be considered purposeless.

I also concur it's not easy to survive in a large enterprise IT environment hence my remark that the competition is inside but the user paying the bill outside. What bothers me. Those "most switched and talented people" you mention fail on learning basics of communication and art in general. They simply don't care. Let alone those in the chair of the decision-chain, they also need to justify their personal revenue.

These people look to never have heard about minimalim only to refer one example and so on. Take a look on Facebook as for instance today. A disgrace.

Instagram was purchased why?

And Skype?

What did they do with the latter one at least?

About Google, what are they actually doing with? To place sane users out of there? Confusing, a total mess. The settings are a completely lack of respect for the user with a lot of justifications to pay a few useless services like we have no life outside. Let's get the right picture of what online is and should always be. Most part of it is really coming from such a hit-and-miss affair.


Common sense and putting ourselves into someone's shoes, in the moment of change the design of the UI once again a week or month, wouldn't hurt at all.

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