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Light and modifier kit ideas

Peter Rzazewski

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Current about 75% completed a pilot for a political comedy tv series and in pre production for a docu style tv series along the lines of chef's table. Our team is currently borrowing/renting lights for these shoots and Ive decided we're getting busy enough that I would like to buy some of my own. I have about $2000 and would like a decent starter setup. Thinking LED's but then how would I do a spot light on an actor or a element in the scene with LED? Maybe a combination of LED's and a fresnel? Also, what modifiers would you suggest to cover exterior and interior shoots? I don't really know if this is the right way to go. I am on a budget so if you have suggestions to save costs on a kit, let me know:

  • 4 1x1 led's (dimmable) daylight balanced (with optional tungsten/flourescent filters) 
  • 1 tungsten spot light with gels to match led
  • 4-5 used c-stands for butterfly frame and flags/scrims as needed
  • 3-4 various sized flags, scrims, and gobos (wouldn't be averse to using black cardboard in place of flags, and have punched holes thru black foil as a make shift gobo in the past)
  • soft box (not sure what's a good size, etc)?
  • impact reflector
  • a butterfly frame (for exterior or as a large softbox)
  • large rolls of ND filters to control exterior window light
  • various gels for gobo background light

I do currently have a 1x1 dimmable led, several lights stands with one 36" reflector and an arm to hold it, and a few gels and white and black cardboard as reflector/flag. 

You think that's a good start or am I missing something critical? Thanks for your input all.

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There was a little discussion on lights a little while ago, maybe it's of any use to you: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/8033-led-lighting-fresnels-redheads-etc/ .

From the recent NAB 2015 one of the highlights seems to have been the Wescott Flex: http://www.fjwestcott.com/led-lighting/flex .

Can't really give you any recommendations as all I got myself is some low-end stuff: Aputure AL-H160, AL-198 & AL-198C LED video lights with 2 stands (König KN-LS10) & 1 ministand (PhotoSEL ST121) and one eBay ringlight softbox.

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Most LEDs and small lights have absolutely no throw, and can only be used as fill lights, in smaller spaces (cars, tiny rooms, etc etc). The problem with more affordable lights is that their color temperature is unique to them. hahaha

Try these:


or these:



or these:




Check them at a store close to you, and then decide which ones to pick up. try not to pick up too many different lights, cause then your colour temperatures will look different every few feet. Also, please post your own experiences with the lights.

Good luck

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Well, since you've been renting lights you should know best what works for you?

I'm not sure how the 1x1 lights can be enough for lighting a normal scale set/location from scratch. Are you only shooting closeups or using the LEDs to augment daylight?

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I'd get 4 fresnels over 4 LED panels if you're looking for versatility.

LEDs can be good for small spaces (though I prefer kino flos), but it's a lot more difficult to make a soft source hard than it is to make a hard source soft. The only advantage LEDs provide is that of color temp (I.e. You don't lose a stop and a half when correcting it to daylight like you do with tungsten lights) but then with all but the most expensive LEDs you'll be battling the green cast at the very least anyway.

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