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LX100 recommended settings


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I'm trying to setup my LX100 for video and I've got a few questions after doing some shooting:

  1. Is there any way, besides going into M, to lock the exposure in video mode?
  2. What profile settings would you recommend using? Currently using standard with NR -5, SHARP -5 as I read a couple of tests stating contrast reduction didn't affect the dynamic range like a proper flat profile does.
  3. I tried testing out I.Resolution and I.Dynamic but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is this the case?
  4. How can I see the luma range its recording at? There doesn't seem to be an option for it like with the GH4, and there is no mention of it in the manual only a vague page on the Panasonic site mentions something about 4k photo mode.

Great little camera so far!

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I love my LX100. Always bring it with me because of the size and I love the picture quality. 

EDIT: I'm talking about photography here.

I shoot on NATURAL with almost all options -5.

Here's what I find interesting (sorry for stealing your thread), all my jpgs are flat and ready to go once I start up lightroom BUT there's so much more work with my RAW files, they're extremely saturated (Red channel is like +1million) and the amount of extra work to get to a point where it would be convenient for me to work with RAW instead of jpeg just doesn't exist.

I shoot video with the Blackmagic and LOVE the flat RAW, why isn't my still images just like that?

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1. AF/AE lock button works perfectly

2. Standard profile have good colors, -5 contrast looks good, but combined with -5 saturation the skin tones goes to orange. I use Supertone if i want to go filmic ( http://www.supertone.dk/#!GH4-Optimal-Film-Setting-works-in-stills-too/c24o4/8E18836A-F271-4A14-AF0D-C575B9D5F4B6 ), and Standard 0,-1,-4,0 if i want massive colors. It's hard to get nice flat from LX100 (Maybe Standard -5,-5,-5,-3 without curves is the best choice)

3. iDynamic is lifting the shadows heavily, With iDynamic High you can underexpose the image more than -1,33 EV, and it will still looks good. But it comes with lot of noise, even at ISO 200. But the image is contrasty and colorfull, and the dynamic range is expanded, so i think iDynamic: Low, -0,66 EV exp correction give you nice results. iRes is useless i think.

4. The Luma range is 16-255 on the LX100, Earlier version of FCPX had some trouble with it, but in 10.2 it's fine.

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I go down to sharpness -5 on my LX100 and it still has that videoish oversharpened look compared to my GH4...

I would recommend to use Natural with Contrast 0 and maybe add some iDynamic LOW in harsh situations.

Set NR and sharpness to -5 and saturation -3 (almost the same as -2 on GH4, don't know why) to avoid red channel clipping. Leave iRes, Shadow/Highlights alone. ;)


But still, I think matching my GH4 (using cine d and my LUT workflow) with a BMCC is much easier than matching with my LX100... o.O 

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1. AF/AE lock button works perfectly

2. Standard profile have good colors, -5 contrast looks good, but combined with -5 saturation the skin tones goes to orange. I use Supertone if i want to go filmic ( http://www.supertone.dk/#!GH4-Optimal-Film-Setting-works-in-stills-too/c24o4/8E18836A-F271-4A14-AF0D-C575B9D5F4B6 ), and Standard 0,-1,-4,0 if i want massive colors. It's hard to get nice flat from LX100 (Maybe Standard -5,-5,-5,-3 without curves is the best choice)

3. iDynamic is lifting the shadows heavily, With iDynamic High you can underexpose the image more than -1,33 EV, and it will still looks good. But it comes with lot of noise, even at ISO 200. But the image is contrasty and colorfull, and the dynamic range is expanded, so i think iDynamic: Low, -0,66 EV exp correction give you nice results. iRes is useless i think.

4. The Luma range is 16-255 on the LX100, Earlier version of FCPX had some trouble with it, but in 10.2 it's fine.

  1. The button works yes :) But when I hit video record it turns off the AE lock as seen by the icon in the lower left corner.
  2. Thanks I'll give that one a try too.
  3. Yeah, I guess I'll stick to low iDynamic for most shots
  4. My NLE (premiere) kinda gets confused by this. I have to set the output values to 235 to bring back the correct highlight levels, then upon exporting the file seems to be incorrectly tagged to still be 16-255 thus making the movie look rather washed out. Does anyone have any tips on workflow in premiere for the LX100 when dealing with this 16-255 range?
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