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The Canon fight back begins - with a box

Andrew Reid

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

​How long have you suffered from Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)?

​In medical school never have I been taught by my professors to make complete psychological diagnosis on patients based on their opinion about a blog, or a camera. This comment is rude, and irrelevant. You have no idea how actual NPD patients live. Discuss the matter at hand, filmmakinb, cameras, not disorders. 

What's with that rode video microphone + Canon DSLRs combination I've been seeing since 2009? I mean why? It sound absolutely horrible, only marginally, very marginally better than Canon's internal horrible microphone. And worst of all, everyone puts them on the hotshoe and expects magical sound to appear in-camera! That really baffles me. A zoom H1 has 50x higher sound quality. 

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In medical school never have I been taught by my professors to make complete psychological diagnosis on patients based on their opinion about a blog, or a camera. This comment is rude, and irrelevant. You have no idea how actual NPD patients live. Discuss the matter at hand, filmmakinb, cameras, not disorders. 

First off Ebrahim, you don't have to go to med-school to know what Narcissistic behavior looks like. Second, although the comment may be rude it is spot-on and very relevant. Andrew is providing a FREE service in the form of EOSHD. Jimmy and others like him contribute nothing except criticism, self-aggrandizement and smart-ass comments. You don't come into someone's house and bag on them constantly. If you don't like what Andrew has to say, your options are many, including LEAVING. Most people with tact will just agree to disagree. It takes a true narcissist to relentlessly try to convince someone else of the error of their own opinion, or to try to shame them for having that opinion. It is simply Reid's opinion about Canon, you don't have to agree with it, but he is certainly entitled to have it.

The topic at hand is Canon's stupidity, so eloquently penned by Reid. Share your own opinion if you like, but quit trying to CONVERT Andrew to YOUR way of thinking. I suspect Andrew will alter his opinion of Canon when (if), in his mind, they quit being stuck-on-stupid.

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If someone's really interested in filmmaking, I'd rather they pick this exact box off the shelf, put the rig together, go out there and just shoot as much as they can. They'll learn heaps.

​It will be an expensive lesson.

This really is some terrible marketing.  Oddly Panasonic should use this for their marketing and Canon should use Panasonic's 3D printing gizmo for theirs.  There would be no negative comments.  As it is they both made fools of themselves.

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It is tongue in cheek satire making a point that Canon have released merely a new box as a whole new filmmaker package and charged top whack for it at that.

It is making fun of the kind of idiot who would fall for this kind of cynical marketing ploy... and yes there are plenty of them.

Hopefully not too many on here but sometimes I have my doubts ;)

Not just a fancy box, but an obsolete camera inside. My guess is that it is marketing razzle dazzle to get rid of old inventory otherwise gathering dust in the warehouse, and make a fat profit in the process.

I think the folk who buy this are going to be a little disappointed that the quality of whatever they try to shoot doesn't come even remotely close to what they see other cameras do on YouTube.

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The topic at hand is Canon's stupidity, so eloquently penned by Reid. Share your own opinion if you like, but quit trying to CONVERT Andrew to YOUR way of thinking. I suspect Andrew will alter his opinion of Canon when (if), in his mind, they quit being stuck-on-stupid.

Well done for defining "opinion". I am proud of you!

When a situation is bad you have an opinion about it being bad. When a situation changes and is good, your opinion of it also changes.

Amazing huh!

No sign of that happening yet though re: Canon.

It will be an expensive lesson.

This really is some terrible marketing.  Oddly Panasonic should use this for their marketing and Canon should use Panasonic's 3D printing gizmo for theirs.  There would be no negative comments.  As it is they both made fools of themselves.

Haha I agree. I think their marketing teams are trying to cover up for the weak side of each product (though the stills from the GH4 are a LOT less weak than video on the Canon rebels)

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I am caught between absolute amazement at Canon's charter on moving forward and absolute anger at their trying to peddle uninspiring, yesterdays technology.

I believe any thinking, talented artist has a right to question the camera offerings of a company many of us has spent $$$$$$ in over the years.

On the subject of thinking, if everyone read the article of Andrews, maybe no-one would buy this ridiculous offering from Canon and Canon would be forced to take its traditional professional market seriously. Anyway thank god for Sony and the upcoming A7R2, (just as fast autofocus using L series "LENSES". hate that wanky, done to death, hipster term"GLASS")

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