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Win 10 Upgrade - Everything works 100%

Henry Gentles

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Just thought I'd let everyone know, I upgraded from Win7 to 10 with no hassles at all! All my Adobe Apps work, all my Avid Apps work fine including Pro Tools 11 which has a glass jaw but everything works great after 12 hours constant use! Resolve beta 12 works 100%! Quite surprised too and the upgrade didn't mess with my Desktop or files etc everything is exactly as it was except it's no longer Win 7. Apps open a bit quicker, Internet pages quicker, played some Arma 3 too all good!! I recommend it, be very surprised if anyone has problems? my2c!

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Been using it for a few months, few issues every now and then but nothing major. DirectX 12 seems to work much better than 11 for me in games, even with DX 11 clients. Generally, I prefer it to Win 8 by a landslide. Few issues with VPN and Resolve 11 seemed to be problematic, but 12 now is working flawlessly.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

Working here flawlessly too. What a sleek operating system. All previous video software is compatible and even a bit more fluid. 

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Best part about the upgrade is it removed win 7 (home) RAM limit (16gb), so now I can use the 32gb my cpu supports and After Effects ram preview will hopefully be better. I just wish windows 10 display scaling was better. At 100% the icons are tiny, and at 125 (the next setting) everything is huge. Ideally it'd be able to do something between those. I've only had maybe 30 mins with it. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Or maybe if/when I upgrade my monitor to 4k the 125% and up will work.

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 Sad as I am to see it go, most people don't care. That's why they discontinued it.

Yeah.  Unfortunately I use WMC too much to let it go.  No upgrade for me.  I have been toying with the idea of building a dedicated WMC PC so that will probably be the route I go... eventually.

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Yeah.  Unfortunately I use WMC too much to let it go.  No upgrade for me.  I have been toying with the idea of building a dedicated WMC PC so that will probably be the route I go... eventually.

For a dedicated Media Center I recommend Kodi/XBMC, highly customizable and extendable.

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I have a  small problem with the new upgraded Windows 10, that is one of my video converter called DVDAid is not displyed well on the new Win 10 computer. Is it the problem with the software application or some adjustments on the computer can solve this out?

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Best part about the upgrade is it removed win 7 (home) RAM limit (16gb), so now I can use the 32gb my cpu supports and After Effects ram preview will hopefully be better. I just wish windows 10 display scaling was better. At 100% the icons are tiny, and at 125 (the next setting) everything is huge. Ideally it'd be able to do something between those. I've only had maybe 30 mins with it. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Or maybe if/when I upgrade my monitor to 4k the 125% and up will work.

My PC goes into a 4K display. Found scaling better on the Mac. Will try it in Windows 10 and hope for the best.

Does look slicker and better designed than previous Windows versions, so credit to Microsoft for that.

As I don't use Windows Media Player or Internet Explorer is it safe to go for the Windows 10 "N" version?

Or does losing those take out important functionality / codecs?

Windows Media Center doesn't work.  If you have Windows 8.1 don't upgrade.  Windows Media Center will be deleted, assuming you had it to begin with.

Well the rationale is that Media Center was designed for media PCs and not as your main PC audio player or whatever. So I can see why they have dumped it. I can recommend an Apple Music subscription and iTunes 12.1 as a replacement. It's superb. It's the future. You don't need to own your own media files any more when it comes to music and most films. All in the cloud and superb audio quality.

Yeah.  Unfortunately I use WMC too much to let it go.  No upgrade for me.  I have been toying with the idea of building a dedicated WMC PC so that will probably be the route I go... eventually.

Doesn't the XBOX ONE supersede any WMC PC?

Surely that is the Microsoft strategy in a nutshell.

Cheaper for the user too.

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As I don't use Windows Media Player or Internet Explorer is it safe to go for the Windows 10 "N" version?

Or does losing those take out important functionality / codecs?

Hard to say without using it. Found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/3f0bnl/windows_10_n_and_ffxiv_warning/

You can always change defaults, I wouldn't install the N version. Edge is really fast, too and you might wanna try it in the future. Don't see any interference, either. Win 10 is quite slick all in all.

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Just thought I'd let everyone know, I upgraded from Win7 to 10 with no hassles at all! All my Adobe Apps work, all my Avid Apps work fine including Pro Tools 11 which has a glass jaw but everything works great after 12 hours constant use! Resolve beta 12 works 100%! Quite surprised too and the upgrade didn't mess with my Desktop or files etc everything is exactly as it was except it's no longer Win 7. Apps open a bit quicker, Internet pages quicker, played some Arma 3 too all good!! I recommend it, be very surprised if anyone has problems? my2c!

Dude I was just playing Arma 3 today and using Protools 11 yesterday. Thanks for the good news, will upgrade soon :d

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Had massive issues with Adobe CC 2014 before, just upgraded to 2015 and everything is running so perfectly on Win 10. Especially Premiere Pro has become such a joy to use. I urge everyone to test Win 10. :p

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Well the rationale is that Media Center was designed for media PCs and not as your main PC audio player or whatever. So I can see why they have dumped it. I can recommend an Apple Music subscription and iTunes 12.1 as a replacement. It's superb. It's the future. You don't need to own your own media files any more when it comes to music and most films. All in the cloud and superb audio quality.

Doesn't the XBOX ONE supersede any WMC PC?

Surely that is the Microsoft strategy in a nutshell.

Cheaper for the user too.

Just to clear up some confusion.  WMC is certainly designed and intended to be used on your main PC.  When it was introduced over a decade ago it was not common for households to have multiple computers.   People certainly built media center pcs utilizing WMC but I never found that to be an elegant solution.  Just to prove the point here in the US laptops were commonly sold with TV tuner cards and WMC.  The overhead for the program isn't much and doesn't impact the usual PC activities.  In fact the first time a friend demoed WMC to me it was on his home computer and he liked to watch baseball while he worked on Office documents.

The other misconception I would like to address is what exactly is WMC's killer app.  It isn't playing music.  You can play music in different rooms of your house using it but that isn't the main reason I've seen people use it.  The killer app is TV recording with a FREE channel guide coupled with the ability to play back any live or recorded video stream through an Xbox 360.  This is a very powerful feature that no one else implements.  It is all plug and play.  What this enables is simply putting up a cheap digital antenna indoors or outdoors and having a limitless DVR that you can stream to any TV in your house.  So equipment costs consisted of a $50 fancy antenna and that's it.  No need to pay a monthly fee to the fruit company for anything.  No cloud necessary.  This is true innovation and like hybrid video the average consumer isn't going to even notice.  They will just say give your money to the richest company in the world because... everyone else is doing it.

Xbox One sucks.  You can't add multiple TV tuner cards to it.  You can't add off the shelf HDDs or SSDs to it.  You can't copy data from it.  It doesn't stream to multiple Xbox 360s at once.  It isn't cheap.  As far as Media Center is concerned the Xbox One is a giant step backwards.  Rumor is MSFT removed Media Center compatibility to appease big telecom (comcast, at&t, etc).  On the other hand they probably didn't want to support the app anymore.  Windows media center had the potential to be a very disruptive technology.  The problem is the consumer was too blind to see it.

In my lifetime there were only three ways to watch TV.  Free antenna, Cable, and satellite.  Windows Media center was the first thing that changed all that and it did it for free.  Also the image quality on Windows Media Center is better than cable or satellite.  After watching TV at my place people are pretty upset with the so called "HD" they are paying extra for from their cable company.  I mean they pay extra for "HD" channels.  And then they also pay extra for HD DVRs!  And is still isn't as good looking or convenient as my FREE over the air WMC solution.

Really I could go on and on.  It's such a remarkable marriage of hardware and software at such a low cost that all this stuff that people try and mash up together can't compare.  The ease of use is fantastic.  Watching people use a TV remote to delete shows on their DVR is painful.  I just sit at my computer drag my mouse over a section of shows and then hit delete.  Easy.

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The only thing is: is it safe to upgrade for 8.1 pro or shall I do a fresh install (I usually do fresh installs instead of upgrades)

It's a really smooth upgrading experience. There's been a few issues in the earlier TechPreview versions, but it should really be fine right now. Do give it a restart or two after finishing, though. Oh, and definitely make sure there's enough free space on the HD. 30 Gigs+ is probably best.

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Updated a Dell laptop and ran into the "Something Happened" Bug. This was fixed by setting my "locale" to USA and a reboot even though in UK and using an Australian Dell. The other was a desktop which went flawlessly updating from Developer version 10130 using the Media creation tool. The only continuing issue is Firefox randomly crashing but main software such as Sony Vegas is solid.

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