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Why A7Rii is a nogo for landscape


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My criticism still stands.

You're saying it's a problem.

Not in the real world.

We just have different real worlds man. 

I like to work with 1 RAW and 1 exposure. See this shot of mine for instance: https://500px.com/photo/83554575/roman-forum-by-loup-fsr?ctx_page=1&from=user&user_id=860266

Imagine it was a long exposure (which could have been the case if not for those nice birds) and that I can't get back my shadows like on the picture without having some confettis, well no go. 
The fact that the DR at short exposure at base ISO is worst than D810 is also not super nice, I mean considering the sensor is brand new..

I am sorry for my expectations when speaking about 3500$ cameras. 

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The Chris: funny but the Capture One and Adobe pics you posted don't have the same exposure at all. This problem occurs actually when pushing exposure. Moreover, you were talking about a pic with caps on which is not the case at all, so yes, still ridiculous. 

Its the exact same image, two different programs are going to give you two different results. If you open it in DXO there will be differences between the other two. I'm not getting defensive, you just refuse to accept reality - ACR is the problem.

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Yes Wolf but I am pretty sure all cameras have hot pixels on long exposures in the darkest blacks 3 stops under, it is just removed in software and because ACR hasn't caught up yet it is not doing the job right or even at all for the A7R II.

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Yep let's see futur test. Again, I was the first one on this forum applauding Sony for A7RII. 
I have no pbm with heating when video (I don't record more than 1min each time) for instance. I would love a 2 seconds HFR recording and would not mind having 2sec only. 
. We all have different use and expectations... 
I was just like if it has problem at long exposure, and that on top of that older lower res camera like D810 do better DR at base ISO then I am just question the camera and might see more value in D750/810 + RX100IV. 

Also, I have always wanted 1 camera that do it all because I only use my camera when traveling. But I found out that I miss always some shots because of this. 
Because I do timelapse that require 1 camera used for hours... So my real need would be 3 cameras: 1 timelapse cheap APSC like D5200, 1 FF for stills and 1 for video. 2 might be a good compromise... Let's see. 

The Chris: I know it is same image but still, CO is way less exposed so at same exposure level maybe the confeti would appear as well. 


By the way: the Roman Forum pic above was taken with 5DIII. I took 2 exposures and as you can see even with 2 exposures the DR was shit. 
Obviously I let the sky blown out by purpose, but I could not restore it completely if I would want it anyway. 
=> DR is important. 
=> I do better and nicer pics, with better DR with D5500 (see last 4 pics on my gallery: https://500px.com/loup_f ) than with 5DIII. Funny, isn't it... 

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I'm not sure why people are getting so defensive about what is a pretty apparent weakness with long exposures on the A7R II. It's to be expected with tons of pixels and poor heat dissipation. Does it render the camera unusable or condemn it to the junk bin? No. But it should be acknowledged and explored. Even if it turns out to be bad processing or poor exposure, we'll at least learn how and why the A7R II files fall apart. 

People prefer enlarging their differences than exploring and celebrating their common ground. 

Does A7rII suffer from excessive noise ? Yes.

Does A7rII have a problem with long 4K recordings? Yes. 

Is A7rII a great camera? Definitely. It is the ultimate all-rounder camera at this moment.  

Would you spend $3200 on it? I am not sure yet...

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People prefer enlarging their differences than exploring and celebrating their common ground. 

Does A7rII suffer from excessive noise ? Yes.

Does A7rII have a problem with long 4K recordings? Yes. 

Is A7rII a great camera? Definitely. It is the ultimate all-rounder camera at this moment.  

Would you spend $3200 on it? I am not sure yet...

Good summary. 

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Very intresting wolf33d.  My two cents is I would not trust a camera with a movable sensor for landscape photography.  There are heat dissipation issues and the slightest software/hardware glitch and the sensor become unaligned to the lens and you get blur.  Many photographs ALREADY go crazy with micro-focus issues with fixed lenses and sensors.   For centuries, it has been true in photography, and all machines, if it CAN go wrong, eventually it will.  This is ALL theoretical but in my "real world" I need to have the most confidence that the least amount of stuff will go wrong.  That's subjective, sure.  I pick up a Nikon and I get this sensation from the camera "I will always turn on.  I will always get you a shot quickly and competently."

The question is very simple and should be respected.  Are the trade-offs Sony made to get in-camera stabilization worth the risks one takes in long-exposure photography.  Unless one works in landscape photography opinions should be circumspect?  

Bottom line, thank you for having the guts to post your opinions in a "4K is the be-all and end-all of all things camera"  Forum.  I say that with Love for EOSHD ;)


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To the people who said it is because of lightroom, or that LENR is the answer: 

LENR softens the image and makes 2 times processing time. 
Capture one does not change hot pixel issue. 


Not a single photo worth looking at in this article. Of course if you photograph a black surface at night its going to look like crap no matter what camera you're using. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lets just ignore all the incredible photographs he posted along with his review :)

 All three of them?

The guy is obviously successful and very talented as a photographer (if a little pretentious) and I don't begrudge him his opinion, but I don't think he understands a lot about digital. He tells us not to complain about RAW compression with no adequate explanation, he claims he underexposes all his shots by up to one and a half stops (On digital? Why?), and he offers no insight into the sensor performance besides citing DXO. Also...a landscape photographer who hates using tripods? Weird. His statements about Nikon's PCE lenses being subpar makes no sense at all, considering they're among the best-performing lenses in the system. Yet he's impressed with the Sony Zeiss 24-70? Weird, weird, weird. The biggest problem is that besides not liking SLRs, I have no baseline for how this guy feels about other products and why, which makes it hard to contextualize his opinion.

I realize I'm reviewing a review, so I'll just leave it at that. 

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Lets just ignore all the incredible photographs he posted along with his review :)

Incredible photographs ? I do better than him with a 450$ nikon APSC and 200$ lens. 




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The idea is not to say you can do fine photos with A7RII. Of course it does...  
The idea is when you get what is supposed to be the top FF camera in the world at 3200$ in a good proportion aimed at Landcape shooters, then you don't want it to have bad hot pixel issue when doing a 30s picture that you will touch in lightroom (of course...). 

Anyway.. A7R II is great for many things. Lossy raw and hot pixel issue is not acceptable for a landscape shooter at this price point, IMHO. 

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This whole thread seems to me to be another case of people talking about an issue that they haven't experienced themselves, because they'd rather talk around and around about something that has little to no consequence to them, rather than go out and actually shoot landscapes.

Take the A7rII out and shoot some landscapes. Don't take some awful, 'I've never even held an SLR before' photos off the internet and proclaim 'See! I TOLD you'. Why not go out and take some real-world test shots, with real-world conditions and then come back and say 'well the A7rII has this issue, but here's how I fixed it' OR 'any ideas how to fix this?'

Instead, there's a bunch of crappy photos posted and a small number of people saying 'well if inexperienced newbies can't get good quality, then it just isn't worth buying' and disparaging any and everyone who posts saying 'hey, look at these photos - you actually CAN get great landscapes out of an A7rII' by saying 'yeah well that person probably doesn't know what they're talking about'

Sometimes I wonder if people here are negative for the sake of being negative. I also wonder if you have any product that is 110% perfect?

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