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Why A7Rii is a nogo for landscape


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Hot pixel issue has been fixed in Firmware 1.1 - see my comparison pictures between 1.0 and 1.1

Light is very different because the firmware update took like 30mins or so and it went completely dark by that time. So Version 1.0 had more light and F6.3... with firmware 1.1 I set it to F3.5 just because it was much darker. ISO was set to 100 and I pushed the image +5 stops in lightroom.

If anyone wants the RAW files... I can upload them.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-21 um 20.36.06.png

Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-21 um 20.36.22 1.png

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Absolutely awesome. I saw your post on DPreview and was about to post it here... But you ended up being an eoshd user. 

Thank you Sony, great work! . This plus the future firmware updated confirmed for lossless RAW sold me on the A7R II. 
Just need the cash now... 

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Yeah, my D800 can show some hot pixels with really long exposure land/seascapes too. I'm glad Lightroom is taking care of them these days. I don't like using LENR because I then need to wait the equal amount of time of my exposure to shoot another shot. At twilight with an exposure of several minutes this is a no-go. In the past, I just lived with it and removed them manually, but glad I don't have to anymore.

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Absolutely awesome. I saw your post on DPreview and was about to post it here... But you ended up being an eoshd user. 

Thank you Sony, great work! . This plus the future firmware updated confirmed for lossless RAW sold me on the A7R II. 
Just need the cash now... 

You go safe, the camera is terrific!

Glad to see the future firmware update too.

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  • 1 month later...

So I got my A7RII with a great voigtlander 15mm for landscape.

the camera is amazing for many points (IBIS, EVF, video functions, ....)

the biggest problem is long exposure. I put a 1000 ND filter on the 15mm and get strong vignette (normal). But then I looked at the images and STRAIGHTS out of the camera (on a daytime landscape at 30s exposure) I get the confetti noise on the vignette dark part of the image so basically in 40% of the frame. Even without changing exposure or shadows.!! Even without zooming ! Even on the back camera screen ! It is just unusable ....

so you get a ND filter to make a long exposure, but this nd filter darken the corners and then you get monstrous confetti 

'so clearly worst than planned and clearly NOT USABLE for long exposure. Even a T2i does way better.

Such a disappointment ...

'the other problem is the menu and ergonomics, it is just not nice to handle compared to a DSLR...

I dream of a mirrorless in a 5D body with 5D buttons and menus.... With same specs as A7RII. Canon if you listen.......

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So I got my A7RII with a great voigtlander 15mm for landscape.

the camera is amazing for many points (IBIS, EVF, video functions, ....)

the biggest problem is long exposure. I put a 1000 ND filter on the 15mm and get strong vignette (normal). But then I looked at the images and STRAIGHTS out of the camera (on a daytime landscape at 30s exposure) I get the confetti noise on the vignette dark part of the image so basically in 40% of the frame. Even without changing exposure or shadows.!! Even without zooming ! Even on the back camera screen ! It is just unusable ....

so you get a ND filter to make a long exposure, but this nd filter darken the corners and then you get monstrous confetti 

'so clearly worst than planned and clearly NOT USABLE for long exposure. Even a T2i does way better.

Such a disappointment ...

'the other problem is the menu and ergonomics, it is just not nice to handle compared to a DSLR...

I dream of a mirrorless in a 5D body with 5D buttons and menus.... With same specs as A7RII. Canon if you listen.......

Have you updated to the latest firmware and have you tried using the uncompressed raw? Also, have you tried exposing the images properly? 

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Yes to all question.

again, proper exposition in the center of the frame, of course around the frame it is darker due to strong vigneting of the lens. 

I took a picture of a wall, which was fully lighten by multiple light and with a completely uniform light. So I am not even taking a picture of something with shadows here !!

In these darker areas from the vigneting it is full of confetti, without pushing exposure at all 

it is so viewable and awful that I am going to show it to you just by taking a picture from my phone of the back screen of the camera when zoomed !!!

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Yes to all question.

again, proper exposition in the center of the frame, of course around the frame it is darker due to strong vigneting of the lens. 

I took a picture of a wall, which was fully lighten by multiple light and with a completely uniform light. So I am not even taking a picture of something with shadows here !!

In these darker areas from the vigneting it is full of confetti, without pushing exposure at all 

it is so viewable and awful that I am going to show it to you just by taking a picture from my phone of the back screen of the camera when zoomed !!!

You'll always have some confetti from that sensor but the firmware 1.1 pretty much completely removes it.  I can't imagine you have more than 20-30 coloured marks around the edges of the frame? Just clone them out.  that 15mm lens is gonna need a centre filter anyway me thinks!    And it's a black and white only lens isn't it? 

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LENR or Capture One takes care of hot pixels. Fred Miranda created a script to take care of it in PS. http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1391722

Its far less prevalent on exposures under 30 seconds, but a known issue. To the OP - if you knew about it going in - by creating this thread awhile back, why would you buy the camera and now complain about it? SMH.

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LENR or Capture One takes care of hot pixels. Fred Miranda created a script to take care of it in PS. http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1391722

Its far less prevalent on exposures under 30 seconds, but a known issue. To the OP - if you knew about it going in - by creating this thread awhile back, why would you buy the camera and now complain about it? SMH.

because if you actually read the thread you will see that people said the issue is solved with FW update.

also because I have no choice. Give me a camera that does well stills and 4K and is full frame ??

also because I would have never imagined it is that horrible, those confetti (people said they come after pushing up exposure). 

LENR is not a solution. It gives far more "basic" noise and is 12 bits only. It is actually worst.

I don't have capture one but if it solves the issue completely without concessions I will buy it.

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What are you trying to prove here man, except try to piss me off and tell me I am a retard buying a camera I knew had this default? 
I saw the FM post, DPR and many others since a long time. 
Most of the issues shown were not on images properly exposed with 0EV PUSH. 

I am seeing same amount of confetti noise on a properly exposed image with 0EV push as images shown in threads with +3EV push. 

And again, I did not purchase this camera for its long expo capacity. I am just shocked how non usable it is. 

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Not trying to prove anything or use derogatory terms for people with disabilities. You start a thread complaining about an issue, buy the camera despite knowing about the issue, and then complain about the issue again as if its something new. What's there to be "shocked" about it being "non-useable" for you if you already knew the problem existed? Its comical for how silly that is. SMH...

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the voigtlander you;re using with the camera is the weak link here.  If you want to use a lens incapable of delivering a uniform illumination of the sensor then you have to work around it. take two images and stack them if needs be.  if your images are exposed correctly in the centre then your far corners will be at least 6 stops under exposed.  The problem you;re facing is a typical problem faced by users of medium format wide angle lenses all the time.  They overcome the issue by using centre filters with as much as 3 stops of nd in the centre!



if your corners are exposed correctly there wont be any confetti.

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