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Weird lenses

Oliver Daniel

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We've spoke about it before on this forum (lenses with character) - but I'd particularly like to collate some thoughts/findings on lenses that have a weird aesthetic feature, and post visual references here.

There are also times when I see a particular video that repeatedly creates an in-camera aesthetic through the lens. I'd like to make this topic an area for sharing such images and finding out which "weird" lens can perform such an aesthetic.

So we are looking at: 

  • Any lens with some kind of weird feature/aesthetic/artefact. 
  • Features: bokeh, lens flares, color, tints, haze, distortion.. anything bizarre/odd/weird/strange. 
  • Recommending lenses/sharing images/finding out what "weirdness" features on what lens. 

I'm shooting a music video in 2 weeks, and the clients wants this particular aesthetic in their video, all over the place. I've attached an image. 

Anyone with some weird less love? :)  




Screenshot 2015-08-20 15.25.01.png

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I have no images to back up this claim, but a quick google search will show you the Mir 1B could be exactly what you're looking for. I think vintagelensesforvideo.com may have a review of it. Here's the link to the review. Scroll down to the 2nd and 3rd video to see the amazing flares this lens offers, plus the lens was designed with a declicked aperture, so it could be perfect for what you're looking for. 



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To add to the suggestion by Hans, the Helios 40-2 85mm f1.5 - the most swirly bokeh that you'll ever see from a lens (just google it & you'll see).

I'll second the Mir-1b 37mm for lens flare.

As far as the picture is concerned, that's an anamorphic lens & you can get that effect really easily. The Kowa for Bell&Howell is very good at this sort of thing with the right taking lens - most Russian lenses flare really well.

Here's a good start for 35mm flares:


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I have no images to back up this claim, but a quick google search will show you the Mir 1B could be exactly what you're looking for. I think vintagelensesforvideo.com may have a review of it. Here's the link to the review. Scroll down to the 2nd and 3rd video to see the amazing flares this lens offers, plus the lens was designed with a declicked aperture, so it could be perfect for what you're looking for. 



Agreed! Alan is a great guy and really knows his character lenses! He even gives some away to his following, really awesome. Tons of stuff on that website mercer mentioned already as well as the YouTube channel that goes along with it that shows of the lenses he talks about: https://www.youtube.com/user/alanbesedin . Great source, really.

In agreement with the others as well. Basically anything Russian will have tons of character. Zenit HELIOS, JUPITER, INDUSTAR, MIR, TAIR, Zenitar, Vega... crazy bokeh, flares, great built and optics, really fun stuff. I myself have the HELIOS 44M-4 58mm f/2, MIR-1B 37mm f/2.8, INDUSTAR-61 L/Z 50mm f/2.8, INDUSTAR-50-2 50mm f/3.5, JUPITER-9 85mm f/2 & TAIR-11A 135mm f/2.8. If you want a new lens with similar oddball character, try the newly released Zenit MC HELIOS 40-2 85mm f/1.5 (availlable in different mounts) as well as Zhongyi's Mitakons perhaps. If you're really up for a challenge, I dare you to get these and report to us how you like 'em: http://shop.zenit-foto.ru/kinoob-ektivy . Not sure about adaptability though, I suppose you could use 'em on the BMPCC? Hey, I'm calling it a challenge for a reason. :p

Oh... and of course, maybe you can get Rich (@richg101 hey, see you're not going by 'Dogschidt' anymore!) to come up with something unique for you.

The FF stands for Flare Factory, so that should give you some indication of where that's going.

Check it out over at http://www.richardgaleoptics.uk/ , https://www.facebook.com/DogSchidtOptiks & https://vimeo.com/meltingbloke .

Still thinking about asking him to put me together one similar to the one used on the next piece, as it just looks dropdead gorgeous:

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Agreed! Alan is a great guy and really knows his character lenses! He even gives some away to his following, really awesome. Tons of stuff on that website mercer mentioned already as well as the YouTube channel that goes along with it that shows of the lenses he talks about: https://www.youtube.com/user/alanbesedin . Great source, really.

In agreement with the others as well. Basically anything Russian will have tons of character. Zenit HELIOS, JUPITER, INDUSTAR, MIR, TAIR, Zenitar, Vega... crazy bokeh, flares, great built and optics, really fun stuff. I myself have the HELIOS 44M-4 58mm f/2, MIR-1B 37mm f/2.8, INDUSTAR-61 L/Z 50mm f/2.8, INDUSTAR-50-2 50mm f/3.5, JUPITER-9 85mm f/2 & TAIR-11A 135mm f/2.8. If you want a new lens with similar oddball character, try the newly released Zenit MC HELIOS 40-2 85mm f/1.5 (availlable in different mounts) as well as Zhongyi's Mitakons perhaps. If you're really up for a challenge, I dare you to get these and report to us how you like 'em: http://shop.zenit-foto.ru/kinoob-ektivy . Not sure about adaptability though, I suppose you could use 'em on the BMPCC? Hey, I'm calling it a challenge for a reason. :p

Oh... and of course, maybe you can get Rich (@richg101 hey, see you're not going by 'Dogschidt' anymore!) to come up with something unique for you.

The FF stands for Flare Factory, so that should give you some indication of where that's going.

Check it out over at http://www.richardgaleoptics.uk/ , https://www.facebook.com/DogSchidtOptiks & https://vimeo.com/meltingbloke .

Still thinking about asking him to put me together one similar to the one used on the next piece, as it just looks dropdead gorgeous:


I do follow most of the references you have provided - just curious to expand all knowledge of lens weirdness should it be required in future. 

I also own a Mi 1B 37m and Helios 44-2... I want to try out a few versions, modified and out the factory. 

I'd order some FF58's from Rich but I need EF mount and they are "sold out". Can't justify TRUMPS yet (financially). I know there is another site called Motion Six who do modifications - but on the shell of it, I find the company very unconvincing. A website that can't even provide nice sharp pictures of their product (instead of blurry pixelated ones) makes you question the quality on offer. 

I bought the Nikon 43-86 lens because it's apparently terrible and flares nicely. Not come through yet. 

The client has now asked for anamorphic streaky flares (see screenshot) - so it looks like I will be looking at an anamorphic setup for the shoot. Really need the most "less pain in the ass" setup as the client is a very decent one!


Screenshot 2015-08-20 15.23.07.png

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I do follow most of the references you have provided - just curious to expand all knowledge of lens weirdness should it be required in future. 

I also own a Mi 1B 37m and Helios 44-2... I want to try out a few versions, modified and out the factory. 

I'd order some FF58's from Rich but I need EF mount and they are "sold out". Can't justify TRUMPS yet (financially). I know there is another site called Motion Six who do modifications - but on the shell of it, I find the company very unconvincing. A website that can't even provide nice sharp pictures of their product (instead of blurry pixelated ones) makes you question the quality on offer. 

I bought the Nikon 43-86 lens because it's apparently terrible and flares nicely. Not come through yet. 

The client has now asked for anamorphic streaky flares (see screenshot) - so it looks like I will be looking at an anamorphic setup for the shoot. Really need the most "less pain in the ass" setup as the client is a very decent one!


Screenshot 2015-08-20 15.23.07.png

If you don't want to shoot anamorphic I'm always available to do post flare work. I've done it on a couple of music videos. Real is always better, but in case you're in a pinch.

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Yeah, then it's not so much lenses as it is just shooting with anamorphic glass/adapters. But actually, Alan covers that as well: http://www.vintagelensesforvideo.com/ . Sankor, Optex/Century, Proskar.

Or... you could go with panties for a dreamy soft look and put some fishing line in front and behind the lens, make sure you have a lot of light pointing directly into the camera, but they might question your methods on set...

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I swear, the second Rich starts taking orders for EF mount FF58's I'm buying a ton of schidt!!!

Basically i want:

1. two or three FF58s for different looks in terms of contrast, flare and oval bokeh. maybe just two to start.

2. the FF88 & FF38 attachments, plus the FF58 Hood

I want the EF mount to use with my GH4 and speedbooster right now, and with an URSA Mini in the future. Around here, everyone has been pre-ordering the EF version because it's more indie-friendly.

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I am the last person to talk about anamorphic lenses with much level of knowledge, but I did come across an adapter for small sensor cameras called VM Anamorphic that is a single focus unit that creates those beautiful anamorphic flares you're after. I would assume it could be used with the pocket cam or the Sony RX10ii. 

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If you don't want to shoot anamorphic I'm always available to do post flare work. I've done it on a couple of music videos. Real is always better, but in case you're in a pinch.

Cheers for the offer. 

I always like to do it in-camera as it looks better, even though I have the post tools to do it, it's never quite the same. 

I'm very interested in anamorphic - another topic to cover and experiment with in the coming weeks. 

Yeah, then it's not so much lenses as it is just shooting with anamorphic glass/adapters. But actually, Alan covers that as well: http://www.vintagelensesforvideo.com/ . Sankor, Optex/Century, Proskar.

Or... you could go with panties for a dreamy soft look and put some fishing line in front and behind the lens, make sure you have a lot of light pointing directly into the camera, but they might question your methods on set...

If I tried anamorphic, I would prefer the more simple options. The Optek/Century or SLR Magic seem to be a good fit - any experience with these lenses? 

I've really been focusing on post production this year, but need to go full swing with my cameras/lenses/grip for a while! Love weird lenses. I need plenty of dog schidt! 

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I think the examples presented look like Video Copilot Optical Flares presets. There's a huge number of very sharp flare elements. So to recreate these shots shoot spherical on a modern lens straight into a light and add Optical Flares afterwards to taste.

if you want extreme flares and have a fussy client you can too shoot spherical and add Optical Flares afterwardS, then your fussy client can even change the flares in post! Bear in mind most presets aren't very realistic, but most people don't care.

if they don't like a flare you've done for real, you can't remove it, so on client work it's a risk. On artistic work, go mental!

You can also f*** with a cheap uv filter on the front a lens to make flares and odd effects, try staining it or chipping bits out of it. Go nuts! You can get them for a few quid.

just a few alternative avenues of thought there!

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Cheers for the offer. 

I always like to do it in-camera as it looks better, even though I have the post tools to do it, it's never quite the same. 

I'm very interested in anamorphic - another topic to cover and experiment with in the coming weeks. 

If I tried anamorphic, I would prefer the more simple options. The Optek/Century or SLR Magic seem to be a good fit - any experience with these lenses? 

I've really been focusing on post production this year, but need to go full swing with my cameras/lenses/grip for a while! Love weird lenses. I need plenty of dog schidt! 

No problem. The rainbow ring to me looks very similar to the VC Optical Flares element although I'm sure there's a anamorphic out there that it is based off of. From what I understand it was completely designed based on real lenses.



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If I tried anamorphic, I would prefer the more simple options. The Optek/Century or SLR Magic seem to be a good fit - any experience with these lenses? 

I've really been focusing on post production this year, but need to go full swing with my cameras/lenses/grip for a while! Love weird lenses. I need plenty of dog schidt! 

I have a Kalart Victorscope 2x with Vid-Atlantic clamp set for use with the HELIOS 44M-4 58mm f/2. But yeah, it's a bit too cumbersome if I'm being honest. Indeed not a big fan of the elaborate setup either. It's a bit unrealistic to expect a pick-up-and-shoot experience, but I can't put myself to the paces of setting it up every time and getting proficient enough with it to be satisfied with the results as I know I have no patience, time and energy for such thing whatsoever. Same kinda goes for flying a glidecam I guess.

Something like the Optek/Century/SLR Magic focus-through-lens anamorphic solution sounds pretty great, but I feel like anamorphic might just be too big for me to meddle with after all anyways. Can't tell you much about it. There's tons of stuff here of course though: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/forum/5-anamorphic/ .

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I never had a client come to me with a "flare in mind". You are lucky!!! ;-D

Or you are. ;) Sometimes clients can be a bit demanding. They hire you, but then seem to forget why exactly and it ends up a little something like this: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/design_hell . I mean, you can resort to any motivated method that helps telling your story better. But the other way around, creating the story around some technical ideas like having loads of lensflares and stuff just for the sake of it... might not always be the best way to go. In the end... is content king... or is the client?

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Or you are. ;) Sometimes clients can be a bit demanding. They hire you, but then seem to forget why exactly and it ends up a little something like this: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/design_hell . I mean, you can resort to any motivated method that helps telling your story better. But the other way around, creating the story around some technical ideas like having loads of lensflares and stuff just for the sake of it... might not always be the best way to go. In the end... is content king... or is the client?

To be fair on the client, the inclusion of such heavy flares does fit the brief. The brief is an incrediblly high octane performance with a sci-fi neon feel - using distortion, flashing lights, flares, defocus techniques, glitches, lens whacking (we helped them out with the idea of course). We referenced the flare techniques are now they are obsessed! 

I could do it in post but where's the fun in that? I'm a firm believer that if you can do it in-camera/practical - then you should! (Look away George Lucas!) 


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