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Canon XC10 is approved for tier-1 HD broadcast - and a precise Camera review by the EBU

Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

XC10 is approved for Tier-1 HDTV, the highest end broadcast tier rank (alexa/C300). 


(btw the 1Dc 4K 422 Mode is the only SLR-Style camera approved for tier-1 HD too, until the XC10)


Upon XC10 release I said ''take a deep look into the form factor, 1'' sensor, specific 4:2:2 >50 mbps HD specs. Canon will play the C300 game, by sending EBU test models and the camera will be announced as the smallest neatest HD broadcast camera and just for that reputation in a year it'll be in every broadcaster's cameraman's hand''

and here it is, I am surprised how fast it did get reviewed and approved.

Canon seems to be aiming at this specific target, sending them units, and in the recent interview with Maedyia Canon executive he stated ''I see it for news applications, period'', so it's clear with the 4:2:2 old broadcast spec spec that no other rivals offer or even need really, making it for an entirely different league and user-base from the RX10II/FZ1000. 


Conclusions if it's a long read:

1 -UHD resolution is quite high, 3000 horizontal and 1700 vertical lines with no aliasing above the UHD limit. However, colour channels show lower resolving power and aliasing appears to a degree.

2 -Noise reduction reduces resolution markedly at 6400 ISO but still acceptable in HD mode, in UHD mode, 10.000 ISO is still acceptable even for HD Tier-1

3 -Connections (SDI/Monitoring/shoulder-mount are normally in tier-1 HD cameras, are an issue and need workarounds if to be used that way)

4 -EVF loup disables touchscreen input

5 -DR and Noise performance exceed any tier-ing system requirements including Tier-1 UHD-1 broadcast

6 -Rolling shutter exists, but normal to other CMOS chips (15-ish ms)

7 -Internal HD 50mbps 4:2:2 (internal C300-like downscale without de-bayering) is the mode precisely approved for Teir-1, (broadcasters like that exact spot, 50mbps 4:2:2 in MXF wrapper with MPEG-4 compression, not s35 raw 4K DCI 444, etc)

8 -UHD mode is approved for Tier-2 UHD Broadcast (when UHD broadcast comes in the future). Despite Codec bit rate, DR and noise performance exceeding Tier-1 UHD requirements, 10bit bit-depth and interchangeable lenses limit it to Tier-2 acquisition.

9 -UHD downsampled is also approved for Tier-1 HDTV acquisition. 


*The review points out all the flaws and is very objective.


I wish all reviews were done by the EBU.



*A tweaked version of the XC10 can be a bomb if they want. Especially if they shake the cost a bit below 2000$




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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

Not true.

Some will accept low acquisition standard, and many will not accept it for HD TV material. 

And, more importantly, it's being hired by broadcasters to produce something rather than selling something produced is the main financial factor in buying a broadcast approved camera system. But selling is still a major factor.

Some large-chip approved cameras are







Note, while any DSLR, a 200$ 1100D can record 50mbps 4:2:2 using an external recorder, aside from the 1DC is 4K, ALL DSLRs are strictly disapproved for HDTV acquisition, due to other image quality factors (plus some stubbornness from broadcasters/EBU) trust me I tried DSLRs (5D), get a resounding NO. 

Strangely on the other hand,

Some large-chip internal 35mbps 4:2:0 camcorders that are 100% approved when using an external recorder are

-C100, C100 MKII




I believe It's just something working videographers must be aware of and is included in their camera buying decisions.

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Oh I don't know, several broadcasters are now on board with my doc which began shooting on an EX1 and a 5Dm2.

But for sure they probably would like it to have been shot on something better. But if it had, I would not have the film that I do. Everything is a trade off.

Darwin's Nightmare was shot on a Sony PD100. It was broadcast around the world by all the big broadcasters.

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Canon seems to be aiming at this specific target, sending them units, and in the recent interview with Maedyia Canon executive he stated ''I see it for news applications, period''


It's a specific camera for a specific market.  Obviously if you own a business and are producing content for the big boys you are going to buy something that will sail past the QC trolls.  Shooting as a hobbyist is one thing.  Running a business is another.  I buy what works for work.  I don't go in and fight ideological battles.


Note, while any DSLR, a 200$ 1100D can record 50mbps 4:2:2 using an external recorder, aside from the 1DC is 4K, ALL DSLRs are strictly disapproved for HDTV acquisition, due to other image quality factors (plus some stubbornness from broadcasters/EBU) trust me I tried DSLRs (5D), get a resounding NO. 

Strangely on the other hand,

Some large-chip internal 35mbps 4:2:0 camcorders that are 100% approved when using an external recorder are



There's that camera again.  Lol.

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