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Nikon users about to get raw via their version of Magic Lantern?


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I haven't really been following this, but it seems like they're getting somewhere, but I had a hard time finding any quality videos showing their progress. It seems like it's still a ways away until it's stable continuous raw video. 

Unless I missed something?

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I have been kinda folowig this and it seem like a one man operation...it might take a long long time if ever for this to be somewhat reliable. And he is working only on d5100, so it's not just getting it right there and they just enabling the same thing on other nikons. But othervise, the guy is a champ either he gets it working or not. If he does I will gladly buy my first nikon camera :)

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

They're so far and 1000x less capable vs Magic Lantern team. I wouldn't give this more than a 10% chance of being fully usable as ML. 

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Oh lol, I'm glad they don't read this bullshit.


For you non-developers here: It's a whole different world to work with something like Canon Firmware & Magic Lantern where you actually have a nice code environment with a higher level programming language like C on ARM instruction sets vs working with Nikon firmware where there's no such development environment publicly available - and you must patch hacks in binary.

Nikonhacker project's slow progress isn't due to the developers being bad at development (I believe some members of Magic Lantern project are also contributing to Nikonhacker project ). Nikonhacker work on proprietary custom hardware that isn't as common & well documented as ARM - and have no proper higher level development environment. It doesn't matter how good of a developer you are and how much experience you have - something with less documentation (or as in this case, no public documentation at all) and without a proper development environment will always take longer to work with.

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They've been doing really well so far. It was cool when we've gotten 60Mbps h.264. They are the reason why I didn't sell my D5100 and D5200. Bought the NX1 6 months ago though,  but I still use them as B and C cameras. Raw would be awesome!!!

Long live Nikon Hacker and ML!!!

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

Jesus, I am not insulting the Nikon hacker or saying ''Bull-shit'',  just facts.

It doesn't mean they're ''bad'' or less experienced, it just means Nikon cameras are much harder to get into versus Canon DSLRs, PLUS the actual amount/number of people working on the hack project vs ML PLUS the amount of funding and publicity invested into ML. The period of time they have been working : achievement ratio is practically nothing vs Magic Lantern with Canon DSLRs. Because of the previous reasons not because they're bad or deserve insulting. 

The power to Nikon hackers, I own and use Nikon DSLRs and any hack they achieve is my win. But, call me when they implement a single ML-rivaling feature,  not to mention raw recording. I am not counting on it. I give it at most 10% chance of success in recording usable raw. 

Good luck with that..


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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

So far your only counter argument is ''bullshit and blablabla'',

Show us how they're not and prove me wrong. Compare their capability of achievement.



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