Hello to everyone, and I hope you’re looking forward to having a good break over Christmas and are ready to welcome in 2022. Talking of holidays – I have been having a break from EOSHD for a few months. I went and sat on a hill and finally had time to reflect on my work which is this blog and the community around it. The last video had a lot of support, it’s made me really appreciate what I have in a more positive light. I’m mega appreciative of the people who took the time to say how EOSHD has helped them over the years and that they want it to continue.
So that’s what we’ll do! EOSHD is back.
I never lost my interest in cameras, writing, cinematography and photography. It’s been 11 years working on EOSHD and sometimes you just get tired of social media and being plonked in front of a screen all the time! I would love EOSHD to be like it was in the Panasonic GH2 days. The regular news and interviews. Based in Berlin. Music videos and cinematography pieces by me! The anamorphic guides. This was EOSHD at its best. However challenging and strange these times are I would like to work hard again to return EOSHD to a more positive place again.
At the peak in 2015 EOSHD was read by over half a million camera nerd each and every month – more at busy times like NAB! If EOSHD and the forum is not to disappear into oblivion and take me with it, I must shoot again. However small to get back into it. Cameras just sitting around gathering dust does not interest me. So I am going to pick up that lens I love, and that camera that interests me and find something to shoot in Berlin.
It’s only by doing it do you maintain interest.
It doesn’t have to always be with fancy new gear.
I took this shot of the Ferrari with a Canon G10 I found for about 50 euros in Barcelona.
What EOSHD will continue to focus on is creativity above the need to spend megabucks on the latest $6000 cameras.
We have a lot of new technology to look forward to, but the prices of interesting cameras for filmmaking are rocketing up.
What I’m hoping for is some action around the $2000 mark.
The Panasonic GH6 is a few short months away. There’s also the Fuji X-H2 to look forward to hopefully for under $2000 and perhaps more affordable GFX medium format cameras that shoot 10bit 4K to at least the standard of the GFX 100 for less than $3000. The days of the latest GH camera costing $1200 are long over though.
There’s the Nikon Z9 with internal ProRes and RAW which can finally raise the bar on mirrorless camera codecs. The crazy arms race of the big two – Canon v Sony – will be interesting to witness, albeit stunningly expensive because of the current focus on very high-end professional tools.
I’d argue the lenses are shooting format are much more important… for example anamorphic.
ABOVE: My treasured LOMO Anamorphic BAC 35mm T2 in Berlin.
This is a strange and difficult transition period the camera industry is in right now, but long term it isn’t just going to fade away and neither is EOSHD.
The wider camera industry and gear community needs strong voices and forums. It needs eccentric outsiders and outspoken opinions. I will miss the one created by the late Geoff Boyle of the Cinematography Mailing List. Rest in Peace Geoff. He was a valued teacher and mentor to so many cinematographers and film people.
More guys like him the better, and the less of the silver hair click weasel the better.
I’ve realised there is nothing else I’d rather be doing instead for a career than picking up a camera and writing about it. I have been extremely lucky to have a voice in the camera industry and an artistic eye behind a camera.
This blog and forum we’ve created at EOSHD.com… Proud of it. No advertising, no shills, just creative people helping each other with cameras.
Your support sticks in my nugget for a long time. The messages on that last YouTube video and to me directly, it’s to EOSHD what the buoyancy of the ocean is to a ship. From the depths of my heart, from the shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean… thank you.
A very Merry Christmas from EOSHD!