A new baby has been born!
Magic Lantern progress update
First half-DNG is out! 1080p30 is read out as 2256 x 1266?https://t.co/hbOWJNdIfl
— Magic Lantern (@autoexec_bin) September 13, 2018
Magic Lantern development continues apace on the 5D Mark IV.
Now we have the first (half) RAW video frame from the camera in DNG format!
Only half the frame is valid at the moment. According to A1ex, the Canon code is serving dual pixel raw (with depth data). This data is smaller than what’s required for a final image. The next step is to find out how to set the output size and what to patch. In order words, what is going on under the hood in this mysterious, stubborn camera 🙂
Although the frame came from 1080/30p mode on the sensor and not (yet) 4K, the actual read out size appears to be 2256 x 1266 pixels and fine detail seems really clean and nicely sharp. As sharp as that Swiss army knife!!
A word of caution. The nightly-build development version A1ex and the testers are working on only works with firmware version 1.0.4 at the moment. It will be working on the latest 1.1.2 in the future but the port hasn’t yet started. You can only test the 5D Mark IV nightly-build on the 1.0.4 cameras. If you want to test in order to help with development (at your own risk and no warranty from Canon of course), don’t update to the latest firmware just yet if you haven’t already. Don’t get the official Canon C-LOG installed either as it is hard (impossible even?) to roll-back to the older firmware and you’d lose Canon LOG as far as I believe? Hopefully it won’t be too long to wait for the 1.1.2 port though.
This is the first time I’ve ever seriously thought about buying a 5D Mark IV! Anyone have any for sale?!
This reminds me very much of the first DNGs from the 5D Mark III which came out corrupt at first but then the important discoveries were made and out came the final, fixed images. Glorious images. Just for fun, here is the EOSHD article from April 26th 2013 from the very early Magic Lantern RAW recording module and by May, Magic Lantern had given us fully functional 1080p RAW video recording (See my post from the EOSHD archives here).
These were wonderful, memorable times. I wish A1ex and the team all the best to repeat their success with the 5D Mark IV and EOS R!