Converge is just a few days away now.
They have just posted an interview with Philip Bloom at the Converge website, and if you’re in the UK use the box in the right hand column to order your ticket. The event is in London at the BFI on the South Bank. March 1st (Tuesday) has all the talks and screenings, then March 2nd (Wednesday) is the workshop day.
In the interview Phillip Bloom says DSLRs are here to stay, “This price point, this form factor, this image quality is just too damn sexy to disappear”. I can’t help but agree. They are not going to be replaced with Sony F3s. At least not until the F3 costs $1000 and is the size of a loaf of bread.
We have just begun to scratch the surface and DSLR video has yet to go mainstream. It remains a niche but it will grow 10,000% in the next few years and become a huge phenomena. Wait and see!
I will be there, particularly looking forward to meeting everyone at Converge.