Browsing: dslr
UPDATE: I have been in touch with Technicolor and they have clarified “The Technicolor CineStyle profile is going to built into current and future EOS DSLR cameras. We’re going to showcase the new log profile at NAB in the Canon space on a 5D Mark II.” Also it is a downloadable profile not a firmware update. Canon and Technicolor have announced a new feature especially for video shooters: the CineStyle…
[vimeo]18280328[/vimeo] My articles on camera gear get more hits than the ones on creative filmmaking. Creativity is a very personal and subjective thing. It’s easier for people to quantify gear, to quantify what makes a great image and what doesn’t…
Is the FS100 (and F3 even more so) worth such a lot of money now DSLRs are in the game? EOSHD believes that for some people, yes they are. But the elephant in the room is that they produce the same end result for the audience, the same product. This is going to be quite a controversial article so please bear in mind the disclaimer that whether any camera is…
Who can be bothered with ND filters? The attraction of a DSLR video is that you don’t need a crew of 10 and a crane to shoot stunning movies with one – it’s all about unburdening ourselves from carrying around tons of gear.
I am very impressed with the Sony FS100. The DSLRs have had their first proper kick up the arse today, and they deserve it. Not since the 5D Mark II was released at the end of 2008 have we had any meaningful steps forward.
Andrew Pegram is my friend here in Berlin, an audio producer, musician and recording artist. He’s currently working on a album of electronic music and likes to put the life back into ‘perfect’ digital audio.
[vimeo]20347579[/vimeo] I have recently had some criticism that my reviews were going a bit high end end, what with Letus rigs, DitoGear sliders and SmallHD monitors. Well I have decided to address that and review some more affordable options for the no budget filmmaker.