So for the past few days I’ve been using the CM1 as my main phone and have forced myself to get used to Android. I have to say that the charms are starting to grow on me, the frustrations from earlier have thawed and I’m starting to have a lot more fun with it. I still don’t think it’s as good a smartphone as the iPhone and the camera isn’t as…
Browsing: panasonic
If Canon announced that they were withdrawing from the enthusiast stills camera market, you’d be surprised. It’s a pretty big market. But withdraw from the enthusiast video market they almost certainly have at the moment, whether they meant to do or not.
Although I found the CM1 mediocre as a 900 Euro smartphone compared to other high end smartphones like the OnePlus One and iPhone 6 Plus, I’ll approach the CM1 purely as a compact camera that you can make calls on. This review has the focus on image quality and camera features. How does it perform?
The Panasonic FZ1000 is a bridge camera, but is it a bridge that actually leads anywhere? Read my FZ1000 review to find out…
[vimeo][/vimeo] Song ‘Her’ from the EP collection ‘The Mud Here Has Memories’ by Bunny Suit. Copyright owned by Universal Music Publishing. Filmed by Andrew Reid.  Featuring guest vocals from Aurora Aksnes. Poster frame shows close-up resolving power of the LX100 at 11mm F1.7 in 4K mode. The first retro-styled camera from Panasonic is the first ever compact to shoot 4K video from a large sensor. The first compact that I would call “exceptional” in almost every respect.
New firmware for the Panasonic adds higher vertical resolutions in various aspect ratios, making further use of the camera’s 4K video ability. For photographers also a brand new in-camera workflow is now available to extract high resolution stills from “4K Photo Mode”. For 4K video, resolution increases from 2160 lines in 16:9 for standard 4K to 2336 lines in 3:2, 2496 lines in 4:3 and an enormous 2880 lines in 1:1. By comparison…
[vimeo][/vimeo] For those who find video very lacking on small cameras especially the Fuji X100S and X100T, Panasonic now have a high end retro-styled compact with 4K video. The sensor and EVF come from the GX7, which in turn is quite close to the GH4 in performance terms. We are talking a gigantic sensor here for a compact, larger even than the 1″ sensor of the Sony RX100 M3. As well…
The Panasonic LX100 is an engineering marvel. Along with the Apple Watch this has been the most impressive feat of miniaturisation of 2014 so far. To take both of these products travelling would be extremely liberating relative to taking a clunky DSLR and a standard smartphone. If the application of the technology is impressive, wait to you see what is being applied. The specs are outstanding for a camera of…