Sony released a new video camera today but it seems to have confused a lot of people. It isn’t a future consumer camera. It is a low end ENG camera for shoulder mounted video work. It isn’t a cheap FS100. It is a NEX 5N in an ENG body with XLR inputs. (Similarly the VG20 is a NEX 5N in a high end consumer camcorder body) Instead this is practical…
Browsing: super 35
“A strip of photochemistry that can be held, twisted, folded, looked at with the naked eye, or projected on to a surface for others to see. It has a scent and it is imperfect. Today, its years are numbered, but I will remain loyal to this analogue artform until the last lab closes.” – Steven Spielberg Like Spielberg the wonderful Kodak recently decided not to replace their film stocks with digital and…
UPDATE – will Sony keep the box form factor? They have done it before with the Sony HDC-P1. Sony have announced a $7k AVCHD camera with 24p and 35mm sensor. Aimed squarely at the AF100 and Red Scarlet, the boxy looking prototype gives little a way right now but I’m gathering more info as the story unfolds.